
Chapter 1: Meeting him

I hurried into the school, not wanting to be late. I climbed the stairs as I sighted my class, Samuel was already sweeping,then I noticed him. A guy resting on the window looking in . He turned to me, are you the class captain? I was about to reply when he lashed at me.

" Why isn't your class swept yet? You should be earlier than this and where's the basket?

I was annoyed but he was my senior after all so I kept mute.

I dispatched the students to their places and cleaned the class. Who the hell was he huh?

The bell was rang and he left. I went in, dropped my bag and cleaned my chair. He just ruined my mood.

The class commenced as the teacher came in.

Hey, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Ojo Olayinka. Twelve years old in senior one and the assistant class captain. Not much friends. I am not a social person. An introvert and the first child but hey you will to know me as time goes on and how my story turned out . An emotional rollercoaster and how I let go of him ....
