
My Father's Mistress (No one can take my place)

Have you lost your mind? why are you doing this?This is out of the equation Annabelle ,you know that I have always love and adore you but is this how you're paying me back? Everyone knows that you only care about yourself and your benefits ,you lured My Dad just for your so called revenge ,what then happen to forgiving and forgetting you selfish woman, Anna said to her. You are evil,so....so evil that you even went to the extent of using your daughter as a bit ,how do you expect me to behave. Talking about equation,you thought that am really mad that I have nuts sorry but this is your end dear lovely step-Mother . When she was about to shoot her a voice said "why don't I do the deed for you than dirting your hands with her stinking blood darling. ............ All the people in the room were puzzled ,how can you still be in the lion's den and still be so calm. What benefit will I get if I cooperate with you ?she asked . Don't Tell me that what you need is a bed warmer because I don't deal with shits. Your mind runs wild Annabelle dear but am not like that I can get girls pretty and much more beautiful than you so let me land first. He said in a husky voice. For unknown reason she felt different when he called her name which she haven't felt since she was born but then how can he say that he can have girls more pretty than her what then do he want(author: you're misinterpreting dear),but I won't let my guard down she said to her self. What about a contract love ,how does it sound ? you can get all the benefits but I only ask for one thing.... be by my side he completed in his mind.

Emmanuel_Ogbonna · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Certain Things.

When she arrived home, she couldn't help but think back to what Leon said to her, maybe it's time to spy on that brat .

 When she couldn't take it anymore she decided to call her and know what she was up to . Grabbing her phone she dialed her number when she picked up she heaved a sigh of relief at least she answered.

 Annabelle how are you doing ,where are you right now? she asked like a caring mother.

 Mom am quite surprised when I picked up my phone and noticed it was you who is calling and am fine ,how are you guys doing over there ,Anna answered and played along with her.

 Cut the chase already, where are you and what have you been doing this past few days you left the house.

 Mom why are you enraged , you didn't even answer my greetings and you're asking what I have been up to ,am at my friend's house and I have been up to nothing.

 Look Annabelle you better stay as discreet as you can because if I ever come to know that you did something then you're out.

 Don't let the Media people see you or else- 

 Mrs. Adams have you forgotten that together with your daughter you threw me out of the house and still you want to control me and my affairs, I don't want to or know why you're telling me to stay away from the Media but am not as petty as you, alright?

 I don't know who gave you the right to call me names but- 

 I hate it when people threaten my life Mom so you better be careful because am not that girl you think I am ,by the way I have an appointment with some people so send my greetings to other one's there, Anna said and cut the call.

 She recollected immediately when she had the beeping sound of the phone , things are now getting out of hand and I need to do something before she is out of my cluches and do something really bad ,she muttered to herself.


Stella's apartment.

 She spent the night at Stella's place and by evening the next day everything concerning her place will be done then she can simply move over.

 She has always hate attaching to people even when she's desperately in need of something but Stella seems to like it but still she knows the girl needs some privacy .

 She was still thinking about her predicament when her phone buzzed ,she saw it was her step- Mom and after the talk with her she don't need to be told twice that something happened or she's up to something .She quickly dialed Damon's number and when the fellow picked it up she exchange some greetings with him before saying to him "Damon I would like you to check out what happened few days ago with my step-mom and where she had gone to within these few days .

 Don't worry I will get it done as soon as possible ,rest assured cause it's won't take long. After hearing his assurance she hang up and just then she heard a knock on the door.


Knock knock! Anna are you in ? Stella asked.

Anna stood up from the bed and approach the door ,she opened the door wide enough for her to enter but she just stood rooted in her position.

 Oh I just come to tell you that food is ready and you should come and eat and also about your appointment with the servants at your house or have you forgotten about it?

 Thanks for the reminder, I will be there very soon so just go ahead and eat don't worry about me let me just freshen up.

 Alright see you later in the day because as you can see am going to the hospital and I will be back by evening.

I thought that you will accompany to my place , what's with the change of plan Stella she said with a pout.

 Look sweetheart don't ever keep your guest waiting so hurry and don't worry I will visit and probably stay over in your house,now am running late for work so bye bye, she said and left in a hurry.

 Looks like I have to go myself , she muttered to herself.

Surprisely she prepared her favourite and even dropped some cash for her with a letter on it .

Lovely friend.

I know that you won't be able to take the money if I give it directly to you so I chose this method ,I know it's too small but take it as your transport bill than callingDrew and Ray to come and pick you up which will probably take long so please take it and I also arranged a few clothes for you ,they are in my room so make sure you look your best as you go out .

Stay Safe Dear.

As expected from her she's always the best now she have to take everything she gave her and pay her back someday.

Some minutes later. 

Maybe I can go with way I want it but seeing her having this faith for me to change I have go with her plan,ahh...she muttered to herself.

 Anna entered into the room and surprisingly she prepared just what she wanted. A black skirt that stopped on her knees, black boots that also reached her knees and a black leather jacket with a black top to fit .

 Wow!I didn't expect her to remember what my taste was,she smiled to herself , picking up the clothes she left the room to prepare herself.

 After freshing up and putting on her clothes she went to the kitchen and came back later packing the food with her.

 When she walked out ,a few people turned to look at her , that's why I hate dressing up,she muttered under her breathe.

Stopping a taxi she entered into it and it drove away, when she arrived at the mansion she saw people gathered Infront of the gate ,she paid the taxi and came down.

The people's attention was turned to her immediately she got off but without sparing them a look turned and unlocked the huge gate with the password Sam helped her with. 

 She walked in but people made no attempt in following her.

You don't have to be anxious people,just follow me and I will cause no harm,she said and smiled at the people who followed her in into the house that was like an estate.

 When they arrived in the mansion,one of the people asked "miss please don't get me wrong but are we here for a stroll or to get a better job?

Well , what's your name sir? He didn't know that the woman who seemed quite intimidating to ask such question and in a tone that showed respect for the elderly.

 Am Eric miss,he answered .So are you perhaps the Butler in the mansion or an assistant ?She asked not because she just want to interrogate him but to be the only one who spoke from the crowd it looks like he's quite confident than she thought.

I am ma ,I served as the Butler here ma ,he answered.Under Mr Gilbert,am I right? Yes you are miss but due to some case we switched over .

So the reason for calling you guys here is that am the new owner of the mansion and I would need some help in a few things and other stuff which is looking after the entire place ,so are you willing to do it ?

 I am but you know that other people has there opinion not just I ,so please you can ask others. The other people agreed with him immediately.

 So since you guys have already decided ,you can go the post you were in before or if wish to change post sure people but I hate people who are lazy.

We are efficient miss so don't you worry spoke one with curl brown hair.

 Okay for now I would like you all to move the furnitures to the servant house both the beds, take your time for I would be back tomorrow.

 The people noded ,she walked towards the entrance followed by the Butler who seem to want to know something.

 Seeing the Butler following her ,she came to a hult.Am Annabelle by the way Eric ,you don't have to be so anxious you will get to know me better later so please work and rest but don't move the things in the kitchen just the furniture's in the rooms .

Miss Annabelle ,about moving things to the servants houses ,we can get our thingshere so you don't have to worry yourself about it.

 Just do like I said Eric and every other things we will see to it later.Okay Miss have a nice day he said bowing his head ,"you too Eric,she said and walked away towards the gate.

 When she walked out of the gate ,she noticed the taxi who dropped her was still there,so she walked towards it. 

Emm...miss you dropped this ,the taxi driver handed her a bag with a flask inside. Thanks for this I appreciate but please can you drop me at the "Forever Young".

Miss? Is it the store or company you would like me to drop you off. After a few minutes she said "drop me at the company".

Although she isn't familiar with the company atleast she can call Rose to come pick her up at the waiting room, she sighed.

Forever Young Company.

Either you go to Maria or you leave it ,Rose said to the woman with heavy make-up on her face.

You know more about my skin Miss Rose, whythen directing me to your assistant?

You said it yourself that I know your skin better but have you forgotten that my assistant was there when you came the last time so please save yourself some time and energy, she said spinning the chair she sat on.

Hmph! You will get it from me later,she said and walked out of the office. She smiled at her word, if not for the patience she has ,she would have given her some fruit karate.

Ring... ring..she picked up the phone and saw that it was Anna calling,she answered.

Rose com pick me up at the entrance of the company, okay I will be there shortly, she hung up.

When she arrived at the entrance she looked around before going in but the receptionist refused to let her in without any appointment and was even glaring at her, she had no choice than to call rose who came down using the elevator.

Oh! Darling you're here, so pleased to see you, let's go to my office,she said dragging Anna with her but then stopped and said to the receptionist "whenever she comes here , don't stop her with or without an appointment".

Okay Miss Rose.

Anna: " 

In the office.

Anna sat down opening the flask with her. What are you doing today?she asked Rose who has also sat down.

Well I just finished with a client and need some rest, she responded .

Come join me ,she said to her .No... no enjoy yourself dear .

She picked up the telephone and dialed Maria's number. Come to my office ,she said.

After a few minutes she arrived with severe files in her hands.

Good morning ma , she greeted Anna. Giving her a nod she stared at the girl who tired her hair in a ponytail .

Miss you called ,she said to Rose who didn't even look up from her phone. Emm... Maria please is there anything important on my schedule ?she asked.

Anna chuckled at the girl who looked like she was being drained of her strength.

Miss, you have appointment with Miss Dora by 3pm and a date by 6pm,she said to her.

 Who set the date this time around? She asked her her voice carrying a hint of anger in it. 

It's your mother ma ,backed up with your father she answered suppressing her laughter, the young Lady look so cute when angry. Being the only princess in the family of five, two brothers,mother and father plus her.

With whom if I may ask , miss, with Mr Glad ,the son of Hunter the chairman of Zhang Han group and Mr Wilson said that if you don't go he will shut down the company.

 Chinese , what a name ,Hunter , seems like I have to go hunting with him for some time ,she muttered but enough for both people to hear.

The two couldn't stay still any more and laughed out . Rose stared at the two people who were laughing .

She stood up and dismissed her assistant and walked towards Anna.I don't think am going to go on that date,she said.