
My Divine Ascension Diary

After an accident, Su Hao gains the ability to reincarnate infinitely. However, he faces a peculiar problem: in each reincarnation, he cannot live past the age of five. Determined to overcome this limitation, Su Hao sets his first goal to reach adulthood. Amidst millions of reincarnations, he accumulates vast knowledge and finally discovers a path to becoming a god. "My Divine Diary" follows the journey of a mortal towards divinity, exploring themes of reincarnation, cultivation, adventures, and the quest for ultimate power in a fantasy world filled with mythical creatures and elemental magic.

MythicWeaver · Fantasía
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133 Chs

Obtain the Strength

"Yashan said, "I want revenge. I want to kill that bone man! But I can't do it... Master Wei, please help me..."

Su Hao immediately said, "I can't help you, and I may not be a match for that bone man. Don't think about going to your death, live well, and take good care of your daughter! Without your protection, it will be difficult for her to grow up smoothly."

Yashan suppressed his emotions and said, "I know, Master Wei, I know, but my heart is full of hatred right now. I want him to taste the feeling of losing everything! I want to kill him, otherwise, I can't face Tenny or myself... After I kill him..."

Seeing Su Hao not replying, Yashan choked up and said, "Master Wei, I'll do anything, as long as I can kill the bone man, I'll do anything for you! Please, help me, I really can't do it on my own..."

Su Hao thought for a long time. In this world, Yashan was the only somewhat familiar person to him, but that was all. How could he risk his life to help him?

However, looking at Yashan's armored body, his mind suddenly became active, thinking of many things.

After a while, Su Hao said slowly, "It's not impossible to kill that bone man."

The desperate Yashan suddenly raised his head, looking eagerly at Su Hao.

Su Hao continued, "I can help you gain the power to kill the bone man, but..."

Yashan said anxiously, "But what?"

Su Hao held up three fingers and said, "But, you need to wait two years, at least two years, before going to kill him."

Yashan was overwhelmed with joy. No matter how long he had to wait, as long as the bone man would die, he could wait.

Compared to having no hope of revenge at all, this result was a thousand times better!

Su Hao continued, "There are conditions! Don't think that my help is taken for granted."

"First, be my assistant for five years, always available when called."

"Second, you cannot disclose anything you obtain from me to any third party, including your daughter Tenny."

"Third, I won't help you for no reason. You must prove your value and help me with something in five years. What it is will be told in five years."

Yashan immediately replied, "Okay!"


When [Thread Demon] Shick burst into Ann's office, flames were already slowly spreading to the envelope along the thin thread. Just a few seconds later, the envelope would have been consumed by the fire.

Shick raised his hand, and an invisible thin thread shot out, wrapping around the envelope, pulling it back into his hand. He extinguished the flames with a wave and opened the letter.

"Dear Leader Shick, congratulations on catching up. The flesh and blood of the Level 5 [Controller King] you wanted is already in your home. No need to thank me, it's my duty. By the way, I regret to inform you of some bad news. The flesh and blood in your home is only half of it, not enough for you to advance. The other half was taken by the [Night Demon] who appeared in the city half a year ago. There's nothing I can do. If you really want to advance, you'll need to find the [Night Demon]. Thanks again for your help!"

"Damn it!" The Thread Demon tore the letter to shreds in fury.

"Ah!!!" He vented wildly, and the three-story building was instantly sliced into pieces, collapsing with a crash.

And Ann, the person he wished to tear apart, had already arrived outside the south of the city, reuniting with his Six Star group members.

The Level 2 mutant [Rambler] Fred of the [Extended Armor] sequence had successfully advanced to a Level 3 mutant [Retaliation Beast], gaining the abilities 'Damage Rebound' and 'Flying Needle'.

And the Level 2 mutant [Entwiner] Shari of the [Thread Spitter] sequence had also successfully advanced to a Level 3 mutant [Cutting Beast], gaining the abilities 'Sharp Line' and 'Piercing Line'.

Ann did not immediately consume the flesh and blood in his hand but instead gathered everyone and asked, "I am about to leave this city, what are your choices?" The [Retaliation Beast] Fred immediately said, "Leader, I'll go with you."

Shari said, "I'll come to find you after I kill that bitch Charlotte."

The other two expressed their willingness to follow Ann.

Ann nodded, turned, and walked into the darkness, "Then let's go!"

Except for Shari, the others all followed Ann.


Yashan's home was destroyed, so Su Hao let Yashan stay by his side as a household servant.

But his courtyard was a bit small.

So they moved to a larger house. As for funds, Yashan had some savings from working as a cleaner for years, and Su Hao borrowed it without any pressure.

After checking Tenny's injuries, Su Hao turned to the eager Yashan and said, "Don't worry, she'll be jumping around in no time."

Yashan was initially happy, then showed a sad expression. Tenny had not woken up yet. He didn't know how to tell her that her mother and brother were dead when she woke up.

Su Hao walked out of the door and said to Yashan behind him, "Yashan, come with me. Before helping you gain power, let's confirm some things."

Upon hearing this, Yashan put away his sadness and followed Su Hao to the courtyard.

Since the death of his wife and son, his heart had become much colder. He used to be like a big kid who loved to chase the elusive [God], but now he had suddenly become a truly mature man.

However, the price of this transformation was enormous.

Su Hao pulled out a gleaming knife from somewhere, making Yashan's spine shiver with a sense of foreboding.

Even a mature man couldn't face a knife without a change in expression.

Su Hao smiled and said, "Don't worry, just taking a small sample."

Yashan nodded silently.

Su Hao said, "Yashan, transform into [Rambler]."

"Okay, Master Wei!" Yashan nodded, stripped to his shorts, and his body quickly grew taller, his skin turned black and hard, finally shining with a dark luster, like a beetle's shell, looking very tough. His body also grew two circles larger, and in a few seconds, he was covered with a thick layer of armor from head to toe.

Yashan's appearance was no longer recognizable.

Every time he saw such a transformation, Su Hao was deeply shocked, it was simply incredible.

"During transformation, blood energy is being consumed in large quantities." Su Hao sensed Yashan's current state through his radar and made some guesses.

Maybe, blood energy is the energy source that activates the genes for transformation, which means, blood energy is likely the energy the vermilion reaper mentioned.

However, this guess needs to be proven through experiments.

Before that, Su Hao needed to conduct a small experiment.

Su Hao lightly tapped Yashan's armor with the back of the knife, making a 'dang dang' sound, and asked, "Yashan, can you control the shape of the armor?"

Yashan shook his head and said, "No, it is what it is when it comes out."

Su Hao nodded and asked, "If the armor is detached from your body, will it disappear?"

Based on the previous battle with the [Bone Demon], Su Hao found that the bone spurs generated by the Bone Demon would gradually crumble and disappear shortly after. As a [Rambler] in the same sequence, Yashan might have the same characteristic.

Yashan shook his head and said, "I haven't tried it, I don't know."

Su Hao swung the knife in his hand and smiled, "Come on, let's try and find out."

Next, with Yashan's extreme cooperation, Su Hao successfully removed a piece of armor from Yashan's body and left it for a period.

After confirming that the armor would not disappear, Su Hao began to test the characteristics of the armor.

According to Su Hao's idea, the reason why golden thread worms could become the key to solidifying runes in his previous life was because of their life characteristics and their better blood energy conductivity compared to other materials.

So, would Yashan's armor, which transformed from his body, also have biological characteristics and good blood energy conductivity?

To Su Hao's delight, Yashan's armor indeed had excellent blood energy conductivity and could completely replace the role of golden thread worms.

This made him very interested in this armor. In his previous life, he had captured many creatures with armor, trying to carve runes on them, but without exception, they all failed. The reason was that the armor of these creatures had essentially transformed and no longer had good blood energy conductivity.

But Yashan's armor was different. Yashan's skin turned into armor, which was a special substance between flesh and biological armor. It looked like armor but was essentially still flesh. As long as Yashan was willing to spend blood energy, it could turn back into skin and flesh.

Then Su Hao's gaze at Yashan changed, as if looking at an inexhaustible supply of golden thread worms.

Su Hao became very friendly towards Yashan, took Yashan's hand, and said, "Yashan, come, I'll teach you how to gain power now!"

Yashan was overjoyed.

What did Yashan's armor with good blood energy conductivity mean to Su Hao?

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