
My Divine Ascension Diary

After an accident, Su Hao gains the ability to reincarnate infinitely. However, he faces a peculiar problem: in each reincarnation, he cannot live past the age of five. Determined to overcome this limitation, Su Hao sets his first goal to reach adulthood. Amidst millions of reincarnations, he accumulates vast knowledge and finally discovers a path to becoming a god. "My Divine Diary" follows the journey of a mortal towards divinity, exploring themes of reincarnation, cultivation, adventures, and the quest for ultimate power in a fantasy world filled with mythical creatures and elemental magic.

MythicWeaver · Fantasy
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137 Chs

I Want Revenge

"At this moment, Shick, the Thread Demon inside the cocoon, spoke up, his voice sharp and powerful: "An, the Speed Demon has helped you solve it. Did you bring what I asked for?"

An picked up a large piece of meat belonging to the Speed Demon from the ground, looked up at Shick, and smiled faintly: "Sorry, esteemed leader Shick, what you asked for is not with me!"

Shick's voice immediately turned cold: "Are you playing tricks on me?"

An quickly shook his head and said: "No, no! How could I joke with you? I'm just being cautious. How could I carry something so important with me? Don't worry, I placed it in a safe place. You just need to follow my instructions to retrieve it!"

Shick's anger rose, about to erupt, but An seemed to remember something and said with a face full of concern for Shick: "I put the item on the desk in the second-floor office of our Six-Star Team's base. You should know where that is. Three days ago, I quietly sent someone to inform you of the location.

Oh, right, leader Shick, I almost forgot to tell you, there isn't much time left. I rushed out and seem to have knocked over an oil lamp. The fire might be spreading fast, so I advise you to go quickly and retrieve the item. If you're late, there's nothing I can do."

As An spoke, he vanished from everyone's sight.

"Damned!" Shick roared and immediately left the cocoon, rushing towards the Six-Star Team's base.

Only the Bone Demon remained, standing bewildered: "What's going on? We're not fighting anymore? I wasn't done yet!"

After taking one last look at the piece of meat on the ground, he quickly picked it up and left as well.

After everyone had left, Su Hao looked at the bloody piece of meat in his hand, a smirk forming on his lips: "Tonight's harvest is plentiful!"

The sudden chaos in the city was indeed premeditated. The mastermind behind this chaos, the tall, thin man who could turn invisible, named An, was the biggest suspect.

Moreover, such a person who plays everything in the palm of his hand is the most dangerous.

In the future, if encountered again, Su Hao decided to eliminate him without hesitation.

Su Hao had already recorded the blood energy information of the other party. As long as he appeared within Su Hao's radar range again, he could immediately detect him.

However, this matter should end here.

Su Hao quickly left the place, planning to go home and catch up on sleep. He was woken up suddenly and hadn't had enough sleep yet!

As he approached home, Su Hao sensed a familiar blood energy lingering anxiously near his house.

"Yashan? What is he doing here in the middle of the night?"

Su Hao hadn't given Yashan his exact address, only telling him that he lived on the outskirts of the west side of the city.

Whenever Yashan needed to find Su Hao, he only had to wander in the west of the city, and Su Hao would quickly locate him.

Su Hao sped up and suddenly appeared behind Yashan, calling out: "Yashan?"

At that moment, Yashan was carrying a woman on his back, holding a child in each arm. Both the woman and the two children were covered in blood, which had soaked through their clothes and was still dripping onto the ground.

Upon hearing Su Hao's voice, Yashan turned around immediately, his eyes bloodshot and filled with panic and unease. Seeing Su Hao, a look of joy spread across Yashan's face.

Yashan immediately shouted in a heart-wrenching voice: "Boss, Chief Wei, quick! Save my wife and children, please, Boss, you can do it, you can definitely do it..."

Su Hao was startled and, without speaking, immediately drew healing runes and approached to check the injuries of Yashan's wife and children.

Yashan's wife and son had already stopped breathing, and Su Hao could do nothing for them, but his daughter still had a faint pulse. If not treated in time, she would also die.

Yashan's daughter, named Tenny, was his youngest child. She had three penetrating wounds on her body: one under her ribs, one in her abdomen, and one on her thigh.

The wounds had avoided vital points, but she was now losing too much blood and was at risk of dying at any moment.

Su Hao immediately used healing runes to stop the bleeding, sealed six wounds, and then slightly adjusted the structure of the healing runes to stimulate body activity, promoting blood production, while nurturing Tenny's body and unblocking her blood circulation.

He managed to keep Tenny alive.

After a long while, Su Hao let out a sigh of relief and said: "Your daughter's life is temporarily saved."

"That's great!"

Yashan immediately pushed his son and wife's bodies in front of Su Hao, pleading: "Chief Wei, quick, save my wife and my son, please!"

Su Hao shook his head and said: "They are already dead, I can't save them."

Yashan picked up his wife and son, shaking them vigorously: "No, they can't be dead! They can't be dead! Chief Wei, please, save them!"

Su Hao remained silent.

Yashan suddenly knelt in front of Su Hao, prostrating himself on the ground, tears streaming down his face, crying uncontrollably: "Boss... please, Boss..."

Su Hao had seen many scenes of life and death and knew that nothing he said to Yashan at this moment would be of any use. He could only wait for Yashan to accept the reality himself.

However, putting himself in Yashan's shoes, if he saw his blood relatives killed in front of him and was powerless to stop it, he didn't know if he could bear such pressure, whether he would go mad, or think of self-destruction and frenzied revenge.

Su Hao sympathized deeply with Yashan; this was the helplessness of being powerless.

But what use was sympathy? Yashan's wife and son were already dead.

After a while, Yashan suddenly knelt in front of his wife and son, covering his face and crying. He kept slapping himself. After an unknown amount of time, he came to his daughter, staring at her pale, bloodless face and the rhythmic rise and fall of her chest.

A glimmer of color appeared in his despairing eyes.

He trembled as he reached out to touch Tenny's face but didn't dare. Finally, he pulled his hand back.

After a while, Yashan wiped the tears from his face, knelt in front of Su Hao, and prostrated himself on the ground, his voice gaining a bit of strength: "Chief Wei, thank you for saving my daughter Tenny. I have no way to repay you. From now on, I'll serve you at your command. Yashan, at your service anytime."

Su Hao looked quietly at Yashan, sighing: "Yashan, you were already my experimental subject. It was my duty!"

Yashan said: "No! As an experimental subject, you spared my life and helped me advance to a level two mutant, the Walker. Now you saved Tenny. I, Yashan, owe you."

To Su Hao, saving Tenny was just a simple effort, something done casually. But to Yashan, his only remaining daughter was undoubtedly his hope to continue striving to live.

The same event had different meanings for both of them.

Yashan couldn't imagine what he would do if his daughter also died. What would be the meaning of his life? Why would he continue to live?

Advancing to a high-level mutant and ultimately becoming a God? If his wife and children were gone, what use was becoming a God?

Su Hao looked at Yashan kneeling in front of him and slowly said: "Yashan, if you want to repay me, serve me for two years without pay."

Perhaps this way, Yashan would feel a bit better.

Yashan prostrated himself on the ground, tears uncontrollably streaming down again: "Thank you, Chief Wei... but, Chief Wei, I want revenge..."

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