
My Daemon System

In a mystical realm where humans are blessed with a unique connection to their inner selves, a wondrous fantasy world exists. Every individual is born with a Daemon, a magnificent creature believed to be the embodiment of their very soul. As they reach the age of maturity, the Daemon settles into a specific form, granting its human host a remarkable ability. However, amidst this extraordinary reality, there exists a young boy named Jacob who has faced a fate different from his peers. From the day of his birth, he was marked as different, for he was born without a Daemon. This peculiarity made him the target of relentless bullying and scorn from those who couldn't understand his absence. Enduring the constant torment, Jacob harbored a hidden strength, an indomitable spirit that refused to be crushed by the weight of his loneliness. One fateful day, as he found himself cornered once again by his tormentors, a wave of determination surged within him. No longer willing to be a victim, he unleashed an extraordinary ability, a power that surged through his veins. To his astonishment, he discovered that he possessed a system—a mysterious force guiding him through the trials and tribulations of his world. It presented him with quests, and challenges that tested his courage, resilience, and wit. Each quest completed bestowed upon him new skills and abilities, transforming him into a formidable force to be reckoned with. Jacob's journey took him across vast and enchanting landscapes, where he encountered strange creatures, forged unlikely alliances, and unraveled the secrets of his world. With every quest conquered, he grew stronger, both in body and in spirit, shedding the weight of his past suffering. Yet, as his powers expanded and his reputation grew, the system presented him with a quest that filled him with doubt and trepidation. "It is time for war". ----------------------------- Please guys check out my other book MMORPG: Virtual Rebirth. I promise you will love it.

JJ_Francis · Fantasía
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71 Chs

Chapter 20 No Free Time

"Wait you really don't know the meaning of 'Down-worlder', Ray replied.

"Yeah, I obviously don't know that's why I asked. "

"Down-Wolders are normal being like us at least few. Down-worlders are an intriguing and diverse group of beings that inhabit the realms beneath the surface of the known world, " Adam explained.

"They are the denizens of hidden realms, subterranean cities, and forgotten caverns, existing in parallel with the human world that we don't know about."

"Down-worlders come in a wide array of forms and species, each possessing unique characteristics and abilities. Among them are the werewolf, demons, vampires, witches, and more, they were said to be the results of an unholy bond between humans and demons," Ray added.

Oh, I see. So that's why I haven't heard of them? And all this time we were told they were just myths," Jacob lamented with a mix of surprise and disappointment.

Adam nodded solemnly in agreement. "Yes, unfortunately, it seems those myths were more than just tales. We now have a serious issue on our hands—a vampire preying on students. This situation has the potential to ignite a full-blown conflict between the Underworld and our school."

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Jacob took a deep breath. "You're right, Adam. But we should try to get some rest. Tomorrow will be a busy day for us, and we have a game to win."

With a sense of determination, they all resolved to put their worries aside for the moment and drifted back to sleep.


It's a new day, a Sunday they had no classes today so the students were free to do whatever they wanted.

Jacob and his friends woke up early, got dressed, and headed for the canteen to have their breakfast.

"What are we going to do with the money if we do win the game?" Ray.

"I've not really thought about that," Jacob responded.

"Neither have I, we will know what to do with it when the money comes," Adam added.

After finishing their breakfast, they eagerly made their way down to the game room. However, their excitement quickly faded as they spotted a towering, muscular man positioned at the entrance.

With a commanding presence, the man halted their progress and politely requested to see their student IDs. They promptly handed over their identification, uncertain about the reason for this unexpected check.

Upon inspecting the IDs, the man regretfully informed them that they would not be permitted entry into the game room.

"Why is that," Adam asked.

"All fresh students are kindly requested to proceed immediately to class DC12 in building C," the man responded with a firm tone.

"But today is Sunday, there shouldn't be any classes scheduled," Jacob interjected, voicing his confusion.

The muscular man, now wearing a hint of frustration on his face, apologized for the inconvenience and explained.

-"I understand your concern, but there seems to be an urgent matter that requires your presence. If you have any further issues, you can address them with the school board. However, for now, I'm afraid you must comply and leave." His words carried a note of sternness, underscoring the importance of their departure.

They left the game room and headed to the class just as they were told to.

"What is all this about?" Ray asked on their way.

"I don't know, I guess we will find out when we get there, I had today all planned out and they had to do this," Jacob replied in a furious tune.

After a few minutes of walking, they finally arrived at the classroom.

The classroom exuded an atmosphere buzzing with energy as approximately 100 students who occupied their seats. The vast expanse of the room accommodated rows upon rows of desks, neatly aligned in a symmetrical pattern.

Natural light cascaded through large windows, casting a warm glow across the room and illuminating the diverse faces of the students.

At the front of the classroom, an expansive whiteboard stretched across the wall, serving as a canvas for knowledge to be shared. Adjacent to it stood a podium, patiently waiting for a teacher to take their place and command the attention of the attentive audience.

A projection screen, suspended from the ceiling, hinted at the integration of technology into the learning environment.

The room was carefully designed to optimize both sight and sound, with strategically placed speakers ensuring that even those at the back could hear the teacher's voice clearly.

Microphones were strategically positioned to facilitate effective communication, allowing everyone to actively participate in discussions and share their thoughts.

Jacob, Adam, and Ray confidently made their way towards the back of the classroom, swiftly claiming three vacant seats in a neatly arranged row.

As they settled in, they could hear a low murmur emanating from their fellow students, echoing their collective curiosity about the unexpected Sunday class.

After a seemingly interminable wait of 30 minutes, the anticipation in the room grew as more students filed in, gradually filling the once-empty seats.

Finally, a male teacher entered the room to Jacob's surprise it was Master Zing, his presence commanding attention and bringing a sense of order to the classroom.

Taking a moment to address the restless crowd, Master Zing cleared his throat and spoke with a genuine tone of empathy.

-"I sincerely hope each and every one of you is doing well. We understand that this impromptu class has disrupted your weekend plans, and for that, we offer our sincerest apologies. We regret any inconvenience caused."

Caught off guard by the frequency of apologies throughout the day, Jacob leaned towards Adam, he whispered expressing his bemusement.

"Why does it seem like everyone is apologizing for inconveniencing us today?" His words reflected a mix of confusion and mild annoyance, as the unexpected disruptions continued to puzzle him.

-"In a month's time, our school would be participating in the 'Game of Masters,' and three students from the would-be selected from your class the freshers class, and three from the second year," Master Zing added.

-"This game can be dangerous so you would have to go through extreme training for the next month, that means there will be no free time, when you aren't having classes you will be training."

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