

Teacher: "Class Dismiss"

When I finally see the treacher leave the room I shouted with joy.

Crystal: "YAY!!!! CLASSES ARE OVER!!!"

Ashley: "Crystal, will your voice keep down. The other classroom will complain of us being so noisy because of you"

Crystal: "You know, even though I have good grades. I still hate going to school everyday."

Ashley: "You know why, its because---"

Crystal: "So we can learn yada yada yada. I know that, okay?"

Ashley: "Suit yourself. Because someday you will regret it"

Crystal: "Why would I regret my life if anime is in my side"

Ashley: "Okay okay Miss Yada Yada"

Crystal: "*while walking* Hey! Respect that name!!!"

Going out of the classroom I see Christian playing basketball at the court. Without hesitation, I run towards the gym and sit on the chairs to watch.

Ashley: "Crystal. Crystal. EARTH TO CRYSTAL!!!"

Crystal: "Wha-what? Why?"

Ashley: "I've been calling your name dummy. I guess you're in your blank mind again. Just because your crush is there."

Crystal: "Who?"

Ashley: "Oh don't be silly girl. You told me before that you like Christian as in cousin of your best friend since childhood"

Crystal: "Yeah, isn't he dreamy?"

Ashley: "Dreamy? Pffft! Not my type."

While I was staring Christian. I suddenly saw someone on the corner. It was Jomari. He is always lonely.

Crystal: "Stay right here"

Ashley: "Where are you going?"

Crystal: "Somewhere important"

Ashley: "Much more important than Christian?"

Crystal: "Uhh... A little I guess."

I walk towards where Jomari is sitting. I'm trying to surprise him and see what's he doing. But then some bullies came to his side.

Bully 1: "Hey, you're in my territory. You little weakling".

Crystal: "This is your territory? Ha! Not even your name is written everywhere"

I pop out of my hiding spot so I can save Jomari from the bullies. But I didn't realize that my secret will be expose.


??: "This is your territory? Ha! Not even your name is written everywhere"

Crystal suddenly pops out to her hiding spot. Trying to protect to the bullies but I see her eyes. Trying her best to keep calm but she already expose her secret.

Crystal: "You bullies are whimp and you dont even stand a chance to me."

Bullies: "What did you call us? Your such an arrogant girl you know?"

Crystal: "Oh really? Let's see about that"

Crystal's eyes turns into red. Her secret is that she is a half vampire. She will be dead if the bullies notice that she changes.

Crystal: "You know. You are whimps because you only fight someone that is weaker than you guys. Are guys even trying to show that your only stronger than the weak? Pathetic."

Bullies: "W-who are you to say that kind of word?"

Crystal: "I know, even though I'm a girl. I can still be stronger than you. I can fight back if needed but meh I'm just wasting my time if I handle you guys. I should just call the teacher. I know you guys are a cry babies."

Bullies: "No we're not"

Crystal: "Oh really?"

Crystal calls the teacher near the gym and explain what just happened today and the teacher called there parents. The bullies are suspended for a week because of what they did. That's why I like her so much because she is beautiful, bubbly, smart, brave and kind. But I forgot to hide my journal. Crystal suddenly took the journal on the sit.


Crystal: "No way. This will be the reward for saving you. So let me take a peek of it."

Jomari: "No, you know it is called a journal. Full of secret.

Crystal: "Really? Just one secret please"

Jomari: "Oh fine. Just only one secret"

She strated reading it without listening to me. She saw the page I was writing earlier before the bullies came.

Journal 51

I still won't forget what I said to Crystal when she confessed to me. I said hurtful things to her. I should have tell the truth to not make her cry. It pains me to her crying. I'm so worried about her that day. I know she forgive me for being a jerk but I can't forgive myself.

After Crystal reading the journal. She just smiled to me but I think its a fake smile. Hiding under it is sadness and despair.

Jomari: "Are you okay? Did you read something that you don't agree on?"

Crystal: "Yes and thank you for everything you have done before Jomari"

Her face is about to cry but she is not showing it. I guess I made her cry again.


Today, I just wanted to cry. Realizing that I still have feelings for him. But I remember that I'm only his friend and nothing else. That's why I want to cry because he only treats me like a sister and nothing else. I tried changing the subject but he noticed it.

Crystal: "You know what. Let's go home. I'm hungry with all that cumosion."

Jomari: "Really? I think your not OK."

Crystal: "No, no I'm fine. I'm just hungry"

Jomari: "Lets go home. I will treat you something."

Christian appeared at our back then said something to me.

Christian: "Can I go home with my cousin today? I want to talk to him on the way home."

Crystal: "S-sure its fine by me"

Jomari: "What are you upto now?"

Christian: "What are you talking about. I just want some bonding with my coz"

Jomari: "Your suspicious today Christian"

Crystal: "Cmon Jomari. He said he wants some bonding with you"

Jomari: "*sighs* Ok I'll go with you"

I said goodbye to the two and go home.


While walking home with Christian. I can't believe that he is so noisy. But suddenly I heard him say something.

Christian: "You know what? I think Crystal is cute"

I stop when I heard that sentence.

Christian: "Isn't that the girl you liked before?"

Jomari: "Yes, until now."

Christian: "But why did you hurt her?"

Jomari: "Its just a wrong decision because I thought she will get hurt if she picks me in the future"

Christian: "That's why? I know that she likes me."

Jomari: "Whatever"

Christian: "I have a PLAN to bring back her feelings for you"