
My Class is Puppeteer

Matthew Khan along with the rest of humanity, has been sent to various other planes of existence as their original world is invaded by monsters. With one year as his grace period and a system that is common to everyone in the new world, read on as Matthew begins his journey as a puppeteer.

Frozenfish21 · Fantasía
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36 Chs


The pawn landed beside a goblin. Dealing a finishing blow with its small blade.

"Nicely done, puppet."

No matter how different he is from the original, Francis still holds a lot of traits that the original Matthew has. One of these is speaking to objects, treating them as sentient creatures.

Noon. He has been hunting goblins and their more evolved brothers known as hobgoblins for the past 4 hours.

At the moment he is at a net total of 40 goblins and 13 hobgoblins.

His mana capacity's increase was amazing but the real boon of being a first circle mage is that he can finally regain mana through meditation.

Hunting simply became easier, but hunting a bunch of goblins didn't net him the same amount as the Gnoll. They proved to be easier to kill, his short sword is enough for when they do get close and the pawn puppet can tear through them without worry.

He headed to the association to drop off some goblin ears before heading out. 3 copper for a goblin, 5 for the hobgoblin. Netting him 120 copper from the goblins and 65 for the hobgoblins.

Giving him 1 silver and 85 copper earned. This plus the 50 he had remaining gave him 2 silver and 35 copper.

He was slightly less than half of the way there.

He wants to get this new puppet so that he can finally try to do the more advanced style of puppetry that the Novice puppeteer is supposed to be capable of doing.

Throughout the day he has been puppeteering with only his left hand while wielding the short sword on his right. This is to practice control, so that when he finally buys the second puppet he'll be ready.

He ate a small meal at a nearby diner and set out once more.

"Just a bit more, at the end of the day. We'll get that second puppet and move onto bigger targets"

From noon until the sun went down, he hunted. He soon got into a groove and eventually, his inventory was filled with goblin ears.

"By the gods you massacred those little bastards, here ya go kid. 4 silver coins and 24 copper. Hahaha a single circle and you're this invigorated. Keep this up and I might just write up a recommendation to the city for ya"

He waved goodbye to the clerk and headed for the smithy.

"Back so soon, what can I do for ya?"

"I'd like another pawn puppet."

"Hahaha that's new, you don't want to try anything from the other collections?"

"I like the chess set, they're quite easy to use."

"All right then, here you go kid. Pleasure doing business with you."

He had enough to go to the inn that night so he decided to leave, off resting for the next day.


Humanity is scattered across the vast multiverses. Gifted with a profession and the ability to use said profession's most basic skills. This along with the system is meant to help humanity in their growth.

Some are talented, capable of using most of their class abilities and skills to augment their already good physical stats. These include but are not limited to soldiers, martial arts practitioners and athletes.

These conditions do not apply to this particular set of teens, because by all means they are average.

"Is Natalie okay?"

"Yeah, she'll be fine. We stopped the bleeding already."

The group that Matthew had to leave because of a betrayal, they are currently struggling due to their ineptness when it comes to combat.

During the summoning process, groups were summoned on mass. To bring their chances of survival to a higher level.

The group, wherein Natalie is the main solicitor. They had around 6 people hanging out at her house when the goddess gave out her summoning order.

At the moment 3 of them were injured while the other three in the group were defending them.

"Fucking bullshit how are we losing to some shitty green midgets?"

The group of 6 were losing due to a multitude of reasons, the first being overconfidence. Their mentality of being different from everyone else has led to their downfall.

They thought of themselves as special even though the goddess clearly stated that she sent everyone to another world. Natalie decided to feed them lies, telling them that they are heroes meant for great things.

Natalie stood up, her left hand had a small wound on it. The others decided that it was fatal even though it was only a small gash.

"We can do this guys! We're special, the goddess wouldn't have chosen us if we weren't"


Out of the 6 that entered the forest, only 4 remained.

The lives of those that are less than average is a sad tale, especially when they lack a little thing called self-awareness.


Excitement. This was a feeling that encompassed his senses as he felt himself grow.

A feeling that a person experiences when the right amount of challenge meets their current maximum output of skill.

Puppeteering two puppets is comparable to playing a game on a laptop, one handed with your thumbs on the trackpad. Except there's two laptops and only one screen. 

He needed to not only multi-task by creating patterns of movement in his head. He also needed to make these movements as clean as he possibly could while controlling his puppets intricately.

For "Francis" the more meticulous of Matthew's egos.

He felt alive.

If he was slaughtering goblins the day prior, he can be said to be ending their lineage now.

The two pawn puppets moved in unison, leaving no room for any nearby goblins to catch him by surprise.

His eyes darted around the battlefield making sure that no spot is left unchecked.

The puppets moved according to his will.

By noon he took down a whole nest of goblins by the eastern side of town.

Upon reaching the mercenary's association and earning himself roughly 8 silver pieces. The clerk simply laughed and gave him a pat on the back.

"Hahahaha a goblin massacre, what a lad. Here you've earned it"

As he received the small pouch of coins a familiar blue screen appeared in front of him

[You have earned the title, Goblin's Bane]