
My Class is Puppeteer

Matthew Khan along with the rest of humanity, has been sent to various other planes of existence as their original world is invaded by monsters. With one year as his grace period and a system that is common to everyone in the new world, read on as Matthew begins his journey as a puppeteer.

Frozenfish21 · Fantasy
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36 Chs

The First Circle

A burning feeling stayed near his chest, but he had to endure.

Soon he passed out from the pain, a normal occurrence especially during the first circle's creation.

"Oii nutjob talking to your imaginary friends aga-"

Matthew swung his fists at anyone who made fun of him.

In the 7th grade, in front of everyone at school. He beat the shit out of the so called "school bully" knocking out a few of the boy's teeth.

"You're a disgrace, you know that? When will you stop having those imaginary friends you fucking idiot! Why did I have to get a son that's actually retarded."

His own mother, beating him with a stick.

This was the life he lived prior to being sent to another world. He took his anger out on those who made fun of him, he never raised a hand against his abusive mother.

Different flashes of memories popped up as his hazy visions of the past came to be.

A short-haired girl, she had braces and wore a set of round glasses. She stood at a height of 5 feet flat.

"Did they call you crazy too? Do you want to join my group? We can be crazy together! Here come on."

She had a bubbly personality. Queen of the weirdos, that's who she was. Natalie Kim. The girl that he dedicated himself to, the very same girl who cheated on him just a few weeks before the apocalypse took place.

In a white open room, a person bearing the same face as the young man placed his hand on his shoulders.

"Get over it man, it's over. She's happier without you."

"I'm trying, believe me, I'm trying Francis" Matthew replied to the clone.

"Then try harder. This pain won't go away from your suicidal bullshit dumb ass. I want to go out and experience the new world too." Francis was clutching onto Matthew's shoulders, digging his nails into it.

"No, not yet. My body... this is my body Francis"

"You might be the original, but your idiocy scares me sometimes. I'm all you've got left. Will, Kyle those two are gone.

They left when you got those so-called friends.

But what did they do to you?"

"Please...shut up"

"They betrayed you. She whispered sweet nothings and all you could do was fall. What are you some kind of dog? I'm far more suited to what we need Matthew. "

"....I know"

"So am I going to get my turn?"

"Can you make the pain go away?"

A television, showing his perspective of the woman he loved kissing one of his friends. They were intimate, at the park bench where the two of them often spent their time.

"The moment you look at this scene and finally stop thinking about killing yourself. That's the moment that I'll let you have control once again."

"Okay, you win. I'll force my way out if I get bored anyways..."

"Yeah... I know. Which is why I will only be doing this until the end of the year, I still get tired you know. Little shit."

"I'll see you around then. Take care of the body for me, Francis."

"That's kind of my job, with the other two gone. I have a whole lot more on my plate this time around."

The boy soon woke up, with the pangs of pain now gone.

He lived through the ritual.

"Hahahah great work kid! How does it feel? "

"Yeah, I'm feeling... all right."

"Good, try to stay the night somewhere safe all right? Takes at least half a day for the body to start getting used to the new pool of mana surging in. Fighting is a no go that's for sure."

"Matthew" decided to head for an inn.

"Seriously, camping is fine and all but he could have at least bought a bedroll. Time to head for that Inn before I start practicing."

Francis is Matthew's other self. One of three at one point, now being the only one remaining after the other two disappeared.

He is a bit different from the original a bit more cynical. His goal is to preserve the body, keeping it in shape and protecting it from danger.

The more meticulous and rational side of Matt stays with him.

He went to a nearby inn and paid the tab, staying there for the rest of the day. He only had 50 copper from that exchange.

Once he reached the room, pain filled his chest once more as mana began to leak out of his body.

He proceeded to lay down on the soft mattress of the bed, before stating "Status"

Name: Matthew Khan

Title: N/A

Profession: Puppeteer

Mana: 1,547/1,800 [First circle]

Ki: 100/100 [Untrained]

Unique Ability: (Locked)

Skills: [Puppeteering] [Mana Threads]

"It really did triple, good work. But from here on out, we will be taking less risks than this."

He took out the book called "Mag's guide to puppetry".

"We need to work on one-handed puppeteering, because from tomorrow onward. I plan on getting us to the Novice stage"

The book classified puppeteers into multiple levels.

The Beginner, A spellcaster who can manipulate a singular puppet. Beginners use less-advanced puppets to learn the basics and to see if this style of combat is really for them.

He was at that stage.

The Novice is a stage where the beginner finally has access to their first circle of mana. Giving them more time to use the puppets along with the chance to manipulate more than just one. What separates a novice from a beginner is the fact that they can use two puppets at once. One on each hand.

Francis still followed the same plan as before with a few slight changes. "Take down weaker monsters to put the risk of danger at a lower rate. Work for a second pawn puppet instead of the rook or knight. Since the price is easier to get to."

They delivered dinner right to his door. Some hard bread and a hot rabbit stew.

"It's at least better than relying on rations. Tastes decent enough as well. Welcome to the new world I guess"