
My Chaos Academia: Brotherhood (MHA/BNHA)

(Chapters 1-11 Rewritten) I died prematurely in the least cliché way possible... Vaporized as a result of a powerful and fantastic nuclear explosion! How cool, right? But that was only the prologue of my adventure... I was reincarnated in the world of My Hero Academia as the little brother of the protagonist with a wonderful and terrifying quirk of intelligence. With great power comes great responsibility… Hah! Boring! I will use the power of my twisted imagination to have a lot of fun in this world by unleashing chaos around me while I enjoy the show eating popcorn. Sometimes a child just wants to see the world burn... A fantastic giant robot! A really cool lightsaber! Robotic tentacles! Anything my twisted mind can imagine! I'll build it! And I plan to have a lot of fun in the process! So I became the youngest S-Rank Villain in the world, created an evil organization for my amusement, and as if that wasn't enough… I completely altered the plot for my personal benefit. And the best of all! No one suspects that Izuku Midoriya's innocent and charismatic little brother is really the mastermind behind all this chaos! “I am Child Emperor! And this world will become my playground!” I exclaimed happily, raising my fists in the air in front of a terrified crowd of heroes and villains. "HAIL HYDRA!" I exclaimed defiantly from atop a gigantic combat robot as a crooked smile spread across my face. Something tells me there will be no school tomorrow... Hehe. (Currently publishing on Webnovel and Wattpad with over 155K words) Images and gifs are included in the story. Videos are available on the YouTube channel: EmperorTube.

Empe_ror99 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
63 Chs

It's Tea Time!


AN: Don't be afraid! I'm here with two new chapters! HAIL HYDRA!


Chapter 58 It's Tea Time!

***Cover image***

POV Isamu

"Today numerous professional heroes tried to stop me and even a couple of them tried to assassinate me… But in the end, they all ended up under my little feet." I hum happily, watching the unconscious Bakugo under my foot, as my boxing glove slowly returns to my backpack and my mechanical wings settle behind me again.

Sorry to burst your bubble, little Bakugo, but it's necessary for my evil plans. This humiliating defeat will teach him a valuable lesson, which will allow him to eventually become stronger and become a worthy opponent for me.

Although I must admit that I felt some satisfaction when I saw Bakugo's expression, realizing the harsh reality... A reality in which he is just a small fish in a large pond full of hungry sharks.

At this, a predatory smile spreads behind my gas mask, directing my gaze in the direction of the most reckless person in this entire playground. In the distance and pointing at me with his trembling hand with two visibly fractured fingers, is my older brother, Izuku, gritting his teeth and looking at me with daggers in his eyes.

My Future Nemesis!

The future will certainly be a lot of fun.

However, the control that Izuku currently has over the One For All is still very poor, not to mention the disaster of his teacher... All Might is simply not qualified to teach. Even so, Izuku managed to creatively use his quirk without fracturing his arms... Deciding to fracture his fingers instead!

That was very cool and reckless!

Therefore, I need to instill in my brother some self-preservation instinct. Otherwise, I will become an only child before I reach high school!

"Little hero wannabes, did you really think you could stop me even though many professional heroes with many years of experience failed to do so?" I ask mockingly, menacingly holding a stun blaster in my hands.

"What an innocent and clichéd thought!" I exclaimed happily, quickly aiming my blaster at the unconscious Bakugo under my foot before pulling the trigger without hesitation.

Immediately after, a yellow current hits Bakugo's chest, causing small spasms in his unconscious body and thus ensuring that he remains unconscious.

After all, it would be very troublesome if Bakugo abruptly woke up and gained a (Power Up). I've seen enough anime and movies to be aware of that!

"This is not a generic shonen anime! Flashbacks and the power of friendship won't work against me!" I exclaim, puffing out my chest with pride, as a crooked grin spreads behind my gas mask.

I have served my purpose of demonstrating the clear difference in power between them and me. Therefore, I'll get this over with quickly before Izuku ends up seriously injuring himself… It's time for my reckless older brother to take a nap.

"Because the protagonist of this incredible and chaotic story! Now it's me!" I exclaimed at the top of my lungs in glee, quickly aiming my stun blaster in Izuku's direction before pulling the trigger.

However, like something out of an action movie, a kick emerges from the ground quickly and kicks my blaster hard, causing the stun shot aimed at Izuku to miss by a few inches before my weapon goes flying out of my hands.

Lemillion had suddenly emerged from the ground just inches from me. Instantly, my boxing glove unfurled from my backpack at full speed and passed harmlessly through Lemillion's chest due to his intangibility quirk activating.

For this reason, I didn't want to get too close to him...

At this short distance, the difference in size between us is evident, which is why I crossed my arms protectively over my head by mere instinct, activating and forming a small but resistant transparent hexagonal shield, while a powerful fist was directed toward me.

"POWER!" Lemillion exclaims at the top of his lungs with a determined look on his face before his intangible fist passes harmlessly through my hex shield and hits me hard, desperately trying to knock me out quickly.

Lemillion's powerful fist slammed into my cheeky yellow school hat which is part of my amazing supervillain outfit. At first glance, it is a school hat generally used by primary school children... But obviously, this is not just any school hat!

One of its functions is to play on the psychology of my unfortunate opponents, causing them to have a moral conflict by trying to fight a small child. Another of its functions is obviously to protect my head and that is why this school hat is made of a special highly resistant alloy.

Although much of the impact was cushioned by my school hat, the powerful impact still caused me to be sent abruptly flying backward with a severe headache. All this while I was losing my school hat, which flew off in another direction with some minor damage before its programming caused little robotic extensions to quickly emerge from it.


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"Your quirk is amazing! Hahaha!" I exclaimed happily with some degree of admiration before crashing into the ground at high speed in the distance, causing me to roll uncontrollably across the ground until my mechanical wings reacted and dug into the ground, stopping instantly.

"Wow, that hurt a little." I mumble catching my breath, ignoring a couple of new bruises on my small body along with a nagging headache. From my comfortable position lying on the ground, I can see the spectacular symbol of Hydra adorning the sky of the city, causing a small evil smile to spread behind my gas mask before standing up again.

"You'll need something stronger than a punch to try to stop me~ Hero." I hum proudly, pointing my thumb at myself.

In the distance, Izuku grips his trembling arm tightly, pointing his finger at me menacingly and narrowing his eyes in my direction, sizing me up carefully before abruptly closing his eyes and shaking his head. Meanwhile, Lemillion grits his teeth in frustration, massaging the knuckles of his right hand.

"I told you guys not to get involved." Lemillion mutters with a conflicted look on his face, quickly focusing his attention on Izuku's fractured fingers before looking at an unconscious Kacchan on the ground inches from him.

"My little brother is in danger! We couldn't just sit around doing nothing!" Izuku shakily exclaims before gritting his teeth and wincing in pain. It's practically their fault... Using the power of friendship and love to take on me is a mistake.

A mistake that I take advantage of to teach them a lesson. Baaaka!

While all this was happening, my school hat moved rapidly across the ground avoiding any obstacle thanks to the help of its robotic extensions until it eventually stopped at my feet like an obedient puppy. "Good hat." I say grinning cheekily, watching the robotic extensions deactivate and retract before picking up my trusty school hat from the floor and putting it back on.

If Lemillion had directly hit my head instead of my school hat, he would have knocked me out without a doubt. So now I highly doubt he'll make the same mistake again.

Going head-to-head against Lemillion right now would be unwise of me, not to mention the valuable time I'd waste in the process… Luckily, I have an ace up my sleeve.

An ace up my sleeve that has been carefully watching Izuku and his companions from the darkness of the alleys for some time, ready to intervene at any moment at my signal.

And I consider that this is the perfect moment for it.

I can't let the cheap copy of Hercules get close to me again... So I'll keep him distracted with a peculiar playmate.

"It's tea time!"

I exclaim with great enthusiasm, spreading my arms out theatrically to the sides, as numerous bells begin to ring throughout the city before a pair of plastic forks suddenly plunges into Lemillion's right shoulder.


POV Mirio

Hours earlier, at Sir Nighteye's hero agency.

"I want to go, I want to go please, I want to go with you guys!" I exclaimed in a plaintive tone, waving my arms frantically in front of my mentor, Sir Nighteye.

"For the umpteenth time, Mirio, the answer is no. Nezu presented valid arguments for rejecting the participation of the hero students, not to mention that the threat level of Hydra is still unknown." Sir Nighteye responds calmly, adjusting his glasses before being interrupted by an energetic Bubble Girl.

"Exactly! What kind of example would we be if we sent inexperienced students to the battlefield? That would be unacceptable!" Bubble Girl quickly exclaims, crossing her arms in front of her and fervently shaking her head. "The big leagues will take care of dismantling Hydra, so don't worry, Mirio~Kun." She says puffing out her chest with pride.

"But with my quirk, I may be able to infiltrate Hydra's secret base undetected! I can be very useful, I promise I won't get in trouble!" I exclaim desperately. I don't want to be left behind… I want to be useful and prove my worth! I will save as many as I can!

"My decision is irrevocable, you will stay and support the Musutafu Police Department along with other hero students. Listen well, Mirio… In case the worst happens, you will be part of the last line of defense." He says seriously, placing his hand on my shoulder and causing my eyes to widen in surprise. "I trust you." He says looking into my eyes intently before I subconsciously nod.

Right after, he turns around and starts to walk away from me. "That sounded very murky and dramatic." Bubble Girl chuckles slightly, covering her arms and legs in bug spray. "There is nothing to worry about, it will be like a field day, plus I am excited to explore the forest and defeat those evil villains." She says energetically with a sharky smile.

"After all, Mirio~Kun, with Nezu, David Shield, and Sir Nighteye on our side… Nothing can go wrong!" She exclaims with great enthusiasm, sticking her thumb up in my direction with a beaming smile. Those words caused a strange sinking sensation to spread through my body, while in the distance I could see Nighteye shudder slightly.

Shortly after, I watch Sir Nighteye, Bubble Girl, and many of the other heroes that make up the agency leaves. "The last line of defense…" I whisper contemplatively, looking down at my hands before clenching my fists tight.

Back to the present.

If I had known what would happen, I would never have allowed them to leave for that uncertain destination. Child Emperor is without a doubt... Chaos incarnate!

The sound of numerous bells echoes throughout, while a small warm wet spot smears my hero outfit right on my right shoulder, where two plastic forks now stick out. This sudden attack took me by surprise so I wasn't able to activate my quirk in time.

"Lemillion! Are you okay?!" Izuku exclaims with concern in his voice, running towards me before a small knife used mainly for spreading butter suddenly crashes to the ground right in front of him, halting his progress.

As a hero, I can't allow civilians to get involved in this kind of dangerous situation and I'm currently failing miserably at it! I even failed Tamaki!

However, I...

I promised little Isamu that I would protect him and I won't break that promise! I will save them all!

"I'm fine...I don't plan on giving up without rescuing your little brother first, so stay back, Izuku." I reply seriously, taking a couple of steps back on high alert, while my gaze quickly scans the surroundings for the source of these attacks, to no avail.

Whatever it is, it is obviously related to Child Emperor.

Given this, I take my hand to my right shoulder, and with a quick and decisive movement, I remove both forks that were embedded in my shoulder. "Enough of games." I growl, narrowing my eyes in Child Emperor's direction before forcefully crushing both lightly bloodstained plastic forks with my hand.

I am the last line of defense… I will not allow him to continue unleashing chaos! With my next attack, I will definitely knock him out and end his reign of terror!

"Don't look at me like that~ I'm just a misunderstood child." Child Emperor shamelessly hums in the distance, swaying innocently on himself before beginning to hum a strange song… A song that I heard minutes before as a prelude to chaos.

"London Bridge is falling down…"

"…falling down, falling down."

Child Emperor hums happily, as the sound of the bells grows louder, making me shudder. "London Bridge is falling down…" He hums slowly, slowly pointing his finger down a dark alleyway in the distance not far from me before the pealing of bells stops abruptly.

My breath quickens and the anticipation builds within me as I narrow my eyes toward the dark alley, preparing myself for whatever this little monster might unleash.


My eyes widen in surprise as I hear a sinister voice coming from the darkness of the alley before suddenly a strange umbrella emerged from the darkness and flew towards me at high speed. Another villain?! I do not have time to lose!

With my quirk, any attack will pass through me harmlessly giving me the opportunity to counterattack and put an end to this nightmare once and for all… POWER!

However, for some strange reason… My quirk didn't activate.

As a consequence, the strange umbrella opened right in front of me before impact, causing a strange elastic force to crash into me and send me flying at high speed into a building in the distance. Focus! Breathe and focus! Although still in shock, I took a short breath and with much difficulty managed to activate my quirk for a few seconds, allowing me to pass through the building without getting hurt before eventually crashing to the ground with a force.

My breathing is erratic and my whole body aches, I landed in a strange alley a few streets from Izuku and Child Emperor, for which I must return as quickly as possible. At this, I clench my fists with determination and slowly stand up swaying a little from side to side.

The unmistakable sound of approaching footsteps reaches my ears from the end of the alley before a figure begins to become visible through the darkness… Without a doubt, this is a dangerous member of Hydra.

"If you want to get close to Bocchan, you'll have to defeat me first, little hero."

He proclaims in a dashing English accent, wearing an outlandish outfit along with a strange mask covering his face before being theatrically illuminated by a spotlight suspended in midair.


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Then a girl's voice echoed through the alley, while a small figure leaped between the nearby rooftops holding a video camera.

"Justice versus Evil!"

"Evil versus Justice!"

"With Lemillion representing the heroes and Gentle Criminal representing Hydra! A battle of wills is about to begin!"

"But first, subscribe to our channel on EmperorTube!"

What the hell is happening here?!


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