
My CEO Daddy is Gay?

“Are you sure this is the right address?” “I’m pretty sure.” They rang the doorbell and a tall handsome man stood in front of them. “Alex?” “Hi, Robbie.” “It’s been a long time.” “Yeah, well..” “Mom,” said a girl who emerged from behind her. “Is he the one?” “The one what?” She rolled her eyes. “Duh?! Can’t you see? I’m your daughter.” “What?! That can’t be right.” “Better believe it, stupid!” “Honey!” “What?” “I thought you said I’m gay, Alex?” “You’re what?” “You hear that right, honey. Your daddy is gay.” ********** All that ten-year old Sasha ever wanted was to meet her true father but every time she asked her mom, she always tried to make excuses. Until one day, as a birthday gift, she finally convinced her to bring her to meet her real father. What she didn’t expect is that he is not what she thought he would be... Allison Jane Macatangay has been known as one of the youngest top models in the fashion world. She had been in the covers of magazines in the country until one day, her dreams had been shattered when she got pregnant by her best friend, Robbie. Thirty-three year old Robert James Magsano, the CEO of JM Cosmetics had almost everything he ever wanted except for one thing. Everyone thinks he is gay because of one person, Alex. So to prove her wrong, he gave her a night she would remember expecting her to tell everyone about it. Except she fled out of the country, and he was left owning up to the stereotype the media has thought of him. For ten years, his life was normal until one day, Alex showed up in his doorstep with a ten-year old girl claiming to be his daughter. Will this news bring Alex and Robbie together or will it tear them apart? What will Sasha do upon knowing who his father is? Come and find out. Note: This will be edited every now and then. ************* Gold Tier Winner of WFP#15: Parenthood. Thank you for all your support. *************** *Book cover created as fan-art credited to: Michelleleee Thank you.

Honey15 · Ciudad
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187 Chs

Chapter 11

"Don't flatter yourself, Alex," he managed to say even if his mind told him differently. "Like you said, I'm gay. So what made you think I'd like to do it with you again?"

She gasped as he turned his back on her and started going up the stairs. She fumed and walked briskly up the steps along with him.

"How dare you? What made you think I would like to do it with you, too? Like I said, whatever happened between us before was a mistake and I'm just glad it never happened again. And of course, I will not allow for it to happen again EVER!"

He chuckled. "Then it shouldn't be a big issue if we stayed in one room, and in one bed together, Alex. Besides, I don't want anyone to think that we are faking everything even if it already was."

"Oh, I see. So the engagement party was all part of your plan, wasn't it?"

He stopped at one step ahead of her, letting her stop in her tracks as well.

"Is that what you want to talk about? Yes, I did plan it and I invited everyone close to us."

"What?! Are you insane? You knew these people are like vultures, most especially the paparazzis. They're going to eat us alive the moment they learned our secret."

"Well how about the thing that you told them, Alex? Did you forget about that?" and his strides became more aggresive as he mount the steps.

This time she went two steps ahead of him and stood in front of him.

"So, is this your form of revenge then? To humiliate me in front of everybody? To prove to everyone that I am wrong? Is that it?"

He reached the stair she was standing on. With his five feet eight height, they stood head to head, their faces an inch closer as Robbie's eyes were full of anger and Alex mirrored the same amount of hate as well.

"It's nothing compared to what I have been through, Alex."

"What about me? Do you think it's easy to raise a child on my own?"

"That's your choice, not mine."

"It's never been my choice to get pregnant, Robbie."

"So are you saying it's my fault now? We both enjoyed it, Alex. Not just me, or perhaps you tend to forget how much you moaned and screamed the whole time I was doing it with you."

"Why you-" and she narrowed her eyes at him. "Ugh! You are such a jerk!"

She walked all the way to the top floor and went straight to his bedroom. He followed her inside and shut the door, locking it. That made Alex feel nervous as images of what transpired years ago suddenly flashed through her mind. Heat shot through her entire body as she felt like the walls got thinner and closer to each other, and the only reasoning she ever have was slowly fogging her mind.

'Sht! What is happening to me?' she thought as she turned to Robbie who was unbuttoning his shirt.

"W-What do you think you're doing?" Alex inquired trying not to melt in front of him as her eyes focused on his hands moving slowly through the buttons. She moistened her lips as her eyes darted away, trying to push away the thoughts that slowly cloud her head.

"What do you think I'm doing, Alex?" and he slowly walked forward to her as she backed up on the bed. Her knees started to wobble as her eyes never left his gaze who somehow seduces her to indulge more on the scene before her. His muscled chest was finally exposed and she tried to look away as he moved his way much closer to her. She fell on the bed as he stopped in front of her, taking his shirt off completely and Alex's cheeks flushed in red.

Robbie chuckled. "What's the matter, Alex? Cut your tongue?" and he threw his shirt to her face.

"Dream on, girl! You're not my type!" and he went straight to the adjacent bathroom, laughing. He shut the door closed.

"As if!Ugh!" she yelled in irritation, and holding the shirt in her hand, she sniffed his shirt filled with that erotic perfume. She found herself biting her lip and realizing she was fantasizing him, she threw the shirt away on the floor.

She tried to calm her nerves as she was literally shaking from the nervousness that Robbie had instilled in her. That strong desire lurking inside of her was so new to her and she hated herself for feeling that way.

'This is not right! I shouldn't be desiring him. No! Stop it stupid! He's gay. HE IS GAY,' telling herself in her mind like a mantra.

She stood up and blew a breath on her face. She started looking for her bags in the closet. As she opened the door of the walk-in closet, she saw an array of clothes and shoes that were organized accordingly. Suits hang with colored hangers according to type and color, shoes on the shoe rack arranged in color and type as well. In another corner was his personal things also arranged the same with drawers on the bottom.

She shook her head and smiled. Robbie had always been so neat and organized that sometimes it just drove her crazy whenever he tried to clean her room when she's not there. He was so different from her.... and to Miguel as well.

She sighed and walked in, letting her fingers skim the fabrics as she passed by. She stopped in front of a set of clothes familiar to her. There were two dresses that hang in the closet. She took one and placed it in front of her body. She couldn't believe that from all the items he had thrown out, he had kept these. But why?

She wondered if he ever thought of dressing up as a woman. They used to play dress up before when they were kids most especially on Halloween. He would often imitate Aunt Bernie, dressing up like a diva while she, being sporty as she is, wore a Yankees baseball outfit. She knew from then he is not like any other boys. He is gay.

She immediately took out the dress from the hanger and laid it down on the small cushioned bench that was leaning beside the whole body mirror in one corner of the room. She quickly took off her clothes and tried on the dress. It was a laced red dress with shoulder sleeves that hits above her knees. Opening the zipper, she slid it in her body. It's amazing how it still fit her after all these years.

She admired herself at the mirror. She had gained a bit when she gave birth to Sasha and the mark of it could be seen on her tummy.

'A little workout perhaps,' she thought.

She dismissed it and tried to close the zipper from the back but she could not reach it. She tried and managed to zip it up but it stopped in the middle. It was stuck!

She was in the middle of fishing out the zipper when Robbie came in with just a towel wrapped around him. Her back was on him and seeing how she was struggling with her fitted dress, he smiled. A wicked glint in his eyes, he went towards her and he ran his finger on her back.

She turned abruptly, bumping onto his wet chest. She blushed.

"Let me help you," he whispered and she was about to turn her back but he stopped her by slipping his hands underneath her arms. Her shaky palms landed on his chest as his eyes lingered on her lips.

The world seemed to stop as both of them felt the sudden tension between them. Robbie bit his lip as he leaned closer, as Alex closed her eyes and parted her lips.

What do you think about Robbie? Comment and vote. Thank you.

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Love you all!

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