
Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Eight

Third Person POV

George and Sarah was at it all night long, they were able to sleep this morning, Max and Ella have waited for the couple to come out for breakfast but they are not responding to their knocks. They went to have their breakfast alone, already had in mind what could keep those two asleep until now. Max is determined to tease George whenever he eventually wake up while Ella have the same thought in mind. Max is wondering within himself when he will be able to achieve that milestone with Ella but he quickly remind himself to be patience and not to rush things.

Thank God we have to visit Hollywood Bowl during the evening, if not we will have to cancel the visit cause those two are still sleeping, I wonder if they are suddenly attacked by tse-tse fly that resulted to them sleeping up to this time, Ella pointed out. Well their business should not bother us why don't we focus on ourselves like tell me what you want us to do after breakfast, Max said in response. Ella put on her thinking face while deliberating what best to do, to stay at home or hang out with her boyfriend.

I think we should stay inside and play cards while we wait for the king and queen to wake up, Ella suggested. That's not a bad idea at all, let's do that, Max agreed with her. Both of them walked back to their suite and sat down on the balcony, Ella entered their room and went to her small bag cause she always carry a packet of card in that bag and she always play it whenever she feel bored. Ella walked back to the balcony with the packet of card. Wow you really have cards with you, I thought you were not serious about it, Max commented cause he thought Ella was just making excuses.

Sarah stirred and open her eyes and saw the most handsome face close to her face sleeping. She smiled and blushed when she remembered what happened yesternight and how many times they did it. She continued staring at his gorgeous face and traced his lips with her hand. You know you can kiss me if you want, George said while smiling still with his eyes closed. Sarah was shocked cause she thought that George was still sleeping but the cute devil is awake but pretend to be asleep.

You are awake? Sarah asked him. Yeah your continuous stare wake me up, George answered and opened his eyes while smiling. Sarah scrunched her face cause she never in her life heard that staring at someone while sleeping wakes the person up. Stop frowning babe it's still early in the morning and Good morning to you, George said to Sarah. Good morning, hope you slept well? Sarah inquired. Yeah, I slept soundly after certain someone tired me out, George said smiling mischievously.

If I recall correctly, it's certain someone that could not allow me to sleep peacefully cause he always want more, Sarah fired back. What could I say my girlfriend is so addictive that I can't stay off, cause I always want more of her, George responded. You are so shameless you know that, Sarah said while smiling cause she love the fact that her boyfriend appreciate her. Babe I really enjoy yesterday night and just looking at your face I want to start all over again, George said and leaned in and capture her lips and start to kiss her. Sarah respond to the kiss, as the kiss started getting intense, George start to roam his hands all over her body.

Sarah can already guess where this is going and she is aware that if they continue with it they will not be able to stop and that means another round and another round cause both of them seem not to be getting enough of each other. Sarah broke the kiss but George chased after her lips. Babe let's stop now, cause am sure that it's already late and Max and Ella could be looking for us, Sarah tried to reason with George who is still bent on getting the kiss he want. I don't mind them waiting for us and remember you wake me up and you should take responsibility for that, George said still trying to kiss her.

Sarah covered her mouth with her hand when George held her neck to kiss her. You don't want to take responsibility for waking me up? George asked raising his eyebrows and faking that he is disappointed in her. First I did not wake you up, you are already awake and secondly I only take responsibility for what I am responsible for, Sarah answered him. Okay babe there is no need for us to argue about who is responsible or not, let's go for one round then we can start our day, what do you think? It's the best idea right? George proposed.

Sarah shook her head, I think the best idea is to take a shower and start our day like everyone else, Sarah said. George nodded in agreement but at the back of his mind he know that his dream for one more round will be fulfilled. Sarah waited for George to protest but he seem so calm so she assumed that he already not interested in the one more round. She stood up and walked to the bathroom in her naked glory, George gulped at the wonderful sight before him. He know that he devoured every part of her body last night but he can't help but admired her like it is his first time of seeing her naked.

George laid down on the bed and waited for the right time to join Sarah in the bathroom so that he can do what's on his mind. The moment he heard the water running, he jumped out of the bed and silently walked to the bathroom cause he don't want to alert Sarah that he is coming. He want to take her unawares and implement the naughty thoughts on his mind.