
Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Seven

18+ Underage Should Skip This Chapter

Third Person POV

Sarah kissed George on his lips and move to his ear and lick his ear and move to his neck and suck it like her life depend on it. George is getting harder the more Sarah continue what she is doing and he have no intention to stop her cause he intend to enjoy every bit of tonight. Sarah move her kiss to his chest she can't help but admire his body over and over again and silently thank God for gifting her such a man. Sarah moved down to his pinkish nipples and licked it, George tensed at the sudden sensation, Sarah who noticed George reaction smiled internally cause this reaction is an encouragement to her to continue with what she is doing.

Sarah sucked his nipples one after the other, George is trying so hard to hold in his moan but it is getting hard as the time goes on. Sarah moved her hand down to his thigh, George relaxed his back so that Sarah could be free to move around the way she want. Sarah held his shaft while she moved up and started kissing him while rubbing his buddy head, Sarah can feel the precum coming out but she did not stop rather she rubbed the precum on his shaft and use it as a lubrication while rubbing his shaft up and down with her hand. 

George is panting cause Sarah is really good with what she is doing, he felt like he is in heaven already. Sarah left his lips and move down to his shaft that is standing tall and proud, she licked the head and George shivered at the soft lips licking his little man.Sarah started licking it like she is licking a candy before taking it fully in her mouth, she was bumping her head up and down while giving George the best blowjob he could ever ask for. George can't help it but moan cause the feeling is so incredible, he is seeing the stars already.

George can feel his orgasm coming, Babe am about to cum, he said in a hoarse voice. Sarah stopped immediately and said to him, don't cum yet we just started and you have to cum inside me. George nodded like a child while anticipating Sarah next move. Sarah climbed on top of him and position his shaft to her opening, she guided his shaft to his opening gently cause she know it will hurt cause it have been a long time she have been with a man intimately. George slide inside her gently with her guidance and gasped at how tight she is.

Sarah felt the pain but it started to disappear when George started moving and was replaced with pure pleasure. She is moaning and George is moaning too cause both of them are feeling the pleasure together. George change his pace and started thrusting faster and harder while he held Sarah waist so that she will not fall off with the speed he is thrusting at. Sarah could feel George shaft getting bigger inside her and she know that he is about to release and she is ready to welcome everything he is going to give her.

George release inside her, emptying everything inside her and Sarah could feel the warm liquid. George know that Sarah have not have her second release yet, turn her over and laid her on the bed while he spread her legs and slide his two fingers inside her. Sarah gasped at the sudden invasion and George kept on pumping his hand in and out of her channel, Sarah is already a moaning mess and thanks for the soundproof in the room if not the couple next door will find it difficult to sleep tonight.

George felt Sarah wall tightening and he know she is about to come. Babe am coming, Sarah shouted cause this second orgasm is coming stronger. Sarah release her liquids on George fingers and he brought out his fingers and lick all the juices while he moved to her lips and kiss her so that she can taste herself in his lips. Sarah smiled cause this is the first time she is feeling so satisfied after having sex and the feeling that something is missing is no longer there. George returned the smile, although he is ready to go for second round but he can see how tired Sarah is.

Let's sleep for now and get our lost energy back cause we still have all night to ourselves, George told Sarah. Sure am tired now but when I recuperate we will go for another round, Sarah said to him. And another round, George said smiling mischievously. Yeah another round, Sarah replied and yawned while her eyes are begging to be close cause they are so tired.