
Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Three


Am so doomed, I don't know why I allowed myself to be easily manipulated by that woman, why didn't I saw through her act. I that always commend myself cause of my sharp instinct but it seem like my so called sharp instinct failed me last night. I was so down that I was barely holding conversation with my girlfriend cause I don't want her to notice that anything is off with me, am afraid that she might start asking questions about my weird behaviour. The worst part is that I tried to look for that sly woman to make it clear to her that nothing will ever happen between us that last night was a mistake and also result of her manipulation, but she is nowhere to be found.

George and I returned to our suite but the ladies are not around that is even better cause I will have more time to gather myself before Ella comes back from wherever they went to. I sat down with George for some time before going inside the room cause I want to rest my head a little bit. I don't know when I dozed off but when I opened my eyes I saw Ella laying beside me while smiling at me. You look so cute while you are asleep, she uttered and that shocked me cause she hardly compliment me she only do that if I ask for it. So now she complimented me out of her own will, it is something worth celebrating.

But this celebration came to a halt when I remembered last night, I will always scold myself whenever I remembered last night, what a fool I was for believing that woman last night. I came back to reality when I felt a soft palm caressing my cheek. You have that look on your face again, Ella commented while frowning. What look? I asked shocked and afraid she noticed my mood. The look you have on your face since morning and you also have been spacing out from time to time, Ella pointed out. I mentally slapped myself for selling myself out. What's going on with you Max? She asked me.

I couldn't find my voice to answer her question so she continued talking. You know you can talk to me about all your worries and am ready to listen to them all and help in whichever way I can, Ella said to me. I was so moved by what she said and I can't help but scold myself again why I have to mess things up now she is making an effort to show her interest in the relationship. Babe nothing is wrong with me, it's just work pressure cause I got a report that there is a a problem in my company and I have been thinking since morning how to go about it., I lied to her.

She draw closer to me and hug me, stop thinking everything will be fine, just believe that it will be fine and it will be, She said trying to lift my spirit up. I hate myself for lying to her and here she is trying to comfort me.