
Chapter Three Hundred and Sixteen

Victor POV

When I was abducted early hours of today, a lot of thoughts were going on in my mind and I was so afraid thinking that they are going to kill me. While I was in the van I was trying to remember if I have offended anyone since I came here and it turned out that I haven't and I made sure that nobody knows my real identity, then who want to kidnap me. That was what was going on in my mind while in the van, but as time goes on I started to notice that they are not harsh with me apart from the time they dragged me to the car. That was when I remembered the man that approached me asking me to come back I thought he left the country when I turned him down but guess I was just kidding myself, my father is behind this.

And just like I thought my father is the one behind my forceful removal from London and I guess that they use his private jet cause I don't remember us going through the protocols before boarding a flight cause that will raise suspicion with my blindfold on. I have already talked with my father and that did not go well at all, he left the room so that I can rest but I know that this is not over yet for him. Am also determined to stand by my decision, am not going to do anything that he asked me that is not something that I want cause from now henceforth I want to be in charge of my life and what goes on in it.

I showered and laid down on the bed to have thirty minutes nap before going down for dinner cause am starving and I know that my father will use the opportunity to state his real reason for bringing me back. Cause I know that he did not bring me back because he wants to know why I sold my shares in the company. I slept off the moment my head touched the pillow cause am so exhausted but my nap was cut short by the knock on the door, it was one of the house help informing me that the dinner is ready. I stood up from the left of my room and headed downstairs. Getting to the dining area my father is already there eating his.

I can already predict how this dinner is going to end. I sat down and we have our meal without much talk cause my father loved to enjoy his meal without any distraction. Victor I will like to see you in my study now, he said to me and stood up and left. This is the time to know why am here. I entered his study and he started talking the moment he saw me walk in, Victor I would have loved to know your reason for selling your shares but that will be a topic for another day, I called you here for another reason, He said waiting for me to urge him to go on. Okay, am all ears, I uttered. I want you to marry Mr Davidson's daughter Claire and am going to start the marriage talk with her father starting tomorrow, now that you are back, he said.

This is unexpected I thought he want me to do something regarding the company but he want me to marry Claire Davidson, that will not be the possible cause that lady is head over heels for my cousin George. Dad, I don't think that is a great idea, I started saying but I was cut off by him. I don't think you have a say in this, see it as a way of you trying to do something good about what you did and now you can leave my study I have work to do, He dismissed me.