
Chapter Three Hundred and Fifteen

Third Person POV

Steve's private investigator was able to locate victor and they tried to talk Victor into coming back home but that seem to be in vain. They have no other choice but to turn to their plan B which is to take him forcefully. Victor was on his way to work where he is working as an intern to get knowledge of the business he is about to venture into when a black van pulled in front of him. He was shocked and don't know what to do at the moment, three hefty men stepped out of the van and approached him. Victor wants to run but his legs seem to have a mind of his cause they refused to comply with him, he is so afraid of what will become of him if this man took him away cause they look very dangerous.

The men dragged Victor to the van, once they shut the van door, they blindfold him. Where are you people taking me to? Victor tried to get answers from them but none of them answered him or acknowledged his presence in the van. The van stopped moving and Victor thought that they have finally arrived at their destination but he was pushed to start climbing stairs. Could it be that they are taking me to a rooftop so that they will throw me down from there, he thought to himself. But he was asked to sit down and he can feel that they are not on any rooftop, the moment somebody fastens a belt around him, it downed to him that he is on a plane.

He doesn't know what to make of it, could it be that my father is behind this cause if he is I will not find it funny with him, Victor mused. He stayed blindfolded throughout the whole flight with them feeding him from time to time and even escorting him to the restroom whenever he is pressed. With the way they are treating him, he was able to figure out that they don't have any intention of hurting him this proved to him further that his father is behind this. The plane landed and Victor was escorted out of the plane by his abductors still blindfolded. They entered a car and Victor was brought to his final destination.

Victor heard a man's voice telling someone that they have brought him back unscathed and Victor is guessing that the man must be his father. Victor was kept in a room cause he is sitting on a bed. The door to the room where he is staying opened wider and Victor can hear footsteps coming closer to him. Who is there? Who are you? Victor questioned the owner of the footsteps. My, my, the prodigal son is back home and his father is here to welcome him with open arms like in the Bible, Steve commented while trying to remove the blindfold off his eyes. When the blindfold was removed, it took Victor some seconds for his eyes to adjust to the light in the room.

He looked at his father and was met with his father's glare, he averted his eyes and looked around the room that is when it occurred to him that he is in his room, which means that he is in his father's house. Am I in my room? Victor stated more like asking. Yes, you are in your room, where you belong and you young man owes me a lot of explanation, Steve said to his son. Explanation about what? Victor asked trying to play ignorant of what his father is talking about. No son, if I were you, I wouldn't do that, don't give me that ignorant bullshit cause is not buying any of that, Steve told his son. Victor knows that it is time for him to face his father if he wants to be free.

Dad, I don't owe you any explanation, am an adult and I have the right to live my life the way I want to without anyone dictating that for me, Victor said to his father looking at him straight in the eyes. Inside Victor, he is shaking. He is really afraid of his father cause he knew what he is capable of doing but he has to do this and the time is now if he wants to be free of his father's control. Steve glared at his son when he heard what he said but he started to laugh, confusing Victor cause he is not expecting his father to start laughing. You said that you don't owe me any explanation but you do owe me an explanation, cause I want to know what in devil's name possessed you to sell your shares? Steve questioned his son.

As you mentioned now, it's my shares and I am entitled to do with it as I pleased, I can decide to sell it tomorrow or give it out to someone and I don't need to be questioned about it, Victor started silently patting himself for not stuttering. How dare you?! Steve moved to hit his son but stopped himself on time from doing that. He can't believe that Victor has grown the balls to talk to him in that manner, everything he has been doing for the benefit of Victor but here he is trying to make his efforts worthless but he will not sit around and watch that happen. Victor don't tempt me and am sure that you are aware of what am capable of doing, Steve reminded his son.

How can I forget so soon of what you are capable of doing, I mean you have your dogs abduct me from where I was to here, for whatever reason you have so am aware of your capabilities, Victor said to his father in a sarcastic tone. Well, I will let you rest since you had a long journey but mind you, this is not over yet, Steve said to his son and left the room cause he is mad at his son and he don't think he will be able to hold himself from hitting him if he spends another second in there.