
Chapter Three Hundred and Seventeen

Third Person POV

Steve can't be more excited regarding the fact that his son is back and in his hands, now is the time to start Operation take down Vincent Corporation. He is sure that Mr Davidson still has grudges against George and his mother and he will not hesitate to crush them if given the opportunity. Steve intends to give him the opportunity but he wants to get hold of Davidson's empire first through marriage. Steve has decided to visit Mr Davidson tomorrow in his company to start the marriage talk with him. He made sure to employ more security men to make sure that his son will not escape from the mansion, cause he don't trust that son of his for once.

Steve woke up in the morning with only one goal in mind to visit Mr Davidson and talk about marriage between their children. Victor on the other hand can't wait for his father to leave so that he can visit his cousin cause he is the only option he has left now. George and Victor's relationship are not what you will call blissful, all thanks to Steve who always make sure that his son has nothing to do with George, but now Victor wants to take charge of his life and he needs his cousin to achieve that. He wants to make amends with George and he is ready to fight his father alongside George cause it's crystal clear that his father is not ready to change one bit.

Steve left his mansion in high spirit, for the first time since his failure to take over as the chairman of Vincent corporation he is genuinely happy. The moment Steve left the house, Victor rushed to the shower. He showered and dressed up to leave the mansion but when he get to his car to drive his car to his destination. A guy is sitting on the driver's side and he seems to be waiting for him. Victor knows that he made it clear to his father's employees that he doesn't like a driver driving him around and that has been observed until now. The worst part of it is that the face of the driver is not familiar at all to him.

Victor walked to the driver's side and knock on the window, the guy inside the car rolled down the glass. Good morning Sir, He greeted Victor. Good morning, who are you? And what are you doing in my car? Victor asked him. My name is Pete and am your driver, I noticed that you are about to go out that is why am here to take you to wherever you want to go, Pete answered him. Okay, Pete, I appreciate your dedication to your work and I understand that you are new here but I don't need a driver to drive me around, I can do that myself, Victor explained to the guy hoping that he will step out of his car. 

Am sorry Sir but I need to drive you to wherever you are going or I will lose my job, that's your father's order and am not ready to lose my job, Pete answered him. Victor doesn't know what else to do and he doesn't want the poor guy to lose his job on his account why didn't he think of this. Victor reminded himself never to underestimate his father cause it's now obvious to him that his father will not let him out of his sight. He will even go to the length of monitoring everything that he does from now on. Victor knows that it will be hard to work with his cousin at this point but he knows that there is always a way out.

Victor entered his car finally but he sat on the passenger side, cause he want to make Pete his friend that way he will be able to control the information he will be giving to his father. Pete looked at his boss and he doesn't know what to make about his behaviour and what he is doing now. Take me to Vin's Company, Victor said to him. Pete immediately started the car and drove out of the compound heading to Vin's Company. They arrived at the company and Pete stepped down from the car to follow Victor inside the company, Victor turned to him with confusion written all over his face. I thought that you are my driver or are you also driving me inside the company? He asked him.

Sorry, I forgot to tell you that am your driver and also your bodyguard, your father instruct me not to let you out of my sight, Pete told him. At this point, Victor wants to explode but he knows that the person he needs to talk to is his father, not Pete, the guy is just following orders. Victor did not utter any other word and turned around and continue with his journey with Pete on his heels. He reaches Rose's office and the lady is surprised to see him. Good morning, Aunty Rose is George in? He greeted them and asked her. What a surprise Victor, it's been a while and yes George is in, Rose informed him but still has that suspicious look on her face.

Victor walked to his cousin's office and knocked on the door, he was asked to come in. He entered the office and saw the beautiful lady he sold his shares to standing beside his cousin. So, it's true that the two of them are dating and they look good together, he mused. Hi George, Hello to you Sarah, Victor greeted them. Both of them were shocked to see him in there. I thought you left the country, that was the only sentence George was able to make. Yeah, I was but thanks to your uncle am back, Victor said. And I guess that is the reason why you have a bodyguard with you, George said pointing at Pete that is behind Victor.

That was when Victor noticed that Pete entered the office with him. Side seriously are you going to escort me to the restroom when nature calls, Victor asked Pete cause he is not finding this funny at all. Young man, why don't you leave I want to talk with my brother, family discussion you know, George said to Pete cause he can see how uncomfortable Victor is. Pete agreed with them and left the office, at least he can report to his boss that his son met with George today.