
Chapter Three Hundred and Eighteen

George POV

Am surprised to see Victor in my office and nobody heard anything about him coming back and that got to show that he is not here out of his own will or maybe that is what he and his father want me to believe. Sarah looks out for herself, I know that she is terrified to see Victor here. I held her hand silently reminding her that am here with her no matter what. The bodyguard that came in with Victor finally left and Victor heaved a sigh of relief the moment he left. Thank Goodness, I feel like am going to suffocate at any moment, very annoying, He uttered. Victor looked at me and then turned to Sarah and started at her more like ogling at her.

If this guy walked into my office to stare at my girlfriend like a lost sheep, then he got something coming his way that will not be funny one bit. So, the rumours are true that the two of you are dating? Victor asked looking from Sarah to me. Victor doesn't tell me this is the reason why you are here, I said to him, clearly showing him that I am not in the mood to entertain his question. Well that is one of the reasons I am here and if the rumours are true, then permit me to say that the two of you look good together, Victor said smiling at us. I was taken aback by his words, does that mean that he is not mad at us, I looked at Sarah and I saw the same shock on her face.

Are you not mad at us? I asked him. Initially, I was mad especially at you cause you are my brother and you could have come to me by yourself if you know that I want to sell my shares, but then I remembered that we don't have a healthy relationship that will warrant you to come to me but am also glad that you are the one that bought it cause am sure you will put it to good use, Victor explained. Sincerely his explanation got me surprised and confused, I know deep down that Victor is a good lad but he is always controlled by his father and now he acting like this I don't know what to say. I also need your help that is why I am here, Victor said to me.

Today is filled with surprises, first, he is not mad at me and now he needs my help. I have to go back to my office, call me if you need anything, Sarah said to me and pecked my lips and left. She is a keeper, you know that right? Victor asked. Yeah, I know and I intend to do that, I answered him smiling. That's great, Victor said and he started to explain to me how he got here and what is going on right now. Wait, are you telling me that you want me to marry Claire and why? I asked him. That is an answer that I can't give you now cause I don't know but what I know is that my father is planning something and I don't what he is planning, Victor said.

If I understand you, do you want me to help you out of your current situation? I asked him. He nodded his head. I don't know Victor I need to think about it, I told him. No problem, think about it and when you have reached a decision text me, my number is still the same, he said to me and stood up and left. Am so confused now.