
Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Nine

Sarah POV

George told me about the restraining order I was beyond happy, that means that Lady will be off my back at least I will be able to move around without been afraid of anyone following me around. I told my mother about George visit tomorrow, she was so happy about it, she even close her shop for tomorrow cause it's been long she have been expecting George visit. *"So he is finally coming to see me, my God am so happy, what's her favorite meal tell me my dear daughter so that I will prepare it, I don't mind how difficult it will be I will prepare it"*. This is what she kept on saying and asking since I gave her the news.

Josh approached me cause he is not aware of what is going on cause I have not tell him about George and I. It's not like I don't want him to know, it's because am not ready for his endless teasing but it seem like I can't avoid it now. Hey Sis what's up, Josh greeted and sat beside me on the couch. Everything is cool, I simply answer him. Yeah I can see that cause this house is so busy like we are about to welcome world richest man in our house, Josh pointed out. That's true but that is because we are really having a visitor today, I replied.

Who? Is the person someone I know? Josh asked me questions without taking any breath. Calm down will you, for a guy you really love gist, I told him to which he shook her head in a nonchalant tone. Tell me sis who is the visitor? He asked again. I heaved a sigh and started talking. You know the person and you have already him, I answered. When you said him that means that the person is a man and not a woman? Josh inquired.

Yes he is a man, I answered. From the way your ears and cheeks are so red it only shows that the person coming is your boyfriend, am I right? Josh asked me. Yes he is my boyfriend, I answered patiently waiting for him to start his sermon. Let me understand something you have a boyfriend and you did not care to tell me, Josh accused. Am sorry it's just that am not ready for you to tease me and you said that you have to meet my next boyfriend yourself and assess him, I said to him.

I know what I just uttered doesn't hold ground at all but am looking for something to get me out of this awkward situation now. Yes I said that but that is not a reason for you not to tell me, anyway that is in the past now, you said that I know this person so I have been wondering who could this person be? Josh said. I smiled at how slow he is at guessing. Wait I think I know who the person is, Josh said all of a sudden I gave him a smile to encourage him to go on. The person is no other than your boss, am correct right? Josh asked sounding so excited. Yes you are right George is my boyfriend, I told my brother who raised her fist in the air as a sign of celebrating victory.