
Chapter Eighteen

George POV

Sir don't you think your question is too personal and is not something I need to tell my boss Sarah shyly said. Okay am sorry I thought we are now close but if you don't want to tell me is okay I don't want her to assumed that am desperate she might suspect my action.

The waiter served us our food and we were eating our food silently when the voice I dreaded the most broke the silent at our table. My! My! who do we have here,George the CEO of Vin Company what a pleasant surprise I must say,I don't know you are still hanging around I thought your mother is the one handling the company now the voice said.

I ignored her and continue eating,I can see the confusion in Sarah eyes when the owner of the voice turned to Sarah. Hello there I must confessed you are beautiful she said to Sarah,George who is she? I continued ignoring her Sarah sensing that am not going to talk answered her,he is my boyfriend she said while staring boldly at Anna.

My jaw was on the floor,I was not expecting that answer from her at all and where is the timid Sarah I know who is this bold lady sitting before me. George is it true that you and her are dating,so you finally moved on,I thought you are still sulking Annabel kept on rambling. Am already having headache and fed up with her meaningless talk I have to shut her up.

Yes Annabel she is my girlfriend, so can you leave I want to eat and I don't want to vomit what am eating cause your presence irritates me I said with my face looking like am ready to murder someone, am putting a strong face but inside my heart is like someone is twisting it, this is my first time facing Annabel since three years ago I avoided her all this while I guessed today is not my lucky day.

Fiesty are we? Any way what is the name of your girlfriend at least she has a name right Annabel continued trying to get on my nerves but am not going to entertain her. Her name is none of your business now leave! I raised my voice drawing the attention of others in the restaurant, Annabel saw that people are now staring at us more especially her,left immediately.

When she left I released my breath that I don't know I was holding, I turned to Sarah, thank you I said sincerely, you are welcome Boss anything for my Boss Sarah said. God I can't believed that human being are this heartless especially someone looking as innocent as Annabel,after everything she did to me she still had the guts to mocked me thank God Sarah came to my rescue if not for her intervention I would have sat there looking like a lost puppy.

Am beginning to see Sarah in a new light but am not falling for her just try to be friends with her. The rest of the lunch went peacefully without any drama from anybody.


While Sarah and George are having their peaceful lunch. Anna is on her way to tell her husband about her latest discovery and for them to plan there next step.