
Chapter 14

My best friend is straight (chapter 14)

Scene 1 continuation from last scene

Mike: hahaha... Whahala..

Abeg shift let me sleep... He said as he joined him on the bed..

Chigozie: shifted away calmly.. with out saying anything..

Mike: smiling...and pressing his phone.

Some minutes after they both slept off..

The following day...(it was weekend)

Scene 2 ( Mike and chigozie in the room)

Chigozie: coming out of the bathroom after going to ease himself...then saw Mike standing up from the bed..

Then he quickly stepped back... And entered the bathroom back..

Mike: 🙄🙄🙄 what's wrong with this one?

Chigozie: 🤦🤦🤦... Omor which kind fvck I do yesterday? Why my diick go stand na? He said in his mind as he stood at the door inside the bathroom..

Mike: knocking the door..

Oga come out. I want to pee..

Chigozie: oh ok.. I'm almost done..

He said and waited for few seconds before opening the door..

Mike: 🙄🙄 watin you dey do?

Chigozie: nothing...he said as he walked awày very fast into the room

Mike: 🙄🙄 what is wrong with this one this morning? He said and entered the bathroom..

Chigozie: breathing very fast... 🤦🤦

Mike: 🤔🤔😳😳 oh oh oh... Because of what happened yesterday? 😂😂 He said and laughed..

Few minutes later, he washed his face and head back to the room.

Chigozie: immediately after he saw Mike coming out... He quickly turned around and lie down back on the bed..

Mike: guy watin na?

Chigozie: watin what?

Mike: won't you talk to me? How is your stomach achè?

Chigozie: it's fine now. I'm not feeling much pàíñ again..

Mike: are you sure? Or should I help you to massage it again?

Chigozie: massage what? No please I'm fine.

Mike: 😂😂😂 which one is massage what? Didn't I help you yesterday?

Chigozie: I'm fine thanks.. don't bother..he said while looking away...

Mike: 😂😂😂 no be small thing.. why are you acting this way? Look at me in the eyes and talk na..

Chigozie: turned and looked at mike.

Do you think I can't look at you or what?

Mike: hmmm but you're acting funny.

Chigozie: hmm I'm not. I just want to rest!

Mike: hmmm ok then..

Few hours after that chigozie was still avoiding Mike in the room. He couldn't look at him straight in the eyes while talking... He just focused on watching movies on his phone since it's weekend..

Around evening hours...

Mike: chigozie let go out na..I'm bored in this room.. since morning we have been indoor.

Chigozie: hmmm.... I don't feel like going out. Maybe you can go alone

Mike: hmmm chigozie what is nah? Why all this attitude. Since morning we hardly talk to each other.. everyone just focused on his phone...

Chigozie: I don't understand what you mean. Nothing is going on.. he said while still watching his movie..

Mike: hmmm look at me while talking...

Chigozie: smiles..which one is look at you? Am I not looking at you before

Mike: you're not! Since yesterday night...you haven't looked at me...

Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable about that..

Chigozie: uncomfortable? I'm comfortable guy. You're thinking too much

Mike: hmmm... Lie lie 😂

But wait oo how come your diick stand last night 😂

Chigozie: quickly burrièd his head on the bed immediately he heard what Mike said.

Mike: 😂😂 you see? And you're claiming you're not shy?

Chigozie: 😂😂😂 guy stop na... Ah swear I didn't know my diick was standing throughout..

Mike: mumu... No big deal about it na..

Chigozie: yeah but I just felt embarrassed... 🤦

Mike: it's fine Oga.. you're not a gày. You're straight. You shouldn't bother about that..

Chigozie: of course. I'm not bothered. Just felt embarrassed... Nothing more...

Mike: okay then. Can we go out now?

Chigozie: yeah sure! Let go and watch ball

Mike: ball?? I don't watch ball.

Chigozie: I know. Let just go. At least you should learn to watch ball not watching romantic movies all the time..

Mike: 😒😒..

Chigozie: 😂😂 yes na. Wear clothes let go..

Mike: hmmm ok then

Few minutes later...they dressed up and left to a football viewing center..

After the match on thier way coming back home..

Scene 3...

Mike: first time in my life I'm sitting to watch ball.

Chigozie: like seriously? First time?

Mike: yeah I can't remember doing so.

Chigozie: wow.. I break record be that..

Mike: 🤨🤨 which record oga?

Chigozie: the first person that made you watch ball.

Mike: hmmmm. You have made me done so many things I don't do before

Chigozie: what is that?

Mike: I don't talk too much like this.. I have never been a talkertive like this in my life

Chigozie: 😂 really? Wow! No dull moment around me bro.. you can't stay with me and be doing quiet quiet. I won't let you. But don't you like the fact that you talk this way? Isn't it lively?

Mike: hmmm not really. I guess I'm adjusting..

Chigozie: you better... Next time I will still teach you another thing..

Mike: what? 🤨

Chigozie: how to fvck pussyy 😂😂

Mike: hmm. That won't happen chigozie.

Chigozie: abi? We'll see about that..

Mike: instead I'll be the one to teach you..

Chigozie: teach me what?

Mike: how to fvck nyashh.

Chigozie: huh? Never! God for bid... Never possible.

Mike: Good..so you believe it's not possible?

Chigozie: yea!

Mike: that is the same way I believe you can't make me fvck pussyy.

Chigozie: 😂😂 mumu guy...

The both laughed and continue walking home...

Immediately they got to the apartment they met Mike's ex boyfriend at the apartment waiting for mike...

Chigozie: who is that at our door step?

Mike: 🤨🤨 I don't know oo.. are you expecting any body?

Chigozie: no, he said and walked very fast towards the door..

Mike: what are you doing here?

Boyfriend: good evening..can we talk please? He said calmly to Mike

Chigozie: talk about what oga? Wait Mike... watin be this guy name self? I don't even know his name..

Mike: Jerry.

Chigozie: ok sir Jerry. What are you doing here sir? What do you want?

Jerry: evening bro

Chigozie: don't evening please..save all this good boy stuff and pretending.. watin you want?

Jerry: I came to talk Mike..I want us to settle things out

Mike: Jerry we are not settling anything please.. can you leave here now without creating a scene?

Chigozie: create scene? For where? Him dey créaze?

Jerry: I have been trying to call your number but it's not going through..

Mike: it won't ever go through again because I blócked it

Chigozie: good one.. Mike go inside! You don't have to respond to him.. let me handle him

Mike: 🤨🤨 I should what?

Chigozie: I say go inside the room! He said looking so serious.

Mike: hmmm okay..he said and entered the room.

Chigozie: follow me let talk somewhere..

Jerry: okay boss man.

Then they went towards the compound gate..

About 30 minutes later chigozie went back to the room...

Mike: what were you guys saying outside since?

Chigozie: nothing just brotherly talk.. don't worry he won't disturb you from today again.

Mike: chigozie watin you go tell that boy?

Chigozie: oga nothing. I just told him not to disturb you again.

Mike: and he agreed to that?

Chigozie: him dey créaze? Why not. He did.

Mike: looking at chigozie in a weird way... Trying to figure out what he might have told Jerry...

3 weeks later....

The test period for the semester was approaching and all students were busy reading as the lecture theatre was filled up every night... Mike usually force chigozie to enter school with him so they can read and prepare ahead of the test.. so on this faithful day...

Scene 4( Mike and chigozie at home)

Mike: guy reading time is close oo.. go and bath so we can enter school very early and get a good reading sit...

Chigozie: I'm not feeling to cool today... You can go. Maybe I'll join you later

Mike: what's wrong with you? Are you síck?

Chigozie: not really. Just feeling down..

Mike: oh sorry dear..

I have some drugs Inside the wardrobe you can take something and rest okay?

Chigozie: ok Bro...

Few minutes later Mike left..

About 30 minutes on reaching the school premises Mike noticed he didn't carry his along with him..

Mike: ohoooooo...why now? How can I forget my phone..he hisséd angrilyy and turned back...

Should I go back? Or just read small and go back..

Hmm let me just read small even if it's an hour. Let me not come in vain..he said as he turned back and entered one of the lecture theatre.

Not more than an hour later he quickly packed his stuffs and head back home.. it was getting dark already... probably before he gets back everywhere should be dark...

When he reached the school main gate..he stopped at a close by fruits seller to get some fruits for chigozie that complained of not feeling to Good.

After getting them he took a bike and head to the apartment..

On reaching the apartment he noticed his room light was off..

Mike: looked around and saw light in his neighbors rooms.. why is the room light off? Did chigozie went out? He said while approaching the door..

He got to the door and met a female shoe on the door steps.

Mike: hmmm... I see! Indeed he's truly síck. He said in his mind and he peeped through the window to check what was going on inside the room...

Then he heard...

Ahh..ahh.. take it easy baby, take it easy! Ahhh.. hmm.. ouchhh... Baby fvck me... Fvck me please...

The lady Inside was obviously moáning to the sexx going on..

Mike: see who say him no well? I should have noticed he wanted to play trick me... Anyways na him life. What's my concern? He said and left the door to go sit outside varander..

Then he checked this time and saw 7: 30pm

Hmm... He thought I'll be coming bàck the usual time we so come back around 10pm... He said to himself while sitting outside waiting..

Few seconds later mosquitos started bitîñg him..and he was putting on a short nicker.. the outside was dark and water everywhere...

About an hour later.. he went back and check and noticed they were still having sexx Inside..

Then he left the door and went back to where he was sitting before.. angrilyy...

Mike: hmmm having sexx for over an hour? Nawa o oo.. they should do and finísh quick Abeg before I vexx enter that place.. he said angrilyy while trying to keel the mosquitos bîttíng him..

Not more than 25 minutes later he noticed the light in his room was switched on..and the door was opened.. then he peeped and saw the both of them coming out from the room..

Mike: keeping an angryy face...

Chigozie and his girl approaching the varander door step..

Mike: stood up and head towards his room..

Chigozie: 😳😳 Mike! He said as his heart was béàtîñg fast...he was shocked..

Mike: good evening sis..he greeted the girl chigozie was coming out with..

Girl: evening... She said calmly

Chigozie: when did you get back? It's not time for you to come back na..he said looking shocked...

Mike: I have been here for almost 2 hours.. outside

Girl: 😬😬..

Chigozie: 😳😳 Oh you didn't go to read or what?

Mike: I forgot my phone Inside...so I didn't stay long... He said and entered the room..

Chigozie: whahala... He momoured to himself silently as he continues to walk with his girl..

Girl: is that your roommate?

Chigozie: yeah..he's my close friend.. just like a brother to me..

Girl: oh.... He's very cute as handsome.

Chigozie: hmmm abi?

Girl: yeah very very handsome..

Chigozie: hmmm me I'm not handsome be that?

Girl: you are but not close to him...

Chigozie: trying to smile but he couldn't...he was getting bothered will the way Mike responded to him..

Girl: so babe when will you give me the money I ask for?

Chigozie: lost in his thoughts...

Girl: babe. Babe!

Chigozie: oh yes? What did you say? He asked very fast

Girl: I said the money you promised me.

Chigozie: I'll forward it to you this night.. ok?

Girl: ok thank you!

Chigozie: please let walk very fast so we can get you a taxi it's getting late..

Girl: hmmm... Ok

They got outside the compound and quickly looked for a taxi and she left...

Chigozie head back to the room very fast..

Scene 6....

Chigozie: entered and met Mike reading on the table...

Mike: turned and saw that it was chigozie. Then he turned back and continue with his reading...

Chigozie: faking coughing....hmm hmm hmm..

Guy howfer? He said while approaching mike

Mike: I dey..

Chigozie: I didn't know you left your phone..

Mike: okay.

Chigozie: hmmm.. what's this? What did you buy for us? He said as he saw the black nylon on the ground

Mike: it's for you.. you told me you're not feeling too good so I brought you some fruits..

But I guess you're feeling very strong now...

Chigozie: you guess? Why guessing?

Mike: oga eat your fruits and don't disturb me abeg....

Chigozie: Hmmm... Say what is on your mind. I know you want to talk

Mike: talk? Talk what? I don't have anything to say guy!

Chigozie: hmmm... Guy you have things to say...say it..

Mike: I say I don't have anything to say..na by force?

Chigozie: I know I lied to you.. I'm sorry for that.

I just don't know the best way to tell you that I needed to bring a girl.. no vexx.. I know you're not in support of me bringing a girl here since the last time the last one stole our stuffs..

Mike: you don't have to explain anything for me oga... It's your life. Live it the way you want.

Chigozie: what are you saying again Mike! This is my problem with you..

Which one is it's my life?

Mike: is it not your life? Am I wrong?

Chigozie: common you're my friend..a very close friend for that matter.. you can scóld me if I do something wrong..

Mike: chigozie please just let me be please. Allow me do my reading in peace..

Chigozie: really? I should leave you?

Mike: yes! But next time please do whatsoever you want to do quick... Mosquito nearly finishh me outside while waiting for you to finísh your rúbbísh..

Chigozie: to finish my rúbbísh? Wow! Guy you're taking this stuff to another level.. it been long I had sexx guy.. I'm a man. My blàdder don full.. I had no choice.

Mike: Shea you have reduce your blàdder? You're fine now abi? Good.

Chigozie: Hmmm... This guy! I seriously don't know why you're acting this way towards me!

He said and sat down on the bed.. looking at Mike from behind

Mike: mstwwww... He hisséd...

Chigozie: guy watin? What na? He shoutéd!

Mike: stop shouting please. Abeg no shout on my héàd.. I don't like it

Chigozie: you have start again abi? This your èvíl spirit attitude have enter you again abi? He said as he began to get pissèd off..

Mike: me èvíl spirit? Wow. You mean I have èvíl spirit.

Chigozie: I don't mean it the way you're thinking please.. . I know you clearly understand how I meant it. .so stop saying otherwise

Mike: it's ok chigozie I agree. I have èvíl spirit. Thank you

Chigozie: eehh.. Jesus. When did I say you have now? Mike what is this evening.... I said I'm sorry for bringing a girl here. I have apologise to you for that.. and I'm sorry I lied to you.. what are friends for if you can't forgive and understand me

Mike: if I'm your friend you wouldn't have lied to me in first instance.. he said momouring..

Chigozie: really? Like seriously? Now you want to create a drama out of this?

Mike: guy leave me abeg.....

Chigozie: I should leavé you?

Mike: yeah leave me.

Chigozie: ok then... Fvck you! He said angrilyy and lie down on the bed..

Mike: fvck you too! He said angrilyy..

Chigozie: I go slaap this boy oo.. you dey joke with me abi? He said angrilyy..

Mike: fvck you chigozie. Fvck you!

Chigozie: breathing heavily and angrilyy...

While looking at Mike

Mike: come and béat me na... Mstwwww. He hisséd and continue with his reading..

Chigozie: looking at him angrilyy... Trying to compose himself from getting more angryy...

That night.. chigozie didn't sleep on bed.. he slept on the floor while Mike slept on the bed... Both of them didn't talk to themselves throughout...

The following day...

Scene 7..

Mike was the first person to wake up.. he was feeling very wéak and tired, his temperature was high.. and slight headache..

Mike: stood up and walk slowly to the bathroom...

Chigozie: raised his head and saw Mike walking slowly to the bathroom like someone who's not well.. he ignored and continue sleeping...

Mike: some minutes later he came out of the bathroom.. sat on the chair for reading... Making some paiñful sounds..while trying to get a drug from the wardrobe..

Chigozie: hearing how he was sounding but still ignored him...

Mike: took the drug and went back to the bed...

Some hours later his temperature wasn't getting any better.. he stood up from the bed and entered the bathroom to shower..

Chigozie: sitting on the reading table just watching him without saying anything...

Mike: making some paiñful moáning sounds..while Inside the bathroom..

Chigozie: what is wrong with him? He said In his mind while looking at the bathroom door...

Mike: turned on the shower...

About 5 minutes later, the shower was still on..

Chigozie: watin this guy dey do Inside? He said looking worried..

Then he continue pressing his phone

About 15 minutes later again....the shower still running but no movement inside the bathroom

Chigozie: Mike! Mike! Please come out I want to use the bathroom....he said purposely just to know what was going on inside...

After saying that and didn't get any response..he dropped his phone and walked to the bathroom door..

Chigozie: knocking the door.. guy! You never finish? I want enter abeg..

Still nothing...

Chigozie: Mike! Mike! Mike! He called his name while knocking with intervals..

When he didn't get any response..

He opened the door and entered..

Chigozie: 😳😳😳 Chineke....( Jesus).. Mike!..

Mike: lying on the floor... nakéd! Probably he passed óut..

Chigozie: rushed and carried him immediately...to the room..

Mike! Mike! Can you hear me? He shouted why tapping his body to wake him up..

Scene 8( Mike, chigozie, doctor at the hospital)

Doctor: are you....

Chapter 15?