
Chapter 15

My best friend is straight (chapter 15)

Continuation from last scene..

Doctor: are you is brother or what?

Chigozie: yes sir..

Doc: what about his parents?

Chigozie: sir, is it a serious issue please?

Doc; oh not really? Just making sure to follow all due process

Chigozie: felt relieved... Ok sir..

Doc: yes. Its typhoid maleria.. it's quite high Inside his body..

Chigozie: hmmm ok sir what is the way forward?

Doc; we have placed him on drip, he will also be place on Injection and drugs for few days after the injection..

Chigozie: ok sir....is that all?

Doc: I have given the nurse the list of drugs you need to buy. You can check our store or go out to get it.. but make sure you get them today. Especially the drugs.

Chigozie: ok sir...that means he will be staying here? I man for today

Doc: not necessarily.. but you can leave him here if you want. Or you take him home. Around evening time..

Chigozie: okay sir....

Doc: you're welcome..

Please kindly get him something to eat and lots of fruits..

Chigozie: ok Sir..

I'll sir...thank you so much sir.

Doc: left...

Chigozie: went to the room where Mike was kept.. he met him sleeping and sweating..

Then he quickly head out of the hospital to get him food and the drugs prescribed.

About an hour later he came back.. and met Mike still sleeping.

He said on the bed closer to that of Mike's operating his phone while checking up on him.

Few hours later Mike eventually woke up..

Chigozie: you're awake? How are you feeling?

Mike: breathing slowly... Looking around trying to figure out what actually happened to him

Chigozie: quickly carried the take away food he brought.. trying to open and get a spoon for mike

Come and eat please.. you haven't eaten since..

Mike: exhales... When did I come here? How?

Chigozie: be asking questions.. please come and eat so you can gather strength ok..

Mike: ahhh.. Jesus my héàd.. 😩he said while trying to seat properly on the bed..

Chigozie: sorry, sorry.. Pele.. you're still feeling headache?

Mike: yes..ah swearr my héàd is bàñging hàrd..

Chigozie: oh God.. sorry

Should we call your mom?

Mike: no no.. Don't please. I'm not ready for her drama...he said calmly

Chigozie: hmmm are you sure? Your drip is about to finish self..let me quickly call the nurse to come remove it...

Mike: 😒😒 you'll call the nurse to come remove the drip? Easy something like this?

Chigozie: hmmm..Tor I don't know how to remove it.

Mike: within few minutes he removed the drip hi self..

Chigozie: hmmm.. you know us we don't know book na..

Mike: I know you don't have to remind me how dúll you're..

Chigozie: you don dey get mind mouth they talk abi? I go slaap you now😒

Mike: wait....why am I even talking to you? The last time I remember you're annoyiñ me..

Chigozie: abi? The person that's annoyiñ you is the one that brought you to the hospital ok..

Mike: so? I should say thank you? You want thank you? For saving my life?

Chigozie: the day I go bèàt you still dey come.. no worry. You don't have respect..

Mike: 🙄🙄...ahhh😩😩 my head ooo... He moàn in pàíñ..

Chigozie: sorry.. the headache right? Sorry ok.. please come and eat ok?

Mike: thank you..he said and collected the food..

Then began to eat slowly..

Chigozie: watching him...

After some minutes Mike was done eating..

Chigozie: are you ok? Do you need more?

Mike: no I'm fine.. thank you.

Chigozie: no dey thank me..

Mike: 🙄🙄.. no dey feel yourself oo

Chigozie: hahah yeye guy..

Around evening time chigozie paid the hospital bills and they head home...

On thier way...

Chigozie: are you sure you want to trek? Please let take a taxi or something please... You're too wéak for this

Mike: I need to stretch myself please..

Chigozie: you know if we pass the side now..to get a taxi or bike will be very difficult for us.. don't come and complain later..

Mike: I won't complain..he said while the were walking slowly..

About 20 minutes later..

Chigozie: what?

Mike: 😔😔 I can't walk again.

Chigozie: which one is you can't walk again? I told you let us take bike that time you insisted on trekking....now you're tired?

Mike: 🥺🥺🥺 but I'm tired..

Chigozie: hmmmm... It's ok. What do you want me to do now?

Mike: I don't know...

Chigozie: Mike but we're close na.. please were close to our apartment..just 5 minutes from here

Mike: I can't walk again...😩😩

Chigozie: 🙄🙄🙄... watin be this one now eeh Mike?

Mike: 😔😔😔..

Chigozie: see it's dark already oo... You want all this boys to stop us and collect my phone.. please manage and walk ok? You're a strong boy I know..

Mike: I'm not a strong boy🙄🙄..

Chigozie: so we should stay here and do what?

Mike: I don't know.. or maybe you should ba..

Chigozie: meachioo nú gî there ( keep your mouth shút)

Don't even tell me to carry you... Don't even try it

Mike: but I'm your Junior brother na🥺and infact I'm not fat or heavy

Chigozie: guy I no dey carry you... Stay here let me look for a bike..

Mike: 🥺🥺 but my legs are pàíñing me already... Is this how you treat siick people around you?

Chigozie:. Hmmm... What are you trying to say? I have been with you at the hospital since 6am..now is around 7pm

More than 12hours.. and you're saying is this how I treat people around me?.. no vexx me abeg..

Mike: hmmm all this long talk because I say you should help me by backing me since I'm too weak to walk? It's fine gozie don't worry...he said and was about to continue walking..some that is even dark already. Nobody will even see you or anything oo... No problem na..he said trying to make chigozie quilty..

Chigozie: 🤦🤦🤦 Chineke...( Jesus)

Few moments later....

Chigozie was already piggy backing Mike...😂as the were getting closer to the apartment already..

Mike: ☺️☺️ so you're this strong?

Chigozie: I go slaap your mouth. You better just keep quiet there before I drop you now...

Mike: 🙄🙄 small back wey you back person now...you're shouting on... Me?

Chigozie: you're still talking?

Mike: 🤭noo I'm not.

Immediately they stepped into the compound they met the compounds guys outside gisting..

Chigozie: see fvck up! This guys will be talking about us now..

Mike: let them talk na.. what is your Concern.

Chigozie: I go drop you now.. if you say anything again...

Mike: hmmm

Chigozie: una good evening oo..he said greeting everyone very loudly..

They all responded to the greeting simoultaneously..

Guy 1: you back your roommate today? Hope all his well?

Chigozie: yes oo.. na small boy na.. he's not feeling too well actually. We're just coming bàck from hospital since morning..

Guy 1: oh oh... sorry ooh bro. Hope you're getting better?

Mike: yes I'm fine thank you...he said

Guy2: I been fear oo... I think say una want to give us couple vibes...

The other guys laughed after one of them made the above statement

Chigozie: hahaha couple ke? No homó guys! No hómó! He said while laughing and entering towards their own varander..

Other guys: yeah sure bro.. no hómó guys..they started momouring and laughing....

Scene 2 ( Mike and chigozie in the room)

Chigozie: you see this stúpíd thing you made me do this evening... Don't try it again. I only did that because you're actually siick.

Mike: I only asked because I was actually siick.. have I ever asked you to back me before?

Chigozie: I'm just telling you Incase of next time..

He said looking so serious..

Mike: hmmm it's ok sorry..

Chigozie: I'm not angryy..

Mike: hmmm but you just changed your attitude now

Chigozie: I didn't.. I just don't like how those guys outside was thinking rúbbísh. One even said couple goals..abi vibes..which one did he use self.. I don't like it..

I'm not anything closer to gày..

Mike: hmmm..... It's fine I'm sorry.

Chigozie: go and take your bath.. let me go and get you something to eat outside... I'll be back now. He said and left..

Mike: hmmm... This one is still hómóphobic..

He said and lied down on the bed....

Some minutes later... Chigozie came back with bread, and some drinks

Mike: you brought bread?

Chigozie: yes what happened? You don't want bread?

Mike: yes! I want to eat swallow.

Chigozie: you should have told me na...ewh Mike.. how do I get swallow now?

Mike: it's fine.. just leave it.. I'll eat the bread like that..

Chigozie: left the room angrilyy.... To go get the swallow and soup

Mike: I told him not to bother but he still left 🙄🙄..he will come back now and said I'm stressing him because I'm siick..

Within 35 minutes chigozie was back with the swallow and soup..

Chigozie: take! He said angrilyy while pointing the food to Mike...

Mike: 🥺🥺thank you.....

He said band collected the food and opened it...

Chigozie: looking at him... Waiting for the next complain 🤨🤨

Mike: ohooo... It's egusi soup?

Chigozie: what Happened to egusi soup?... 😠

Mike: 😬😬 nothing. I love egusi soup so much..☺️☺️he quickly changed from complaining..

Chigozie: you better not say anything again.. you dey hear ba? Because I dey vexx now.

Mike; I'm not complaining na.... Did I say anything again?

Chigozie: ignored and entered the bathroom...

Scene 3( midnight hour, Mike and chigozie sleeping)

Mike: suddenly wake up due to the headache he was feeling.. he sat on the bed because he couldn't lie down..

Some minutes after that he entered the bathroom and came out...

Chigozie: woke up after hearing some noise...

What's it? Are you feeling the headache or what?

Mike: yes... My head is bàñging.. 😩😩😩

Chigozie: what are we going to do now? Should I bring the drugs for you so you can take it?

Mike: the doctor said until I'm done with the injection..

Chigozie: but you need something to supress the achè...

Mike: breathing heavily... I don't know o. I don't know what to do..

Chigozie: stood up from the bed and quickly rush to get the drugs..

Then gave some to Mike, which he took..

After some minutes mike slept off again while chigozie was awake watching him..

Chigozie: hmmm I think I have to call his mom.. this is getting too serious for me... He said in his mind while staring at mike..

After allowing Mike to sleep for long....he also joined him on the bed.

The following day...

Scene 4.

Chigozie: in the kitchen making noodles and egg for mike..

Mike: woke up to perceiving aroma in the room... Then he entered the bathroom

Chigozie: done cooking. Scoop some tangible quantity and dropped it on the floor for mike..

Mike came out of the bathroom and met the indomie..

Mike: smiled... Is this for me?

Chigozie: yeah. Please eat enough so we can go and take your injection..

Mike: hmmm.... Thank you so much. He said softly..

Chigozie: head back to the kitchen, washing the dishes..

Mike: hmm.... This guy is caring though. I never knew he can be doing this for me.. he said in his while eating the noodles..

Some minutes later.. he was done and was about standing up to Carry the dirty plates to the kitchen

Chigozie: left what he was doing Inside the kitchen and quickly collected the plates from him to the kitchen..

Mike: hmmm😳... Omor no be small thing.. he said In his mind...

Thank you guy..

Chigozie: okay... He responded as he continues with what he was doing in the kitchen..

After he was done...

Chigozie: are you ready? Let go.

Mike: go where?

Chigozie: for your injection na..

Mike: don't worry I'll go alone.. you look tired.

Chigozie: mstwwww.... Oga let go please. You need to get better very soon because I'm tired. I don't know how to cook.. who will cook better for us if you're siick.

Mike: hmmm...

Alright thanks

Chigozie: ok... Let me change this trausers.. it's kinda ditty..

Mike: okay.. he said looking at chigozie..

Chigozie: removed his trausers...

Mike: 🤨🤨 looking at the diick búlgé.. and how the diick was dangling Inside the boxers...

Chigozie: trying to wear the trausers very fast..

Mike: focused on the diick he was looking at.. calculating the size in his head...

Chigozie: done wearing the trauser..

Let go sir.m he said

Mike: oh... okay.

They open the door and left..

More than an hour later... They came back...

3 days later... Within those days chigozie was the one doing almost everything for mike.. he buys food since he doesn't know how to cook.. Mike was also getting better and was done with the injections....but he was complaining to chigozie about the injection spot swelling up and pàíñing him..

Chigozie: you mean the place they are giving you the injection is pàîñing you?

Mike: yes.. it started yesterday night.. I have been pressing it but still feeling pàíñ

Chigozie: yeah it do happens sometimes... We will get iceblock from the freezer and use it to press it down...you will stop feeling the pàín.

Mike: ice block? How will ice block help supress the pàín? It's really pàíñing me..

Chigozie: that is what my mom use to do for us back then... I remember. And it works well trust me..

Mike: do we have ice block in the freezer?

Chigozie: we should.... If we Don't we will buy then..

The following day..

Scene 5.

Chigozie: here is the ice block use it and press it..

Mike: ok thank you.. he said and collected the ice block cups.. trying put it on the areas where he was feeling the pàín..

Chigozie: see this boy.. how can you do it that way? It won't work that way na.. lie down on the bed let me do it for you..

Mike: you will do it for me?

Chigozie: yes na... It's no big deal.. he said and dropped his phone on the table

Then Mike lied down on the bed....

Chigozie: remove your trausers na.. leave only boxers.. so I can do it easily..

Mike: removed it... Leaving only the skinny tight pànt he was wearing..

Chigozie: sat on Mike's lap region.. then he placed the ice block on his bútt..

Mike: ahhh.... So cold!

Chigozie: oga stay well please let me do this stuff once and for all..

Mike: omor guy it's very cold.. my body is doing me somehow as you're putting it..

Chigozie: smiles...yeah you will feel that way..he said as he draws Mike's boxers down a little bit so he can be able to place the ice block on the areas pàíñing him

Mike: chigozie.

Chigozie: howfer?

Mike: you have been missing class bro

Chigozie: which class?

Mike: I mean lecture na..

Chigozie: hmm... I know

Mike: for almost 4 days now you have been skipping lectures just to take care of me..

Chigozie: hmmm who's taking care 🙄🙄 oga no dey talk like better person.

Mike: 😂😂 na my problem with you be this.. I'm serious joor

Thank you so much.. I have been waiting for opportunity to say thank you

Chigozie: it's nothing bro.. if I was the one you would have done same for me..he said while massaging the àsss with the ice block..

Mike: hmmm yes of course. But I'll be more caring than this...

Chigozie: 🙄🙄🙄 see this boy.. can you carry me on your back like I did for you?

Mike: hahahah yes na... But remember you said no hómó 😂😂😂

Chigozie: 😂😂😂

Mike: yeah thank you so much.. I really appreciate you...

Chigozie: it's fine guy.. it's nothing.

Mike: I love you!

Chigozie: huh? You say? 🤨🤨 He asked very fast

Mike: I say I love you!

Chigozie: wait I don't understand.. which kind of love? 🤨🤨Hope it's not what I'm thinking..

Mike: it's what you're thinking.. I love you chigozie..

Chigozie: yo yo yo.... Guy! He said as he stood up from Mike's body.... What are you trying to say... Say it again..

Mike: I say I love you!

Chigozie: I go bréak your héàd for this room if you say it one more time... You dey madd? Who you dey love? Do I look like una kind? He said as he began to get angryy

Mike: busted into laughter 😂😂😂😂...

I got you!

Chigozie: 🤨🤨🤨 got me what? How??

Mike: 😂😂😂 na prank... Just said it to see your reaction..

Chigozie: Oh... Really? Are you sure? Hope it's not for real?

Mike: 😂😂it's not. Just wanted to prank.. you it been long we laughed this way..

Chigozie: it should be better be prank..... Ooh because omor I don ready to bèàt you eeh...

Mike: bèàt me? Why? Because I say I love you?

Chigozie: yeah! It sounds annoying to me... Very irritatiñg..

Mike: hmmm sorry then I won't try it again.

Chigozie: please don't try it again... I don't like it at all even as a prank... Not funny! Ok!

Mike: hmmm I'm sorry.. I won't say that again..

Chigozie: okay... So what were we saying before ?

Mike: hmmm... This is a no go area for me. How stupeed of me thinking he was having something emotional for me because he was just too over caring...

Mike remove this ill thoughts from your héàd... Chigozie is straight! He said in his mind while staring at chigozie shoes near the door...

Chigozie: Mike! Mike!..I'm talking to you

Mike: me? Oh.... Sorry? I was thinking about something.. what did you say please?

Chigozie: hmmm..... Watin you dey think?

Mike: I was thinking....

Chapter 16? Loading....