
Chapter 16 It Had to Be Aborted

I nodded and told him the truth, "He was going to divorce me. If I told him about my pregnancy, he would think that I was using this child to threaten him in order to not get divorce."

He raised his eyebrows. "But now he knows about it now. So what's your plan?"

I froze. I had no idea how to answer him.

I looked at him and asked tentatively, "Will Dylan want this child?"

"I'm not Dylan," he looked at me and said, "But Dylan is already 30 years old. He has no reason to give it up."

After that, he walked out with both his hands in the pockets of his white coat.

So in other words, Dylan would want this child?

But it was too early for me to be happy about it. When Camilla barged into the ward, I was having an infusion. She rushed in like a crazy woman and strangled me mercilessly.

Her eyes were blood-red and terrifying. "Why? Why are you pregnant? You killed my child, Lacey. So don't even think about having yours."