
Chapter 15 He Knew That I Was Pregnant

If I was lucky enough, maybe I could meet a kind driver to give me a ride. The wind was howling and the rain was so heavy tonight, so this small sun umbrella I had was just useless. Before I could walk far, my clothes were all already wet.

Probably I just had a very bad luck. There wasn't any cars passing by during my long walk, and the blowing cold wind made my stomach ache. Not long after, the pain grew worse like thousands of needles hurting me. I could no longer bear it.

Worrying about my child, I could only stop and squat down, hands holding my belly. The rain was getting heavier and heavier. When I wanted to take out my phone, I found my pocket empty and my phone wasn't there. I guess I must've left it in the car just now.

I have already walked a long way now. Besides, my stomach hurt so much that I couldn't possibly walk back. I held onto the stone pier on the roadside and managed to walk a few more steps. But I was too much in pain, cold sweat breaking out, so I could only squat back down.

Then I felt warmth flowing down between my legs. I was shocked, afraid that my child wouldn't survive this day.

In an ancient children's song, it was said that girls were made of candies, spices and all kinds of beautiful things, and they were just like angels.

However, not all girls were made of candy, spices, and beautiful things. Some girls were born to face disasters, suffering, torture, parting, and not getting what they wanted.

"Screech." When I heard the sound of a car pulling over, I was already feeling dizzy and could hardly open my eyes. I looked up to the car in a daze.

It was a black Jeep, with the licence plate of BD99 ACL. It was Dylan's car.

A few key points flashed by my mind. I knew it was Dylan, so I stood up with all the strength I had left.

But after squatting for too long, I suddenly fell backwards because of dizziness.

"Silly girl!" I heard the man's low and cold voice. I could barely open my eyes, but I could feel Dylan carry me into his car. Then everything blacked out.

When I woke up, I could only see the colour white surrounding me. It was only when I looked closely that I realize I was in the hospital.

I moved a little, but I felt pain. Not only pain, but agony.

I instinctively reached out to touch my belly.

"Don't worry, the child is fine!" The sudden voice startled me. I looked to the side and saw that it was Benjamin. I was stunned. I didn't know what to say at that moment.

After a while, I said, "You." ''Why are you here?'' was what I wanted to say, but I couldn't because my throat hurt too much.

Seeing this, he raised his eyebrows, turned around, and poured me a glass of water. He then walked to my side and sat me up. I was a little resistant, so I supported myself with my elbow, trying to stay away from him.

But he ignored what I did and held the glass of water close to me, gesturing me to drink it. I reached out to take the glass, but he avoided my hand. ''Drink!''

In that case, I could only do what he said.

After a few sips, my throat felt better.

He helped me lie back onto the bed and put down the glass. "Thank you!" I said as I looked at him.

He lowered his gaze and focused on his phone in his hand. ''Yeah,'' he replied briefly.

I hesitated for a while, but I decided to ask anyway, ''Does Dylan know about my child?'' If I was right, it was Dylan whom had sent me to the hospital last night. If Benjamin knew about my pregnancy, Dylan would've known about it too.

Benjamin stopped what he was doing and looked at me with his black eyes. He narrowed his eyes and said, "You don't want him to know?"