
When They First Met

Yhanzekiel's POV

I breathe deeply because of tiredness playing basketball but it is okay because I enjoy it. I am here in the park near my house to rest for a while because my feet are killing me. Who invented the uphill road so I can kill him or her. It is really hard walking uphill -_____-

I sat on the bench to rest my feet when I heard something, a person singing back in the tree near me.

"Do you remember how it felt like

I still remember how we end in days,weeks and month

We were together for so long I haven't notice that we fallin down to fast~~"

I slowly walked to the one who sang and I saw a girl who was crying while playing guitar.

"I wanna go back to the way we used to be

I wanna feel your skin,your lips so close to me

I wanna go back when I called you mine all the time

Every smile and every moment if only I have

A Time machine~~"

After she sang, she hugged her guitar like it was because of her guitar why she was crying.

“I miss you so much Vince. I wish you’re still here beside me, singing and playing guitar together. I wish---If I could turn back the time I would not do those things, then maybe you would still be here with me.”she said while crying. “Please Vince come back to me.”

And because I can’t afford to see a girl crying in front of me I approached her and offered her my handkerchief. Don’t think anything else, I just don’t want to see a girl crying and also my handkerchief is clean.

“Miss stop crying, it is not suited to you.”I said it while giving my handkerchief to her.

She looked up to me but instead getting my hanky, she touched my face. I was shocked. Why is she touching my face? Is it because she is in love with me at the first sight? I am that handsome? My mind turned blank when she spoke.

“V-vince?!”I saw her face shocked and started to cry more. Did she call me Vince? Who is Vince and why is she calling me Vince? Do I know her? Many questions pop out of my head.

I removed her hand and smiled slightly. “I’m sorry but I’m not Vince, my name is Ekie and can you please stop crying? I don’t want to see a girl crying.”I said to her.

And again, I was surprised when she started laughing and touched her forehead that it feels like she didn’t believe it. She sat again in the grass where she was sitting before.

“Yeah, right. How is it possible you’re Vince if he was gone and he will never come back, I will never see him again.”then she put her face on her palm. “Vince is gone.My Vince is gone. He will never come back.”and she cried again.

I sat beside her and tapped her back. I don’t want to leave her like this especially because it feels like she has a going through in her life. If I leave her like this, she might think of ending her life and if that happens my conscience will never leave me.

“Miss stop crying, other people may think that I made you cry.”I said to her.

She wiped her tears. “I’m sorry if I’m bothering you or disturbing you.”It feels like she will cry again.

“Please don’t cry again. Pretty please.”I begged her and she started to laugh again. Is she kinda weird? Crying and laughing at the same time. “Why are you laughing?”

“You’re just like Vince, he doesn't want to see a girl or woman crying.”she smiled while telling it but there was a tears escape in her eyes. I feel the sadness in her eyes even though I was her smiling.

“Who is that Vince?”I can’t restrain myself asking who Vince is that Vince. Why did I feel like I heard that name before?

When I asked her about that, the smile on her face faded and the sadness came in again.

“Vince is my boyfriend.”she said. “Today is his birthday and also his 2nd death anniversary. He died two years ago.”Then tears came in again and I can’t ask her again to stop crying when I already know why she was crying. If I was her, maybe I may be like her. Crying while remembering that one that loves. “Because of me why he was gone. If I tried to fight for him, maybe just maybe he would still be here, laughing, smiling, crying in front of me.”she added.

I am a person that the student look up to but I don’t why that stupid question pop out of my mind.

“Are you a killer?”I touched my mouth when I asked and I didn’t mean to say it. Oh my God Ekie, all of the questions or words that you will ask her why that stupid question.

She bitterly smiled, “Maybe I am a killer because I am the reason why he died, if not because of me maybe he will still be alive.”she said while looking down.

“I’m sorry miss, I didn’t mean to. Please don’t cry. Maybe it wasn’t your fault why he died.”I start to panic because I feel she has become more sad. “And maybe he’s sad too because he saw you being sad.”

Once again, she started laughing again. Is this girl crazy?!

“You really are both alike.Hahaha.”she said. “Maybe his spirit is with you so I can feel his presence.”

I started having a goosebump because of what she said. His boyfriend’s spirit is with me?!! No way and I hope that is not true.

“Miss don’t say that, it makes me feel a chill in my body and I’m getting scared.”I said to her why caressing my arms because I really feel the chills in my body.

“Hahaha. Are you really scared of ghosts?!”and she laugh again.

“At least I made you smile. You’re not crying anymore.”I said while smiling at her.

She just smiled and played her guitar.

“How long have you been playing guitar?”I change the topic so she can forget her guy.

“I've been playing guitar since high school, five years ago maybe. Kuya Acrille taught me how to play guitar and I enjoy it.”she answered.

“Your brother?”I asked.

“Nope, he was a friend of my brother, Tri-----”she said when my phone rang.

“I’m sorry, I need to answer this.”she just nodded.

I just step away from her a little bit before I answer my phone.

"Hello Marcky?!"I answered my bestfriend call.

[Where are you?!!]

"I’m in the park?! Why?!"

[What are you doing there?! I said already that we have things to do today?! We are here in your house, please hurry up.]

“I’m sorry bro, I forgot. Just wait, I’m on my way.”I ended the call and I walked again near to the girl to say goodbye. I really have a gut feeling that I forgot something.

“Miss?!”she looked up. “I gotta go. My bestfriend called me and we have something to do that I totally forgot. I’m really sorry.''I feel that guilt because I left her like this. I want to comfort her now but I can’t because first of all we just met today and I don’t know her at all but some things are bothering me. I feel like I met her but I don't know when or where.

“It's okay,”she said. “Thank you for listening and for comforting me even though we’re just met.”

“Take care Miss---”I totally forgot to ask her name.

"Skyler but you can call me Sky."

“Okay Sky, take care and stop crying okay.”she nodded.

I started to run fast to the exit of the park. I hope I can see her again because I kinda like her.

Skyler's POV

I’m here in the park when I saw Vince for the last time, my boyfriend----or should I say my ex-boyfriend. I sat in our favorite spot where we could see the beautiful view. I play my guitar while singing the song that makes me remember him.

"Do you remember how it felt like

I still remember how we end in days,weeks and month

We were together for so long I haven't notice that we fallin down to fast~~"

I can’t help but to cry. How many years can I endure this pain because of what happened?!! I really can’t forgive myself because of what happened, because of me I will never see him again. I can’t speak with him or touch him again just like our old days. I can’t be with him again because of my stupidity.

"I wanna go back to the way we used to be

I wanna feel your skin,your lips so close to me

I wanna go back when I called you mine all the time

Every smile and every moment if only I have

A Time machine~~"

I wanna go back to those days. I want to feel his lips touching my cheeks, his breath when he smells my hair. I want to hear his voice again especially when he always says that he loves me no matter what happen, his laugh and smile everytime we’re together. I miss all about him.

"If only I have a time machine~~"

If only I had a time machine, I want to go back to that day to say that I really love him so much.

After I sing, I can’t help but to hug my guitar and start crying more. I want to release all of my emotions right now.

“I miss you so much Vince. I wish you’re still here beside me, singing and playing guitar together. I wish---If I could turn back the time I would not do those things, then maybe you would still be here with me.”I said while crying. “Please Vince come back to me.”

Please Vince......

“Miss stop crying, it is not suited to you.”a voice came from my back.

I was shocked when I heard that voice, not because I thought that I’m the only one here but because I heard that voice again. I turned to my back and I saw a guy giving his handkerchief but I never took it instead I held his face. Is it true?! He’s in front of me, the person I’ve been looking for. The reason why I’m crying right now. The guy that I love the most----

“V-vince?!”I was shocked and started to cry more. He’s here in front of me and I’m not illusioning. I can touch him and I can talk to him.

“I’m sorry but I’m not Vince, my name is Ekie and can you please stop crying? I don’t want to see a girl crying.”

“Yeah, right. How is it possible you’re Vince if he was gone and he will never come back, I will never see him again.”I have my hand on my face. Wake up Sky!!! Vince will never come back. “Vince is gone.My Vince is gone. He will never come back.”and I sat again and started to cry again.

I feel that he sat beside me and patted my back and it makes me feel more sad. He really reminds me of Vince, he always pat my back and head when I’m down or sad. He is always beside me even on my worst day.

“Miss stop crying, other people may think that I made you cry.”he said to me.

I wiped my tears and I felt embarrassed because we didn't know each other and yet I was crying in front of him saying nonsense.“I’m sorry if I’m bothering you or disturbing you.”and my tears want to fall again.

“Please don’t cry again. Pretty please.”he begged and I can’t help but to laugh. He’s really like Vince. “Why are you laughing?”

“You’re just like Vince, he doesn't want to see a girl or woman crying.”I was smiling yet tears escaped from my eyes.

“Who is that Vince?”my smile faded away and I started to feel sad again. All the pain came back again.

“Vince is my boyfriend.”I answered. I don’t want to say that he was my ex because I don’t want him to know. “Today is his birthday and also his 2nd death anniversary. He died two years ago.”Then tears came in again when I remembered what happened. “Because of me why he was gone. If I tried to fight for him, maybe just maybe he would still be here, laughing, smiling, crying in front of me.”

“Are you a killer?”I saw him cover his mouth, maybe he was shocked because the word came out from his lips but I didn’t mind that. Maybe he’s right.

I bitterly smiled, “Maybe I am a killer because I am the reason why he died, if not because of me maybe he will still be alive.”I said while looking down. I don’t want him seeing me crying again but he sees through.

“I’m sorry miss, I didn’t mean to. Please don’t cry. Maybe it wasn’t your fault why he died.”I saw him panicking. “And maybe he’s sad too because he saw you being sad.”he added.

Really?! Will he be sad too despite what I’ve done to him?! I laugh again because based on his talking, they’re both alike.

“You really are both alike.Hahaha.”I said while laughing. “Maybe his spirit is with you so I can feel his presence,”I added.

I saw him getting pale. Is he scared of ghosts?!

“Miss don’t say that, it makes me feel a chill in my body and I’m getting scared.”I said to her why caressing my arms because I really feel the chills in my body.

So it’s true, he is scared of ghosts. Hahaha.

“Hahaha. Are you really scared of ghosts?!”and I laughed again. My Vince was never scared of ghosts, actually he’s the one who always tells stories about ghosts or anything scary.

“At least I made you smile. You’re not crying anymore.”he said while smiling.

I just smiled at him and played my guitar. I can’t help but to be blushed because they’re both alike, how to talk, how to smile and how to make you smile. Vince never failed to make me happy every time I’m with him.

“How long have you been playing guitar?”then he change the topic so. Maybe he wants me to forget about Vince.

“I've been playing guitar since high school, five years ago maybe. Kuya Acrille taught me how to play guitar and I enjoy it.”I answered. I was only 12 when Kuly Acrille taught me how to play guitar.

“Your brother?”I shake my head as an answer.

“Nope, he was a friend of my brother, Tri-----”I was cutted when his phone rang.

“I’m sorry, I need to answer this.”I just nodded and continued what I am doing.

He stepped away from me a little bit. While he answering his phone, I stared at his back.

“Vince I’m sorry for what I’ve done to you but the truth I still love you until now. I just did that because I don’t have any choice. If I knew what will happen, I will never leave you and I will never break up with you, then maybe you are still here. Please remember Vince, I love you so much.”I whispered and another tears came out from my eyes.

I can’t stop crying every time I think Vince. I really miss him to the point that I nearly go crazy. After a few minutes I saw Ekie coming back to me, maybe to say goodbye. I wiped my tears, I hope he didn't notice it.

“Miss?!” I gotta go. My bestfriend called me and we have something to do that I totally forgot. I’m really sorry.”he bid goodbye.

“It's okay,”I smiled at him. “Thank you for listening and for comforting me even though we’re just met.”and to make me feel that Vince is alive even though I know he’s not.

“Take care Miss---”

"Skyler but you can call me Sky."I introduce myself to him.

“Okay Sky, take care and stop crying okay.”I just nodded to him.

After that, he ran fast far away from this park but me, I stayed here just for a while. I saw the sky starting to get orange and red because of the sunset. I can’t help but get a flashback from two years ago. How I ruin the life of my love.


I’m here in the park waiting for Vince because I said to him I need to meet him, right now. I can’t smile because of my decisions that I made now. I want to back out and run away but I can’t, if I don’t do this my family will be in danger. After a while, I saw Vince coming. He was smiling and I can’t help but to feel nervous. This man is my love of my life, he is the only one I will love for the rest of my life but maybe after this day he will hate me forever.

“Hey Kyle.”he greeted me and kissed my cheeks.

I didn’t smile but I kept holding my tears. I don’t want to cry in front of him. I don’t want him seeing me crying.

"I want to talk to you."I asked in a serious tone.

“Why are you serious right now Kyle? It makes me feel nervous for what you're gonna say.”he smile uncertainly.

I’m sorry Vince but I hope you don't hate me for what I’m gonna do.

"Vince---"I breathe deeply before I continue what I’m gonna say. "--let's break up."

After what I’ve said I saw him becoming pale. I’m really sorry Vince.

After a while I saw him laughing hesitantly.

“Are you kidding right?! Tell me that it's just a prank.”I shaked my head as an answer and his face became serious when he saw not smiling at all. “It is because of my Mom?”

“No.”I lied.

“I thought you love me?! I thought we would never be affected by them?! Then why are you breaking up with me?!”and he started to cry.

I look down because I really can't shed my tears right now. I don’t want to see him hurt, I don’t want to see him like this, crying because of me.

“I’m really sorry Vince.”

I’m sorry if I’m gonna leave you but please understand. I really love you, more than my life.

He held tightly in my arms, it hurt but I let him because this is nothing compared to what he feels right now.

“YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME!! THEN WHY ARE YOU BREAKING UP WITH ME?! WHY?!!”he shouted that cause of people staring at us. After a while he loosen his grip. “If it is because of my Mom I will talk to her, please don’t break up with me.”he begged at me.

“I’m sorry Vince I can’t do that and I said already, she didn’t know about this.”I answered and after that, I stepped away from him because I can’t bear seeing him like this.

I was shocked when he hugged me from the back.

“Please Kyle, I’ll do anything but don’t leave me.”he was crying and begging at me. “Please Kyle.”he whispered.

All the tears I kept were starting to flow. I need to get out of here before I take my words back.

“Let me go Vince.”I said to him while loosening his hug.

“No!!!I can’t release you until you say what are the reasons why you are leaving me.”he said with a firm tone.

“Do you really want to know why I am breaking up with you?”I said with a higher tone while my tears kept flow. “I DON’T LOVE YOU ANYMORE!!!!”I shouted and he suddenly released me. I look back at him. “I don’t love you anymore because you became possessive!! You always want to stay beside me, you always want you to be the only one I should talk to!! I am getting tired of it!!!”

“No, that’s not true.”he said in a low voice. “NO!!! THAT’S NOT TRUE!! YOU ARE STILL LOVE ME!! I know you still love me.”he was crying desperately and stared straight from my eyes. “I know you still love me, you are lying.”he said with bitterness.

I didn’t answer him, instead I turned my back and walked away from that park.

I’m sorry Vince. I really love you so much. All of the things I said to you was a big lie. I hope you will forgive me in the right time, for what I did.

Because I’m crying hard I didn’t realize that I’m in the middle of the road and suddenly there was a car coming towards me. I’m just standing there and didn’t move because of the shock.


In just a split second I saw myself lying on the side of the road while Vince was lying where I was before. His white shirt became red because of his blood.


*End of Flashback*

That day, I didn’t know that he would be gone forever, the person who taught me many things. I never thought that I would never see him again, in just a blink of eyes.

Having a flood of memories of that day, I can’t control myself to cry again and scream because of frustration. I’m really tired of being hurt, I really want to follow him. I want to see him again but I can’t.

"Vince---"I whispered in the middle of crying.