
Chapter One

Audea alarms ringing loudly in her room; this is the way her day starts.

His father holding the pan and cooking the fried egg and preparing the toasted bread for breakfast; he pours hot chocolate in a cup and waited for her daughter to come down.

With still heavy step and still wearing her pajamas

She is rubbing her eyes as she greets her father

"Good morning" stretching and yawning at the same time

His father smiled at her lovely daughter

He suddenly remembers that her daughter will soon be turning eighteen just a few months from now; three months to be exact.

"Good morning, sweetie; hurry up and eat. You don't want to be late in school" he reminds her cheerfully

Audea smiles; she is indeed very lucky to have a father like him.

He is a very responsible father and despite her mother's illness; his father remains strong for them

Her mother starts to weaken her immunity when his only older brother died in an accident that took their family by surprise.

Her mother becomes distant and doesn't show so much affection and attention to them instead she hallow by herself; always alone in her room.

His father is determined to make her mother well again before her daughter's 18th birthday; it is the best gift he can ever give to their daughter.

He wanted to see her daughter genuine smile while her mother greeting her "Happy birthday" on her special day all well and healthy.

He almost plans everything how he can make it possible. He reads a lot of books about her case and consults doctors and professionals.

He plans to have a getaway vacation with her wife; just the two of them.

He thinks about the time her daughter will be alone in their house while he and her wife are away for needed vacation and healing.

He is somehow a little bit worried; he sighs as he observes her daughter munching on her bread

Audea turn her attention to his father as she notice something occupied his thoughts

"Why father? Is there something bothering you?"

His father is taken aback, thinking if he should already tell it to her daughter but the vacation he planned is just two weeks away from now.

He shrugs and says "No, go ahead and eat plenty. You have to be full before you head to your school" he smiles

Audea looks at the clock and quickly panic; still, she is biting the bread, pressed into her lips as she hurriedly goes up in the stairs which causes loud sounds of tamping feet.

His father's laughs as he reminded her "Careful not to trip"

Luckily she didn't trip in the stairs but she can't runaway her unlucky fate to be bumped in her study table while she is on her way to her bathroom

"Ouch" she manages to just voice out the pain and hurriedly goes into her bathroom to shower

She is fixing herself in the mirror, she is very happy because every day she always felt the love and concern of his father.

His father made her a lunch pack which she can boast once again to her friends in school that his father meal is truly delicious and he made it especially for her.

She smiled widely at her idea but before she leaves their house, she wouldn't ever forget the most important things she has to do in her morning routine.

She goes to her mother and father shared room and she found her mother sitting on the sofa facing the window.

Her mother always likes this in the morning; just sitting on the sofa, facing the window as if she is looking far away, thinking hard and looking blank.

She goes beside her mother and greets her

"Good morning! Mom" she kisses her cheek

"I'm going to school now but don't worry I come back as fast as I can and tell you a lot of stories that me and my friends had in school," she said excitedly

Suddenly she heard his father calling "Audea, come down now before you become late in school"

"Okay, Coming" she answers back

She hugs her mother who still wearing that blank expression in her face; she didn't even respond to her.

She really doesn't want to be sad about it. His father promised her that his mother will soon be okay and that they just have to be patient and wait.

She trusts his father words; to ease her weary heart, she hugs her mother tightly and whispers "don't worry Mom, you soon will be fine" she smiles and then with a heavy heart turn away and close the door in her parent's room.

She soon changes her expressions as soon as she faces his father. She doesn't want his father to feel sad because she feels down.

She knew they have to be both strong for her mother.

She carried his father lunch pack for her and headed out in their house.

She immediately notices her surroundings, the trees, the beautiful weather, the breeze of wind that caressing her skin.

She smiles and feels the moment and she is thankful for the day.

In her school; her friends immediately greeted her.

But the class soon starts and as a good student as they are; they're instantly hurried in their seats, gets their book.

Their teacher enters their classroom and greeted them. They're greeted back.

They're listen diligently and did each activity that their teacher asks them to

The lunchtime is her favorite time of the day because it is the moment she can brag her father lunch pack to her friends and made them taste it too.

In their break time, they had the chance to chat and catch up in each other's activity.

They're breaks mostly filled with stories, giggles, laughs and a lot of food to share and eat.

She giggles and laughs as they exchanged stories of the books they read and the food they eat.

Audea's failed attempt in cooking last night is the center of the discussions which brings them lots of laughter.

After they ate, they decided to play the "Act it and I Guess It" Game.

It is Audea's turn as she wholeheartedly acts out the word that she picks, her actions are getting funnier as she overreacts the words she picks because of the reason her friends don't get it.

Her friends are laughing uncontrollably as they are watching her

Suddenly all the laughter's muted and they all stare blankly at her

As Audea signing the clue to her words and she is about to turn her whole body as the part of the act, her hands hit something.

Her friends saw it; she hit the "hot dog sandwich" that the passerby holds in his hand

The shocked look of her friends registered to her as she realizes she hits someone

She carefully faces that person with a worried look in her face and looked at the white polo he wears; she then gets alarmed when she saw a stain in his white polo.

In all the people that she can hit and can stain a white polo; in all the men in their school

"Why Him?" he silently asked herself

She is terrified that the guy might yell at her or makes her embarrassed in front of many people in their school so before she can receive the biggest shock of her life

She runs as fast as she can; her friends are even more shock

The guy is puzzled and just looks at the girl running; he didn't seem to mind

He looks in his white polo that is stained by the ketchup and sauce from her "hot dog sandwich" but he just shrugs it off, picks up the "hot dog sandwich" that fall in the ground

He then continues to walk like it doesn't matter, stop in the nearest trash can and throw away the already dirty sandwich.

He then put on his headphone and continues walking like no one is looking at him

Audea's shocked friends finally regained their voices back and regain their senses

"OH, MY GOLLY GOO!!! Is that Nathan?" one of her friends finally breathes.

"Yes, it is him" they all agreed in unison.