
Chapter Two

Audea can't believe she ran as fast as she can as soon as she saw the man's face

Her thoughts trailed once again at the events happened a while ago flashes back to her; she can't help but feel embarrassed.

Her cheeks are as red as a tomato. It then registered to her. It was Nathan.

He is known to be mysterious, dark, quiet, and handsome like a prince and he is very famous in their Campus especially to girls.

He is a snob type of guy. He is very good at sports. He played well in all kinds of sports that he participated in.

A lot wanted to be his friends but he always chooses to be alone; wearing his headphone and listening to music or reading a book.

He does not seem listening or uninterested whenever they are having their classes and their teachers' teaching. He seems like he is not paying attention at all but the moment his teachers ask a question; all of his classmates are always surprised that he always gets good remarks in exams and he can answer the teacher's questions without any sweat.

There is an exaggeration to the rumors that are widely spread in their Campus.

They said Nathan is a vampire or he collects people's soul that he works for soul eaters, the reason why he is often alone and quiet to hide his secret.

Those ideas make him more enigmatic in the eyes of everybody; the rumors never died so most of the students end up believing it.

After the incident; her friends hurriedly go to her

"Are you okay?" Mina asked

"I'm just shocked" Audea's take a deep breath to relax.

All of her friends look at her and she looks at them too then suddenly they all burst out laughing.

They are longtime friends since Junior High up until now in their Senior High; it's so natural for them to reads each other actions, to just look at each other's eyes and immediately know what the other thinks and suddenly naturally react to it.

Audea is so thankful that she had a great friend; Mina, Reijie, Kierra.

They grew up supporting each other and always helping each other out.

His father loves their friendship; his father is always delighted that they are people who can make her daughter happy despite what happened to her older brother and the depression that her mother is going through.

Audea's father is the type that doesn't want to disturb anyone or asks anyone for a favor but his near vacation with her wife disturbs him a lot, leaving Audea alone in their house will only increase his anxiety since the loss of his son is still a fresh wound in their family.

The doctor says he too needs a healing that's why they highly suggested that he traveled along with her wife; talk it over and let out all their held emotions and be each other's pillar and strength.

He too needs to let go and never ignore the pain.

They both need to embrace it and remain strong for their daughters, Audea.

They know Audea's is trying her best to show them a strong front, acting like she is fine when he knew that she too is broken and in great pain but she manages to not to show it for her mother's sake.

He wanted to come back really fine, well and healthy so they can be able to heal their daughter's too, in the time they can become a strong parent once again for her.

Since his worries taking over him, he called his best friend and tells him what bothers him

The phone rings and his best friend picks up

"Hello! Edward, why do you call?"

"Renan I have something to ask you since you and Clarie coming with us. I wanted to know would you leave your son in your house all alone too."

"Yeah, he's all grown up now, he can manage on his own and he is fine young men by now. I can trust him our house and our dog, he can be the man of the house while I was away" he assured

"I can't be at ease and relax like you, Audea is a girl and I can't just leave her in our home alone"

"Oh, someone really needs to guard your princess while the King is away. Okay, I will ask my son to look after her while we're gone"

"I know I'm asking too much but at least for the time that we were away can you let him stay in our house. I need an assurance that she has a security and someone to look after her. She is so used to have his brother in the house so I think it might be okay to her to have him around."

"I will talk to him after our talk and call you back; don't worry I will convince, he can't say NO to me and also to you. He is weak whenever you're asking a favor to him"

"If it is not still school days, we will all travel together if it wasn't for her studies"

"Don't mind it. It is the same to me, if he doesn't have classes, he will travel with us too"

"Yeah, it is sad that we can't tag them along"

"It is not an ordinary travel after all; you and Anika much needed it. I and Clarie will be there to support you two. Claire and Anica can go shopping so you're wife can slowly come back to her senses. She needed someone to talk too, a friend. I and Anica are willing to help you both overcome those storms"

"Thank you Renan, you're really a true friend. I don't know what I'm going to do without you and Anica support especially in the times that our eldest is gone, you and Anica help us a lot"

"Ah! Don't be like that, we are best friends, after all, that's are friends are for; I let him know you wanted him to be Audea's guardian while we were gone. Everything will be fine, stop worrying"

"Okay. Thank you so much"