
Multiverse Quest Board

Being born as a descendant of the legendary King Arthur but lacking even the power of a low-class devil wasn't thought to be a happy start, but did he care? After all, the moment he was given another chance at life, he made a decision: "It's either die grand or die never." --- Disclaimer: I hold nothing but dick in my hands and all the characters and material used in this Fic belong to their rightful owner — if the rightful owner of any of the franchises ever read this, please sign my pat. I would appreciate it. Discord Server: https://discord.gg/ny477BYQbp Pat eron Link: https://www.patreon.com/meatball_chan

meatball_san · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
39 Chs

And once you know your weakness

"Show Status." Calmly uttered Noah, the thing he wanted to see the most was nothing more than what his general situation looked like.


[Name: Noah Pendragon]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Magic Caster]

[Title: You Fucked Up Buddy! | Descendant of King Arthur | Transmigiratior]

[Skills: Swordsmanship (Master) | Luxury Skills (Swimming, Football, Cooking, Cleaning, etc.,]

[Mana: 10 (Regen 1 per minute)]

[SP: 0]

'As I thought initially… 10 MP and 1 per minute regeneration… I'm weak as fuck!'

With his initial test back in the past, he had come up with the exact same hypothesis that his MP is 10 while his regen was 1 per min. Seeing the status just confirmed it to him, the grim reality he was living.

Shaking his head out of such thoughts, he called Store tab with hope and dreams. And he wasn't disappointed—No! The result had exceeded his expectations.


[100 SP → +1 MP]

[1000 SP → +10 MP]

[10000 SP → +100 MP]

[500 SP → Swordsmanship (GrandMaster)]




A slight chill passed through his spin, making him shiver with excitement as he stared at the text in front of his eyes—Formidable! He couldn't help but shout internally.

'This store… Instead of having items as I've thought, it has an up-gradation system sort of thing going on which, for my situation, is like a heaven-sent opportunity! I don't care if I can't get to learn Heaven's Feel… Alright, I do, but who knows how expensive that Magic would have been. At least, I can power up my MP a little faster from it.'

He didn't know the SP distribution in the system, and he knew it would be harsher seeing the prices which looked so little.

Yet, he felt happy beyond belief today. His gamble that he had taken with that robotic creep has finally paid off.

He got OP ability, though nerfed, but with a chance to alleviate that nerfing status. He couldn't ask for more… Okay, not really, but you get the point.

Calming down from his burst of excitement, he looked for his only source of SP—Mission Tab,

But seeing the word "None" in it, he couldn't help but feel a slight disappointment. The only thing that could give him some SP was this Mission thingy, and he had none in it, of course, he would feel disappointment.

He felt like he was left blue balled.

And while the Visited World, though having no idea about what it was, he could differ that it should be the worlds he would visit during a mission—same with the Inventory.

"Guess I'll take classes and go home then."

The initial excitement was still there, but more subtle now. The idea of doing a mission and getting stronger felt like dopamine to him. The uncontrollable curl of his lips, the slight shiver in his chest, and the subtle feeling of blood boiling—all of this told him he was excited, like a kid finally about to get his favorite toy, Noah felt the same.

Flying in the sky, having power enough to change the landscape of the earth, killing whoever you want… not that, but the excitement of becoming strong was still there.

'I might be hungry for power…' He internally thought while staring at his fist, a smirk forming on his face. 'But who isn't? I'm just one of many, and that fact doesn't disturb me at all.'


As he was lost in the feeling, the door clicked open, making him raise his head and look at it. Slowly, it opened, revealing a petite white-haired girl holding a box in her hands.



Two eyes met, both staring at each other silently.

"... Classes are boring…" The white-haired girl said after the brief silence, making Noah nod his head in understanding.

"Want to sit with me? We can eat together." He said, bringing a lunch box out of his bag. The fact that he didn't have inventory before saddened him since he had to bring everything manually with him, but now he could finally have the luxury of having everything with him, yet carrying nothing.

The wet dreams of women who like shopping, and men who have to accompany them for the shopping.

With a slight nod, Koneko walked and sat beside him before opening her box and started to eat silently.

Not bothered by her in the least—he was used to it—Noah also opened her lunch box and started to eat.

A comfortable silence took over the rooftop with only the occasional sound of wind passing could be heard. After a slight pause, Noah suddenly inquired.

"When is the date of Rias engagement?"

The white-haired girl's hand stagnated for brief silence before she softly answered.

"... Don't know."

Noah nodded, continuing to eat away his lunch. Again, another period of silence sank in between them.

*Sniff Sniff*

A slight mouth-watering smell entered her nostril, making her turn her head around cutely, staring at Noah's lunch box.

Feeling the stare from his side, Noah looked at the petit girl, a small smile taking over his lips.

"Want to try it?" He said, picking a piece of bread with his chopsticks. "A new bakery has just opened in the town square. I heard that their bread is really good, so I got this chicken bread from them. It is not bad."

Seeing her nodding her small head with slight excitement made Noah chuckle. Picking up the bread with chopsticks, he presented it in front of her mouth.

"It is slightly cold though, so it might lower the taste a little."

*Nom Nom*

With puffed-up red cheeks, Koneko bit over the bread in silence. After a second of tasting, her eyes lit up with happiness as she looked back towards Noah with the same stoic expression but with a slight longing for what he had in his hand.

"... Here, you can eat mine." With a wry smile, he pushed his box towards her, making Koneko make a troubled face.

After a second of contemplation, she picked her lunch box and gave it to Noah, softly saying.


Understanding her thought, he picked her lunch box that had cookies only for some reason and gave her his.

'Bland… she really needs to try new things.' He internally thought, taking a bite of her lunch cookie. He wondered how one can eat one thing all the time when he could barely eat the same thing thrice a day. 'Unless, of course, I like it way too much.'

After eating his lunch and patting Koneko's head to his satisfaction, Noah left the rooftop wondering what he should do now.

Though he would love to spend his time with Koneko, she had left for her classes. Since even though she found them boring, she still would not bunk all of them, unlike a certain black-haired young man.

As he was thinking whether he should go and take his classes, a message popped into his mind making him almost dance giddy like a fangirl.

[DxD world has announced a mission!]

[First Step My Beloved Son]

[Kill the Stray hidden in Kuoh Town]

[Reward: 1000 SP, Random World Travel Ticket, Swordsmanship (GrandMaster)]

[Notice: Since this is the first mission received by the world, rewards have been increased greatly. Such increase in rewards is only one time, and would not happen again unless under special circumstances]

"Finally!" He shouted with excitement, startling the students in the classes. Seeing that he might have disturbed a class, and remembering Sona's character, he hurriedly yeeted himself out of the hallway and made his way out of the school.

Coming out of the school, he read through the mission closely, making him fall in silence.

'Beloved Son? Sounds VERY suggestive if I must say so myself…' Noah internally said, remembering certain novels in his past life. 'But if it really is that, then isn't it a good thing?'

If his guess, if it could be called one since everything was in plain sight, was right then he should have the blessing as the "son of the world". Another thing that caught his eye was the word "DxD World", he wondered if all the missions were going to be assigned by the world itself.

'Can people assign missions too? I need further information.'

While thinking such, he randomly started to walk all over the town. He had no idea where this stray would be since the system didn't give him the exact location of it.

Seeing that it would take a lot of time if he did all of this manually, he entered an empty alley before raising his hand, a soft voice left his mouth.

<<Triplet Maximize Magic: Summon Monster 1st>>

The air, as if suction was created in the void, started to constrict in front of him before soon taking the shape of a bird—three birds.

Summon Monster 1st was, as the name suggested, a 1st Tier magic that summoned Lesser Elementals. By using it with Triplet Maximize Magic, Noah was able to summon three Lesser Air Elementals with ease.

And the best thing about it was, even though he used Maximize Magic, but since he had used only a single magic, it still only cost him only 1 MP.

He had found out in the past that unless he manually tried to raise the Tier of Magic, it would still cost him a single MP.

'But even if I raise 1st Tier power to 10th Tier power by pumping 10 MP, it would still not be able to match with a 10th Tier Magic, solely due to no matter how much MP I feed, it is still a 1st Tier Magic.'

In YGGDRASIL, Tier's played a massive role in the game. So such a loophole of jumping a 1st Tier Magic power to 10th Tier Magic power would have been impossible. You can raise the power but never jump the Tier itself.

'Another fact is that I can't use even a single 2n Tier Magic… ' He had tried using 2nd Tier Magic before, but he would get negative results every time. 'Maybe even I have Tiers assigned to me, maybe based on the amount of Mana I have. Is there a breakthrough?'

He knew he was going to pump all 1000 SP into raising his MP since it was his main source of fighting, so he would know whether he can use 2nd Tier Magic after his MP reaches 20 or not.

"Go and search for Stray, once found, contact me immediately." He commanded the Lesser Air Elemental, who flapped their wings and vanished from his sight.

"Let's create 30 more before moving out myself." With saying so, he raised his hand and used the same magic ten more times till his MP dropped to zero, before ordering them to do the same.

After sitting in the alley for 10 minutes, filling his MP to full, Noah also left the alley. It was time for grinding some SP.