
Multiverse Pride Troopers

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Mutliverse Troopers

No One POV:

The three main Pride troopers have just been called to the Grand Priest's Palace. Which consist of Dyspo the fastest in the multiverse, Toppo the new God Of Destruction for universe 11, and last but not least Jiren The Grey the said strongest mortal of the multiverse or second.

"Marcarita" Toppo said to universe 11's angel

"Yes Lord Toppo" she responded to the new GOD (God Of Destruction) I will just put God when referring to a regular you know God.

"Do you know what the Grand Preist has called us for"? he asked curiously

"Sadly I do not, though I might have a slight idea, however, I can't confirm it until we get there".

"That is fine," Toppo said with a sigh

Suddenly we hear a voice "Welcome Pride Troopers, I am glad you responded to my call so hastily"

It was the Grand Priest he had appeared out of nowhere.

"It would be rude of us to ignore you as you are the Grand Priest and if not we wouldn't ignore someone's call for help," Toppo said with a bit of PRIDE


"You want us to what!?" Dyspo shouted in surprise

"Yes, although this might be a difficult mission. I think you all can handle it seeing as you three are among the strongest in this multiverse and as a team, you might be the strongest team in the multiverse."

"When do we depart for these so-called other dimensions?" Jiren spoke for the first time. (Or universe but imma go with dimensions for this story)

"Well before you three leave I would advise you all to train a bit more as these other dimensions could be very dangerous and there are many unknown powers that even I don't know of hiding" The Grand Priest Spoke

Jiren the thought(Hmm if these other dimensions are dangerous that even the Grand Priest warns us this might be the best time to ask.)

"Grand Priest" Jire spoke out and the Grand Priest turn with a slight *hmm*

"I would like to ask for you to train me fo- no train us before departing for these other dimensions," Jiren said

The Grand Priest then smiled and said "Well it seems you have read my mind as I had already decided to train you beforehand as I too like to see the rivalry between you and Son Goku. But now considering the circumstances I shall train the three of you personally." (Yes Goku has trained with the Grand Priest here)

All three Pride Trooper got on one knee and spoke out "We thank you, Grand Priest"

"Now Now no need for that as I should be thanking you all for agreeing to my request. So stand on your feet". The Grand Priest spoke out

"Now Marcarita, thank you for bringing them you may now take your leave". The Grand Priest spoke.

"Thank you father, I shall speak with you later" She then teleported away in a blinding light.

TIME SKIP: 10 years in the Grand Priest's time chamber.

"I.....Have finally done it" huffed Jiren The Grey, the scene cuts to the Grand Priest with a cut on his cheek.

That's right folks Jiren has finally landed a clean blow on the Grand Priest.

The Grand Priest then spoke up."Excellent job, for you, have finally landed a blow on me but I can't say the same for the other two". Now showing Toppo and Dyspo knocked out of the ground.

"Either way, splendid job as the three of you have gotten considerably stronger, you've been doing better than Goku had the first 10 years he was training with me" The Grand Priest spoke with a little bit of amusement in his voice.

"Don't tell him I said that though" The Grand Priest chuckled to himself.


"Whaaaaat!?" shouted Dypso hearing that Jiren had landed a blow on the Grand Priest while they were unconscious.

Toppo then spoke. "Haha, I knew you could do it, don't worry about Dyspo he is just jealous that even with his speed he couldn't land a hit on the Grand Priest." They all look over to see Dyspo sulking and looking away from them with his ears down.

The scene then cuts to all three of them lined up in front of the Grand Priest.

"You all have done very well for the past ten years in the T.C and now that you have all completed my training I have decided to give you all parting gifts," Said the Grand Priest.

"Huh," said Dyspo, "Uhuhgh, Grand Priest there is no need as you have already done enough for us by training us." Said Toppo surprised that the Grand Priest was going to give them more than he already has. "...." Jiren was still silent as ever.

"No need to be so humble, as I have already given Jiren his gift since he was the first one to wake among you three." The Grand Priest spoke while slightly waving his hand back and forth.

*GASP* Dyspo gasped"You knew and didn't tell us?" Dyspo said dramatically, only to get no response from Jiren, leading to Dyspo's ears falling once again.

"I thank you for your gifts, Grand Priest," Toppo said, slightly bowing.

The Grand waved it off and said, "Hmmm, now which one of you shall go first, ah you" The Grand Priest then pointed towards Dyspo.

"Ah...uh...me?" Dyspo stumbled upon his words. "I thank you Grand Priest" Dyspo then voiced out.

The Grand Priest then proceeded to walk up to Dyspo and place his and upon his head.

Dyspo then felt a surge of energy and knowledge flow into his head,

After that was over the Grand Preist then spoke up."I have given you the ability to steal the speed from others and add it to your own or even gift it to someone. Along with the knowledge of what you can do with your speed."

"WOW!" Dyspo said excitedly, "I thank you Grand Priest for this gift, it will be very useful to me!" Dyspo said still excited about his gift.

"No need to thank me, I just hope it will be useful to you in the future." Said the Grand Priest now moving on to Toppo sticking his hand upon his head as well.

Toppo then proceeds to feel the energy surge within him along with the knowledge of how to use his power effectively. But this one was different from Dyspo's power-up, as Toppo had for some reason got a bit bulkier.

Toppo was a bit taken aback by his new change, as well as Dyspo while Jiren just looked indifferent as always.

"I have just given you the ability of retaliation, in short, the more you get to hit the stronger you get and the more durable, as I had seen what damage Frieza was able to inflict upon you when off-guard against others when fighting 17". The Grand Priest said.

Toppo then bowed and said."Thank you Grand Priest for this benevolent gift."

"Now that you are all ready and well prepared, it is time to send you all off." Spoke the Grand Preist while clapping his hand together,

"Wait, what is Jiren's power?" Spoke Dyspo curious about their team's trump card.

"I would like to know as well." Spoke Toppo, because he would like to see what his new friend could do.

"....." Jiren did not respond.

"Well I guess he's not going to tell us." Said Dyspo a bit disappointed, but what did he expect?

Toppo then sighed and said, "So be it then." Slightly disappointed as well because he thought Jiren was getting closer to them.

With all of them lined up, it was time for the Grand Priest to send them off to their first new world experience as a team.

The Gran Priest then lifted his hand in the air and spoke". I won dnes uoy ffo ot rehtona dlrow dna noisnemid sa a pourg." The Grand Priest spoke in the Divine Language.

The three of them were engulfed in white light.

The Grand Priest then spoke up "Good luck you three and I hope you return to us."

The three of them then proceeded to strike their JUSTICE pose. Well, two Jiren always stands like that.

They then disappeared from their multiverse and shall now enter a new one. Where will this take them, what new enemies are they going to battle, and just what the hell is Jiren's power? Find out next time on.....uh....uhhh...what was the name again....oh gotcha...On MULTIVERSE PRIDE TROOPERS!!! I'll get this shit one day.