
Multiverse Hunter Guild

Makoto Kaoru got reincarnated and received a guild building as a cheat and with this cheat, he needed to protect his world and the other world in the multiverse. ----- The MC will not be insanely overpowered but still on a tolerated level and the main enemies will not be too weak or too strong, I will try to make it balance as much as possible. Will there be a harem? I love harem but I don't know whether I will add it or not but expect it a harem will exist in the future Note: I only own the MC, the other characters belong to their respected authors/creators the cover is not mine, it's made by Parum so feel free to contact me if you want me to change it

Enima_gaming · Cómic
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108 Chs

Hero Name

After several days of basic lessons about heroes and villains at U.A, it was now time for the students to design costumes and create their hero names.

As usual, Class 1-A had gathered in the classroom, eagerly awaiting the teacher who would guide them today.

Only Kaoru didn't show any curious expression because he already knew who would come, and because he had read stories about My Hero Academia, he also knew a little about the fate of this particular teacher.

His indifferent face didn't escape the attention of his classmate sitting next to him, the class president, Yaoyorozu Momo, or better known as Yaomomo.

"Kaoru-san, aren't you curious about who the teacher will be today?" Momo asked, glancing at Kaoru, as she was curious about him, a very handsome person who she even thought was a girl on their first day of class.

With such a handsome face, it was strange that Kaoru wasn't a famous model, coupled with his very practical power, the fact that she didn't know anything about Kaoru made Momo very curious.

Kaoru, hearing the question, glanced at Momo and replied.

"Yaomomo, I don't mind being called anything, but when I hear you calling me like that, it sounds like you're my wife, of course, I don't mind, but how about finding another nickname?"

Momo's face immediately turned red upon hearing Kaoru's words, and she immediately fantasized about being a wife.

Although she looked like an elegant girl from the outside, Momo was actually a girl full of curiosity about anything, which is why she got a quirk that could create any organic things she knew the components of.

"Well, whatever, in response to your question, no, I already know who's coming, so I'm not curious at all."

Momo, still lost in her fantasies, was snapped back to reality by Kaoru's voice.

"So who's going to teach us today?" Kaoru, wanting to answer Momo, was preempted by the person they were talking about.


The classroom door was opened very loudly, and a sexy woman with thick, dark purple hair and spikes wearing a super tight outfit and a strange mask that looked like attire commonly used in S&M games entered.

"Good morning!!!"

Kayama Nemuri, a professional hero known as the R-Rated Hero: Midnight.

As her title suggested, Midnight's fighting style sometimes involved seduction techniques and her quirk, which could incapacitate enemies without killing them.

In other words, Midnight was very suitable for capture missions, although her clothing style was a bit risqué.

But for the students, especially the boys, Midnight's presence was certainly dangerous.

As evidence, when Midnight looked around, only a few male students weren't captivated by her allure.

'Two students who seem to have an interesting relationship, then Endeavor's son who seems to have a defect in his facial nerves so he can't express himself, and lastly... ohhh? The naughty boy who chose to chat with his girlfriend, what an interesting class.'

Midnight then smiled as she made an announcement.

"Alright, today we're going to choose hero names for all of you. Remember, this name will be bound for the rest of your lives, so choose seriously and show me the best names you can imagine. I'll give you some time, please be creative."

With that, the students began to think about the names they wanted.

After feeling ready, Midnight began calling each student, one by one, to show the hero name they chose.

And like in the story, the students chose very suitable names, except Todoroki, who tried to use 'Shoto' as his hero name, which was immediately rejected by Midnight.

"Alright, lastly, it's your turn, Makoto Kaoru-kun, what name do you want to use?"

Kaoru immediately stood up and showed a whiteboard that had been filled with a name he thought was very good.

Unfortunately, Kaoru didn't get the response he hoped for.


Midnight, who was drinking, immediately sprayed all the liquid in her mouth upon reading the name Kaoru showed.

"What the hell with that name! 'The Eternal Ruler of Neverending Abyssal Void' is too long, too complicated, too difficult to pronounce, and too chuuni, are you still in the eighth-grade syndrome phase?"

Midnight, who was very surprised by Kaoru's unique naming sense, couldn't help but comment spontaneously.

She really didn't expect there to be a name weirder and more foolish than 'Shoto'.

'It seems that the proverb that says nothing is perfect is indeed true, handsome, intelligent, strong, and seemingly rich, but has very poor naming sense.'

On the other hand, Kaoru, who once again faced rejection after struggling to think of a cool name, suddenly squatted on the floor and used his power to conjure sand and a twig, then started making unclear paintings while muttering.

"Too long, too complicated, too difficult to pronounce."

Kaoru, who was despondent, kept repeating those words like a broken record.

Seeing Kaoru's despondent state, Midnight felt a little guilty.

Although it was true that the name Kaoru chose was a bit unique, as a teacher, she shouldn't have rejected it so harshly.

"Well, I'm sorry, Makoto-kun, I was a little surprised. The name is quite unique, but can you think of a name that's a bit simpler and easier to pronounce for ordinary people?"

Midnight approached the still despondent Kaoru, trying to persuade him to think of another name, but unexpectedly, Kaoru just created a portal and a new whiteboard emerged from it.

Midnight immediately took it and checked that Kaoru had made various hero names.

Every time she looked at the names provided, Midnight's face twitched, and the longer she looked, the more grim her expression became.

'What's with "Exalted Sovereign of Endless Darkness," what about "Celestia Dominus of the Sixth Heaven," why aren't there any slightly normal names among these dozens of names.'

Midnight tried her best to survive the embarrassment of this eighth-grade delusional child's naming sense until she finally found the most normal name among the dozens of names written by Kaoru.

"Ohhh, isn't this quite good? Why not use this one, 'Herrscher of Void,' simple, meaningful, and very suitable for your power, it seems you can still come up with a great hero name."

Unfortunately, hearing Midnight's choice didn't make Kaoru happy at all; on the contrary, he became more despondent.

'Even the name I plagiarized got chosen' (T_T)

Midnight, who unilaterally decided the hero name for Kaoru, because there was not a single normal name among all of Kaoru's writings except for the last one, immediately left Kaoru, who was still shocked and despondent.

"Alright, students, next, I want to see your teamwork abilities, please form groups, and Creati, please take care of Herrscher and bring him to the field."

The students followed Midnight's instructions, and Yaomomo happily led the still despondent Kaoru to the field.


On the field, because Yaomomo brought Kaoru, they became the last to arrive, and the battles had already begun for some groups.

Yaomomo immediately focused on observing each battle and studying her classmates' abilities carefully, and a few people managed to catch her attention, like Deku, who always got injured whenever he used his power, and Toru Hagakure, who was invisible, if she trained seriously, Yaomomo could imagine Toru becoming very skilled in infiltration and gathering information.

"Now it's Creati and Herrscher of Void's turn, please step forward and use your powers."

"He he hehehehe, full power, yeah."

Momo, hearing the strange laughter from Kaoru, immediately looked at him.


"Yaomomo, please join me for a moment... Midnight-sensei, may I have a moment to strategize with Creati?"

Midnight just waved her hand as a sign of agreement and allowed them to make a plan.

It didn't take long for Kaoru to return with Momo, who this time wore a pitying expression as if indicating that Midnight would end up tragically in this combat training.

"Okay, you can attack me from anywhere, please begin!"

With Midnight's cue, Kaoru immediately stood in front of Momo, then with a wave of his hand, dozens of portals appeared above them, and various firearms emerged from behind the portals.

Midnight, realizing the impending disaster, wanted to stop the exercise, but she was still slower than Kaoru.




The artillery bombardment caused Midnight to have no choice but to flee and hide.

On the other hand, Kaoru, who caused all the chaos, laughed hysterically.


The students who witnessed it all could only comment silently not to mess with Kaoru and Momo.

With their combination, it wouldn't be surprising if Kaoru dropped a nuclear bomb made by Momo, and fortunately, they were students from a hero school, although their style at the moment resembled a pair of terrorists.

After causing enough chaos, Kaoru stopped his attack, leaving the training ground in ruins due to various heavy weapon attacks.

And on one side, Midnight was seen crouching, seeking cover from bullets and explosions.

Kaoru himself had no intention of eliminating Midnight; he just couldn't accept that the cool names he created were called ugly and whatnot, even his acquaintances thought the names were too cool to the point where they felt unworthy and afraid to use the names Kaoru made.

Besides, Kaoru himself preferred to save Midnight from her tragic fate because he respected her as one of the truly great teachers and professional heroes.

'Certainly not because she's beautiful, sexy, and her seductive clothing style, definitely not, absolutely not'

Kaoru quickly approached Midnight and apologized.

"Sorry, sensei, it seems I got too excited, hahahaha."

Midnight, who had been anxious and scared all along, looked at Kaoru and laughed along.



Their laughter echoed across the training ground, but suddenly Midnight stopped and lodged a protest.

"Do you want to kill me!!! Even though I'm a pro hero, my body is still the same as an ordinary human, you know, don't compare me to the muscle-brained or the flying lizard!"

Midnight protested incessantly while pulling Kaoru's collar.

And Kaoru, who became the target of Midnight's anger, could only laugh while scratching his head, ending with an expression that made Midnight even more hysterical.

"Tehee!" Kaoru showed a cute expression that he rarely used.

"What do you mean, tehee!!!!" Midnight's pull became stronger, causing Kaoru's head to keep shaking.

Kaoru's laughter and Midnight's protest continued to be heard across the field for a long time, until the lesson ended, and the students chose to get ready to go home, leaving Kaoru and Midnight still engaged in their comedic game, and Momo not knowing what to do.