
multiverse: gamer system

yuto takahashi died, struggling to the very end. Bad luck had always seemed to follow him since he was young till adulthood, but no matter what happened, he always pulled through with the little luck he had. However, this day, that little luck he had vanished. left to the cold rain, not knowing the second chance he had that awaits him ----WORLDS---- 1.NARUTO 2.FATE 3.RWBY 4. Highschool DxD 5.Aot 6.Black Clover 7. ??? ———————————————————————————— ( A/N: Pretty new to writing, so expect some mistakes here and there. If you have any ideas, comments, or something for the story, then please share them. I don't think my last brainchild could come up with anything. Thank you.) ——————————————————————————–— ANY WORK HERE BELONGS TO THEIR ORIGINAL ARTIST/CREATOR, ANY NAMES HERE ARE PURE COINCIDENCE

ShadowPanda_538 · Cómic
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195 Chs

Ch. 49

( Yuto Pov )

* Three weeks later ,*

* Swoosh * * bang *

I ducked under a kick to the face and countered with a punch to my opponents face, He fell as he was beaten to death by a young child while the crowd went wild.

* Cheering *

Right now, I'm at the underground of Wall Sina. In an arena full of people betting on people to kill each other. I was currently in my assasin Robes when I'm down here.

Being here was a great way to train myself as I can't rely on Chakra or mana. I was training my fighting prowess in close quarters. And making money here as well.

I've gained the moniker, the white devil, from Ezio assassin robes and my hair.

I'm looking around to see people celebrating winning their bets. And some frustrated that they didn't win.

' What the hell, he's here?' I thought as I saw a man in a black overcost and bowler hat with a white strap.

' Kenny Ackerman.'

I turned to leave and knew that something was up. If I caught his attention now, then that would be troublesome.

Moving through the underground, I was stopped by a tall man with others who looked like thugs.

' Shit.'


*Shlick* * Thud *

He shouted but stopped as I slit his throat with a kunai. Seeing their boss on the floor holding his throat, they turned to look at me.

" Any one of you next?" I spoke as I held the Kunai on the tip of my finger.

Thug1:" L...let's just leave, t....the boss is gone!"

Thug2:" No, this is disrespectful to us. we can't have anyone say we're cowards!!"

As the thug said that, I sighed at their stupidity. Five ran towards me, and the rest didn't move forward.

Dodging a punch, I tripped the first attacker and plunged the kunai in his stomach, and twisted it out. Falling to the floor bleeding out.

* Thud *

Grabbing the wrist of the second attacker, I stabbed the kunai into his eye and pushed him to the third attacker, buying time to dodge the fourth attacker and tripping the fifth attacker

Throwing the kunai to the fifth attackers throat and kicking the knees of the third attacker breaking it, blocking a punch from the fourth attacker and threw a punch to his elbow breaking the bone through the skin and pushing the sharp part to his throat.

Struggling to fight back, I managed to peirce the man with his own bone. As the third attacker pushed his buddy off of him, he was about to run away.

Picking up the Kunai from the fifth attacker, I thew towards the runner piercing through his throat into the wall.

" Sigh, should've just run, hm, what about you guys."

??:" N... No."

??:" P..please....no!"

" Then get the fuck out of here!" I yelled as they ran away. Sighing, I was about to turn back to get my kunai off the wall when I heard his voice.

Kenny:" This is a nice knife. You don't mind if I keep it right? kid."

Holding the Kunai with a smile on his face, I thought.

' Sigh. shit!"

" It's best you give that back, old man."

Kenny:" Or what?" He spoke as his smile got wider.

" Before I take it back from your dead body."

Kenny:" How fun!"

" Fun? you have a sick sense of humor."

Running up to him, I threw a punch, but he dodged and threw me to the wall, ducking a kick that destroyed the entire wall.

' Tch, Ackerman bloodline,' I thought before dodging a fist.

Kenny:" You're quite fast, kid." He spoke as he blocked a punch with his forearm.

Kenny:" And strong too...???"

He had a confused look on his face as his left arm went limp. With the help of the transparent world, I was able to press his pressure point.

Using this chance, I kicked his leg and made him kneel on one knee and kicked him in the face.

Grabbing the kunai from his body as he was trying to get up. Kicking his arm that he was trying to lift himself, he fell once more.

Taking the kunai, I slashed his face and cut off his ring finger.

Kenny:" AAAARRRRGHHHHH!!!" He yelled as he held his face.

" Let that mark be a reminder, don't.fuck.with.me."

I spoke as I left him there screaming and walked out of the underground. Seeing the sun rising over the walls, it was time to visit the Yeager house once again.

* Some time later ,*

Arriving outside of the Yeagers house in different clothes. I was about to knock when the door opened to reveal Mikasa.

Mikasa:" Yuto, you're here."

" Uuh, yeah, did you wait by the door?" I pointed out as she ahook her head, but I knew she was lying since the map clearly showed me someone was waiting by the door.

Carla:" Oh, Yuto, could you help Eren today to pick up some wood." Carla walked by as she was carrying a basket of clothes.

" Sure, I could."

I spoke as Mikasa talked to me.

Mikasa:" Are you fine, Yuto? did anyone cause you any trouble?"

" Nope, I'm fine."

'Can't say about Kenny, though.'

I thought as I went towards Erens room and opened the door.

" WAKE UP!!!!" I yelled as I woke Eren up.

Eren:" W... WHAT!!?" Seeing that it was me again, he angry said.

Eren:" Yuto!!, damn you, I was having a good dream."

" Uh huh, your mom wants us to get firewood, so get ready."

Eren:" Yeah, yeah, get out of my room so I could change." He said as he waved his hands at us as we both walked out of his room.

We sat at the table as Carla was starting to make breakfast and waiting for Eren.

After a while, Eren finally came out, and we all went to get firewood as Carla was still making breakfast.Along the way we met Armin.

" Yo, Armin."

Armin:" Oh It's you, Yuto, Eren and Mikasa!" He said as he smiled and waved at us. Walking up to him, Eren questioned.

Eren:" So why are you outside Armin?"

Armin:" Oh, I'm just running a couple of errands for my grandfather."

" Cool, do you need any help?"

Armin:" Ah, no, I'm alright. I could do it."

Eren:" Come on, Armin, let's go."

Armin:" W.. wait!!" Eren grabbed Armins arm and dragged him with us. I ran following them, and Mikasa did as well.

* A few hours later ,*

After Eren ran off with Armin, me and Mikasa had to get his share of wood for him.

As me and Mikasa finished gathering the wood, we walked to Eren and Armin, who were looking at a book.

" What do you have there, you guys?"

Eren:" Yuto! Mikasa! look, this book says that there is a place with huge water outside the wall. it's called the ocean!"

" Mh, really? that's pretty cool. What do you think, Mikasa?"

Mikasa:" it looks pretty."

Armin:" Right!? my grandfather had this book in his collection."

" That's cool, Armin. But we have to head back before Carla starts to scold us for being late."

Armin looked sad that we're going back.

" Why don't you come with us, I'm sure Carla would appreciate a new friend."

Eren:" Right!! come on, Armin!"

Seeing armin being dragged by Eren again, I turned to Mikasa.

" Let's go, Mikasa. we can't have them beat us back at the house." I said as I ran forward with Mikasa Nodded and followed after me in no time we passed Eren and Armin.

" Last one there is cleaning the dishes."

Eren:" Hey! that's not fair. Let's hurry, Armin."

Armin:" * Breathing heavily* W.. Wait up!!"