
Ch. 187 Cinder

( Yuto Pov )

Looked at the aircraft ahead as a flame started to form as it tilted my head to dodge the flames.

" A maiden..." I muttered.

I let go of Roman as I looked at the aircraft in the air.

I saw the silhouette of a woman as she looked down at me.

I grabbed a fire dust and threw at her as she immediately shot it with her flame, causing it to explode.

I used this cover to throw a few shurikens at the aircraft as it shot through the pilots window and the engine.

The aircraft started smoking as it lost altitude.

I punched through the cars roof again and grabbed the steering wheel, causing the car to flip.

I safely landed on my feet as I walked towards the car.

" Stop." A woman's voice stopped me as I tilted my head towards her direction.

She held up her bleeding arm.

" You... are you a mercenary?" She asked.

" Yes." I replied, curious from her question.

" How much?"

" Hmm, it depends." I shrugged.

" Then–" Before she could continue, Roman crawled out of the car along with a girl.

" Do you know how much that car cost?!" He shouted.

" Didn't you steal it?" I replied with another question, causing him to turn silent.

The girl next to him was silent as she watched the two of us bicker.

" Well... it was a really expensive car. Which took a lot of time and effort to steal." He replied proudly, stating he stole it.

I sighed and shook my head as I shot my arm to the side as the illusion cracked, and I held the girls neck.

She quickly stabbed my arm, which broke the knife in her hand.

I looked at her with a blank face as she smiled nervously.

" Ahhh, shit." Doman cursed as his distractions didn't work as he slumoedhis shoulders.

I dropped the girls as I felt bear coming from the side, and I upholstered my gun and put under her chin before she could react.

The flame in her hand stopped flickering as she I stared into her eyes.

" You wanted a job from me, and I want a job from them. I think we could all work together." I said as I holstered my gun.

" Work together?" Roman raised an eyebrow before he started laughing.

" Kid, do you think you could work with someone like me?" He gestured towards himself.

" You couldn't even handle a kid that made you crash into a light pole. So I say we you wither work or you don't." I said as i aimed the gun at him as he held his hands up.

" Whatever you say, kid." He replied.

The other girl nodded along with him as she rubbed her neck.

" So. How are you going to pay me?" I asked as I looked at Cinder.

She looked at wrecked aircraft, which was starting to catch on fire.

" I'll pay you after you finish the job." She replied.

' Ah, I think it was in the aircraft...my bad.' I thought to myself as I heard Sirens coming towards us.

" Sure." I replied as I tilted my head to see Roman and his partner gone.

" Well... it appears I have destroyed your only transportation. Do you wanna..." I turned to see Cinder gone as well.

" Sigh, friends are really hard to make." I sighed as I teleported away from the scene.

" Now, where did you go?" I searched for Roman as he saw him trying to hotwire a car.

I walked to the car and opened the backsest and sat down as the two of them didn't notice my presence.

" For a famous criminal, you're really bad at hot wiring." I spoke as I watched the two of them freeze in place.

" And don't bother with the illusion. They don't work." I looked at Neo as she nodded.

" Sigh, this is how you do it." I said as I pulled a kunai out and stabbed the ignition keyhole and activated a small lighting that started the car.

Roman blinked his eyes as he looked towards me.

" You know..."

" Don't bother. I'm just here to deliver a message, that's all." I said as I threw an envelope at his face.

I got out of the car as they sped off.

" Well... that was fun while it lasted. I need a drink." I muttered as I walked to Jr's bar.

It wasn't until I felt cat ears twitch as it caught someone walking towards me.

" Hm? I thought you left?" I raised an eyebrow as I saw Cinder walking through the shadows of the alleyway.

' What's so important that she came back and waited there for the entire time?' I asked myself as I felt my instincts flaring.

' Of course...' I thought as I dodged a kick from behind by ducking and stepping backward to dodge a blade like weapon from another.

I felt the flames gather in Cinders hands as I threw a fire crystal or dust in front of her, which caused her to stop as I pulled out my pistol.

I shot the dust, causing an explosion.

" Now... why would you do something so stupid?" I tilted my head to look at a floating grimm.

[ Sear ]

< I believe someone is watching us.>

' Yeah, I felt that stare since the bar.' I replied to Iris as I grabbed the seers tentacles.

It tried to retaliate by using its shart tendrils, which I easily tore off.

' Ah, I see it now.'

" Is this how you recruit potential workers?" I smirked as I three the Seer are Cinders feet who barely defended herself with from he fire dust.

Cinder stared at the serr at her feet, which started crumbling away.

' This life force... it's different.' I thought as I looked at my hand, which absorbed the seers life force.

" Killing corrupted politicians and government officials have made you a target." Cinder smirked as she tried to regain her confident appeal.

" Yeah... you're right. So why recruit me?" I asked.

' My mission is to help save this world. And since my memories are a but faulty from how much I traveled across worlds, it'll take a while to remember everything.' I thought as I looked at Cinders companions standing up.

' And if I remember correctly, Cinder happenes.to be a pawn to someone who controls grimm?'

" Well, you -" before she could explain, I held my hand up, interrupting her.

" Enough. I'll join." I replied.

The three of them froze from how easy I accepted.

" Well, if it was that easy. Maybe my arm doesn't need to be broken." The man with Grey hair muttered as he held his broken shoulder.

" Eh." I shrugged.

' I should also gain these guys trust as well...'

< If it's possible, try to make them gall in love. It'll have more sway in future events. > Iris suggested.

' Yeah... not until I have the girls permission. '

" If you need to contact me, use this." I said as I threw an cat into Cinders arm.

" Oh, and if you have the chance make sure to send me the details on that mission."

After I quickly left the area and started wandering the city.

/// Bringing you a Chibi Cinder staring at the confused cat.///