
Before the Fight

"Welcome to the Underworld. Please follow me. Lord Lucifer, Lord Beelzebub, Lord Asmodeus, and Lady Leviathan are waiting in the stadium's VIP room."

After we get out of the train, we are greeted by a maid and butler of the Gremory family, or maybe a maid of the Lucifer family? I don't really know.

When we get out of the train, I can see many devil soldiers guarding the station. I can see the symbol of Lucifer and Beelzebub on their shoulders, and some of the soldiers have the symbol of Leviathan. However, most of them are coming from the Lucifer house and Beelzebub house.

While following the maid, I can see many different races coming to the underworld as well. Hell, I can even see an Angel coming to the underworld even though I know that they are uncomfortable with the Underworld environment. Just like a devil uncomfortable coming to Heaven.

While there is a soldier of heaven roaming around the area, I did not see any Seraph just yet. Maybe they already go to the stadium ahead of us.

"This train will get you to the Gremory Stadium. It will take twenty minutes of travel with the train to Gremory Stadium. There will be another servant that will lead you to the VIP room. Have a pleasant day, and Thank you for accepting the invitation."

I snap from my thought when we arrive in front of another train that will lead us to the Gremory territory. I nodded at the Maid that bowed at us before walking inside the train.

When we arrive inside the VIP room, I sit on one of the couches and sigh a little bit. The rest of my companions also sit down on the couch, followed by the Gods from the Celts, the Youkai, and the Gods from the Shinto faction.

"What do you think the Devil is doing by inviting so many people into their territory?"

"Powerplay mostly."

I look at Lugh before nodding at his answer. I guess the devil wants to show the world that even though they are creating an alliance with each other, they are still a strong faction that cannot be underestimated.

I guess they are rather smart to do this. The devil has rather negative fame from the rumor and evidence about the kidnapping of other races and making them a slave by brainwashing their head and modifying their behavior to become a perfect sex slave.

Of course, not all of the devil is doing this activity, but the other faction sees the devil as the main culprit. This fight between Rias and Sairaorg will show the world that the devil is not a slaver race.

"What do you think they will do to show the world?"

"Heh! They will try to show the world that they have many kinds of races that live happily in the underworld without getting racism or forced to join the underworld."

"That is…"

"Yeah, it will not work really well, but I guess they will take as much popularity as they can. While some of the races want to see an apology from Satan, there are still many factions that see the Devil has a people who are not slavers, and the devil is not a slaver. While the Devil did not gain much, they still gained a positive view from the other. That is why they use a huge sum of money to broadcast this fight to the world, and all the channels will only broadcast this fight."

I see. They really want something positive, huh? I don't know how much they bribe all the magical world channels, but I know that it did not come cheap.

"Bah! Forget about it for a second. Let's drink! We cannot waste this free good drink, can't we?"

Somehow, Lugh can convince Amaterasu of all people to have a drink competition with him.

~Twenty Minutes Later~

I hope we will not make trouble by drinking all the alcohol inside the train. The drink inside the VIP room from a Wine to Whiskey is gone when Amaterasu, Lugh, Dagda, Susanoo, and Mordred have a drinking competition.

When all the drink inside the VIP room is gone, Lugh orders a group of his soldiers to go and raid all the alcohol inside the train and bring it to him.

I really hope the devil did not mind.

Anyway, right now, we are currently walking toward the VIP room the Four Great Satan prepares for us. While walking through the stadium, I can see many devils having a pleasant conversation with each other. I can hear them debating about who will be victorious in this fight.

After walking for a minute, we arrive in front of the room Satan prepared for us. When the maid opens up the door, some people are already sitting down on the sofa inside.

I know some of them: the Four Great Satan, Two of the Seraphs, and the Governor of Grigori. There is also a God that I know from the Anime, Hades. With his skeleton face that looks like it has just been polished. I don't know how, but Hades has a shiny skull. I can even see the room reflection from his skull.

There is also another person sitting down on the chair near Hades. The one that sits near Hades is two males. One of them has white hair and wears white and gold Armor around his body. The other one has short light blue hair and is wearing deep blue and white armor.

To the side, I can see people standing there guarding the one sitting on the front. I'm guessing they are the Peerage of the Four Great Satan, Member of the Heaven/Church, and lastly, the Royal guard of Olympus.

"Ah! Welcome! I have already prepared a seat for you. Please choose which seat you want."

After Sirzechs say that, Amaterasu, Susanoo, Yasaka, Lugh, Morrigan, and Lugh sit on the sofa's far side, leaving the only seat near Hades. I don't know their history with Hades, but I know that I shouldn't ask them right now.

Anyway, I sit down on the sofa before suddenly the announcer appears in front of the massive screen in front of me.

"The fight will begin in five minutes! Please, two contestants, walk to the arena."

It looks like the match will begin shortly. Let see what Rias and her peerage have to surprise us. I know that Rias will have a trick up her sleeve as I don't think the Four Great Satan will pay a great sum in this event if Rias are easily defeated.

I wonder if they bribe Sairaorg to get easy with Rias? But I know Sairaorg rather well. I think he will reject the bribe, and maybe he will hold back when he fights Rias personally because of their status as a Cousin.

But when he fights Rias Peerage? I don't know about that.

I don't want to admit it out loud, but I'm curious about the outcome of the fight between Rias and Sairaorg.

The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts