
Mr. Glitch

A mysterious man sitting on a gaming chair in front of his beast pc stretching his legs forward towards the computer. He hacked a newly made video game and some how gets a superpower which no one might have heard of.

WordEngine_JJ · Fantasía
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4 Chs

A frightful night

As the voice of an elderly lady was here heard, the whole screen turned black as if the screen turned off revealing that all of this was just a game that was played.


[A small house in the 3rd street of LosAngeles]

"I am coming grandma" a voice of a teenager raised. A boy of 16 year old with reddish brown hair lieing on a bed holding a gaming tab. The next moment he gently kept it on the bed and headed towards the dining room. "Why was the game character glitching? But the game was truly scary!" He thought for himself.

"Did you finish your homework Robin?" The old lady asked. "Yes, grandma" he replied as he sat on the dining chair. After dinner as he was heading towards the bed, the thoughts of the horror game which glitched in the middle filled up his mind.

The next moment he started snoring in his bed. Though he was sleeping, his mind didn't. All of a sudden a loud and powerful knock arised from the main door. Robin wondered "who would it be at the door this late at night?" He walked downstairs towards the door. He started starring at the door in an eye of sleep. The next moment it suddenly started to rain with a sudden lightning and thunder. He opens the door not before gulping a very large amount of saliva.

 As his attempts to make his sleepy vision clear succeed, he astonishingly sees a familiar man with grey hair, blue eyes wearing a brown detective coat. His mind memorized him as his puppet he was earlier controlling .Within a fraction of seconds after this incident, Robin woke up from his very old and cozy bed realizing that all of these were just a frightful nightmare.

His lips were dry his subconscious mind stopped him from getting back to the bed again at that moment. Though it all was just a dream, one thing from the dream was true. 

"What the actual hell!! The window was open all this time?!" Rob screams as the powerful clouds collapsed onto the ground with thunder and lightning. He immediately gets up from his bed and closes the window of his room just before seeing a man with black coat running inside the boundaries of the house. The structure of that man looked more like the structure of the man who came in Robin's dream.

Without wasting any moment he grabs his umbrella and his torch to check outside. The next second he suddenly stopped before getting out of the main door as if he gained control over his body which was not seemed to be there before. It seemed as if all the actions he had done before happened by an unknown force.

Now he had gained a bit of fear within himself, but he did not wanted to let his grandma know about the situation. He opened the latches of the main door as he decided to find the truth behind the running of the man.

As he stepped out of his house, the sound of the rain grew more louder. All if a sudden a dog started barking. It seemed like it was coming from the backyard of the house. "Bob must be barking against that mysterious man" Robin told to himself worrying about his poor dog.

He then took a step forward leaving the area which was protected by the portico from the heavy rain adding another sound of the rain shooting on the umbrella like an asteroid to a planet near his ears.

At this point the weaker point of his heart begged him to go back to his house, but the braver part forced him to go ahead.

He then started slowly walking towards the backyard gripping each and every step he takes as the ground was very slippery and even a step without grip can make the person fall onto the ground slamming his whole back on the ground. The barking of the dog became wilder and wilder every second.

The situation grew worse every step he took. Not even three steps were left to enter the backyard of the house, the barking stopped all of a sudden. He then reached the backyard and checked for his dog. "Holy moly! Where did he go!? He screamed as he couldn't find Bob anywhere.

Not before he was about to turn back again to his house, a huge shadow of a man with a mafia hat and coat appeared just behind him, making Robin even scared of turning back to relief his curiosity.

 Just as he turned to see his face Robin was violently hit by a baseball bat on his head sideways. Robin fell down in an instance as the mysterious man's face lit up with a smile which extended across his face.

Half a second after a barking of a dog was heard which was very familiar to Robin. On hearing this he raised his hand before he finally fell unconscious. 

Not before that a glowing red text appeared in the front of the screen showing "Game over". It seemed as if the boundaries between reality and graphics disappeared. The man who had the heart of iron to hit Robin seemed to be freezes, not by the cold but by an unknown force which was far very superior to him