
Mr. Glitch

A mysterious man sitting on a gaming chair in front of his beast pc stretching his legs forward towards the computer. He hacked a newly made video game and some how gets a superpower which no one might have heard of.

WordEngine_JJ · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Out of control!

The text started burning, and the screen turned black all of a sudden.


[Wing Spark games headquarters]

A big row of computers in front of one, a small man with sharp grey eyes sitting in a concentrative manner drinking his strong dark-green coffee. It was night and the only light in the room was the light from the computer and the light reflecting from the man's specs. I seemed as if he was the only one in the whole gigantic building.

He this gasped and pressed the try again option in the game in his computer he had testing all day till night. As soon as he pressed the button the game menu showed up revealing the game's protagonist- "Robin". The menu not only showed the name of the protagonist but also three options showing:

1: Start

2: Quit 

3: Options

A few minutes later a man with a cigar in his mouth and a gangster's hat opened the door. He had white hair sharp brown eyes and many wrinkles in his face. He looked as if he was 10 times older than the man who sat in front of the computer. The man who was starring at the computer suddenly stood up and saw the elder gentle men in a respectful manner.

The elderly gentleman then asked "how is the testing of our new game going on?" With a deep voice. The small man then nodded his head and said "it's working perfectly fine Sir" with a gesture of excitement and enthusiasm. This made the old looking man spread a small smile across his face barely two inches to touch his eyes.

As the wise old man, the CEO of the Wing Spark games turned towards the gaming pc, the game closed with no explained reason. This sudden change in the computer's atmosphere made them both open their eyes more widely with astonishment. The game's icon which before used to be appeared in the task bar disappeared. The only thing seen in the computer screen was the desktop with a big board showing "Wing Spark".

This incident made the both anxious. The CEO then turned on the computer next to them. At this moment another light spread towards the room when the door of the gaming lab opened. The sound of the door echoed across the walls of the room destructing the silence.

A thin pale man entered the room attracting the attention of both the people. The man looked worried and had a sense of fright was submerged into his face. The CEO looked at him in a confused manner. Just before he was about to ask the man about the reason of his entry to this room, "Sir, the game suddenly got deleted" he spoke adding a taste of tension and worry.

At this moment everyone thought that hard work they were doing from years went into a dustbin of hackers. To confirm that their thoughts were wrong, the CEO quickly opened the windows in the computer and started searching for the game. But instead of a relief to anxiety, the anxiety grew more worse when he couldn't find the game. At this time the weather also added it's part in the situation by starting a thunderstorm which increased the anxiety of everyone in the room.

The wise looking CEO then pressed the On button of the next computer with great force, which made the button to break. However, the computer started its loud engine sound and lit up its screen showing its desktop.

He then instantly opened the app searcher and started searching for the game. But not as before, this computer did not disappoint him as it showed the icon of the game when searched. Everyone exhaled a large amount of carbon dioxide in a sense of relief. The noise of the exhalation filled up the room. 

Without wasting a moment, the CEO clicked the icon. Unsurprisingly it opened. Confirming that all their thoughts were false. But as soon as he pressed the start button the application got closed making everyone frustrated. Just after the game got closed the icon disappeared. And his time surprisingly a pop up box opens showing "the game does not belong to this account, you will be able to play the game after its official release".

The CEO of the game bursted into anger asking "What the hell do you mean!!?? I'am the owner of this game!!". On hearing their boss's anger mode, both the employees filled with fright. It seemed as if his voice would be heard till the ground floor. Both the employees backed out in order to stay safe from their boss.

He then quickly started running towards the stairs exiting from the gaming lab entering the corridor leaving both his employees behind. He swiftly started running down the stairs to reach the ground floor gaming lab. His mind at this point was filled up with several negative thoughts making him run faster and faster every second he didn't get relief.

All the employees seeing him were shocked to see him running as they never saw him running anywhere. He then bang opened the door of the gaming lab and stopped due to over exhaustion. Though his body stopped for a second his mind didn't. His mind succeeds pushing his body towards the computer making him On it the second he reached. At this point his mind realized that the computer takes years to open. Finally when the computer switched on, he started searching for his hard work.

He again got disappointed as he wasn't able to find the game. His heart was filled with sorrow and frustration, his heart beat grew way faster than before and his blood pressure increased. It all felt as if it was all a dream for him as he and his company spent over 15 years to make this hyper-realistic open world game which would make over a million dollars of revenue the day published.

He then switched on another computer and found no game! His blood pressure increases so much that he fell unconscious to the ground and the scene changes.


[Inside an unknown building]

A 17 year old teenager sitting on a gaming chair in front of his beast pc stretching his legs forward towards the computer. He wore a face mask which covered up every single thing in his front part of his face. The face mask had a screen representing the eyes which used to change on changing his expressions. 

At this moment he was laughing like a devil who had just won a war with the angels. The background around him was pitch black and the only light at that area was his computer and the eyes of his mask.