

So, they should protect the human family of Delphos that amidst the great migrations, the explorations, in addition to the great navigations, where the main families, the founders of the city of Lovecraft County, when all went to make the great navigations.

So they founded Lovecraft's city and state in which they put down roots, growing and investing in the city.

At that time, when crime was on the rise, the founders of the state alongside the Delphos family, under the influence of the rich and the gods, distributed order conflicting under the control of cities that expanded towards various parts of the world under the seat of of the order of Um-Mu.

So, making it official when the Delphos family was mortal, due to the great power they had beyond budget and investing with power and influence due to envy, when they moved to America, the gods among them, the demons, allies in a truce, in the supernatural city of America.

In which they intended to maintain power and concentrate the assets of inheritances and a sum of billions of dollars to invest in a corrupt and decadent city, in which the funds and incentives, when several families began to spread across the cities that were in their controls, they controlled crime and manipulation of society, which came between assassination attempts.

In which they tried to kill the representative of the human main family Delphos, where they kept the pure language of Zariel's avatars, it was when the mafia and crime increased in the human part of the cities, in the middle of the elections, when they managed to stop the gang war, when they took power and concentrated on the mystical part.

In which they tried to keep the descendants of Delphos several times due to decay, between the members of the order that expanded and began a war between the mafia and the law, as the atmosphere became tense, between the fact that they shared power and influence of Sokaris, Osiris, Anubis and Seth .

When the enemy beasts, the lycanthropes in the form of vultures in the midst of a power struggle, ambushed the humans, the Delphos family, Andros Delphos, his wife who were trying to win the state elections, in which he was fighting the mafia, trying to bring balance in the city, get your son out of the influence of the great wolf woman Veronika.

- Let's try to stop the war by controlling the avatar, if you were a coherent man, thinking about peace. – Amasteus was saying, towards that. – Get the reason. – Amasteus was saying towards Andros.

- He is a child, he has to be kept away and protected, so this Control Policy, is for the greater good. Andros was saying.

Andros declared war on the underworld, he was trying to gain control of the human mafia, when he invested money to have all the other human mobsters killed by ambushing them, he was proposing that they would have territories held if they allied with the ale, leading to a turf war .

Being that it maintained the influence of the French werewolves, in which they migrated to the city, in search of a fight of wars of domains of the European continent, when they expanded the forces and the influence.

What they were trying to have influence and control was Zariel's avatar child, there was a war for control, the child was called Hathori Nut Delphos II, the child was predestined to be Zariel's avatar, however, Andros did not accept this, he went to war, trying to take the child away, leaving him in a place where they couldn't touch him, thinking to take him to the region of human territory under protection.

When they didn't think they could be under the ambush they formed to kill them, when there was a betrayal between both forces, with the concentration of many races, who ambushed them and started a slaughter right in the night when they were giving a speech. ,

The moment it happened that the guests were attacked and killed, who least expected it was that Sokaris, Osiris, Anubis and Seth came to save the child alongside Veronika the queen of the wolves and Amasteus the lord of demons, the first who represented the demons in an alliance, against the rebels.

Since during the great gang control war between mafia control, there was one involved who tried to steal and kill Andro countless times, in ambush, it was Randolfi Scavengers, who set up an ambush, all this in a scheme in which they tried to by investing in which they tried to take power away.

Since they tried to take the mafia's control influence away from human forces, even from the good deeds of Andros, in which they ruled every clan, both humans and demons, in addition to werewolves, when there was a series of countless crimes and the decay of dark city of the rains that was maintained, that was commanded by Randolfi.

So they organized a series of attacks and a series of massacres.

One that happened during the massacre, when their parents were killed, when they tried to protect their children, at that time, when Hathori they were ambushed in, their party was invaded, when at that time, before they killed Hathori, the Rescue arrived alerted by some informants, who killed some henchmen, who were werewolves, from the Scavengers clan, when the gods rescued Hathori who was saved before his death, when traitorous lycanthropes and united in a group of rebels to attack the underworld party .

Rescued even though he was just over 5 years old, he saw in front of him all the guests being torn apart and killed, so he was saved by the greatest beings he could see, and Sokaris, Osiris, Anubis and Seth had that moment in time. who saw that he was the soulmate and he really was the avatar of the dragons, he was definitely Zariel.

So, taken under the wings of Veronika, he was helped and raised together with Amasteus who were his caretakers and tutors, leading him to train since he was a child, to have countless teachers, with that, he learned several techniques of struggle, formed and returned to control the Delphos company which was managed by his uncle Anafios who was the son of Amasteus, under the control of Amasteus who was a lawyer.

Hathori grew up to be a big sexy, powerful, muscular man with a defined body predestined at the age of 36 to control the company left by his ancestors who ruled the city and tried to keep the peace between the lycanthropes and the vampires, with the mafia under the control of the Sokaris, Osiris, Anubis and Seth, who maintained a peace agreement between the werewolf packs among the lycanthropes.

Osiris was a strong man, big and black, he was the representative of the upper torso of a bull, but he alternated between the power of sirens and fish among crocodile men.

Anubis controlled everyone between jackals and coyotes, his territory was the night.

Sokaris was the lord who represented the falcons, among the lycanthropes of the air.

Besides that Seth was a hippopotamus, so sometimes he was a wolf, of all of them, were the animals from the waist up, he represented among the canids, among wolves and dogs.

In those years when he followed his training around the world, he met countless women, it was said, he had a youth where he could save himself for them, but he could have fun, he had a date with many different women, never before aged 36, before he returned to the city, then was inducted into the ceremonial temples of Zarathanis.

For years the wolves and the other beastmen, they were among the werewolves, went to constant wars.

In that ceremony, he was there to be presented to the gods during the ceremony, in which he was transformed into a dragon in which he was the representative of Zarathanis, and the bond with the gods who wanted him, no matter where he went.

According to his encounter with the councils and the gods, Ra advised him...