Then the gods who represented men in ages immemorial amid ancient Egypt, long ago the gods went to war. That's how the lycanthropes and vampires appeared, they were soldiers made from the dead bodies of their soldiers and victims that one day died in combat. That's how they came back to life or were lycanthropes like wolves and falcons among other animals and lycanthropes of different races, the gods had the power of transfiguration in the same way that they had the power to bring life or non-life, or just bring more soldiers in their fights that were eternal. other gods did not want the war to continue, among them other priests, among other beings, that's how Apofi, the great serpent convinced to end the war, allied himself with Ra and other primordial gods who wanted to end it, molded in human flesh , he was thrown to the other gods who were involved in his war, he was thus seducing them, the lords of wolves, coyotes and other beasts who entered into peace, because what they wanted was his love.
In ages ago, in the sands of Egypt.
During the wars between the lycanthropes and their races.
Starting in the high age of ancient Egypt, amid royal acropolis.
When the gods went to war, in the midst of the war of the gods, when the bat men and the wolf men took sides separated by the beast men who were represented by each of the gods of ancient Egypt.
The gods allied themselves and opted for one side, when in the midst of the battles, which followed when the gods went to war, between their soldiers of the armies of the underworld, in which SOCARÍS, in which also known as Sokar, Seker or Sokaris was a god and one of the oldest gods in the Egyptian pantheon, fought in the midst of battles, when several men were slaughtered.
As more people and soldiers among the beast men and lycanthropes, Socaris used his powers to bring back the bat men, they were the first bat men, who fought without being able to die.
By his side he had several beings that could not remain dead, he had falcons in his armies, like the ancient falcon god of Sakara, using his influence in the necropolis of the city of Memphis, one of the several capitals that Ancient Egypt had under his control, each time, charging and marching and occupying city after city, against his enemies.
Originally a god of craftsmanship who associated himself with the region's necropolises and rose to prominence as a chthonic and afterlife deity, as a craftsman Socharis was a maker of royal bones and, in the Book of the Dead, helping to shape the dead who returned from the world of the dead, in which this molds silver bowls for the deceased to use as foot basins, in which, from the idea of molding objects, it was linked to the mixture of aromatic substances to provide the ointments so important in the Egyptian ritual.
The gods and men entered into a generalized war, when all were involved in disputes and revolutions, in addition to conflicts and invasions of territories.
Not only the fact that he was depicted as a falcon or as a mummified falcon-headed man with an atef crown (white crown of Upper Egypt with two plumes) and since the V dynasty (ancient empire) he ruled alongside of the other gods, when he was identified with Ptah, since he was the main god of Memphis, giving rise to a fusion of the two deities known as Ptah-Sokar.
Occupying the temples of Luxor and Karnak, they summoned and recruited many priests in the midst of great wars in raids and battles, when they invaded rival temples.
He then, fighting alongside Osiris; when the worshipers built the Pyramids for their worship, when they showed the god Sokar himself in battles, when more and more gods and heroes joined the battles in exchanges of territories, worshipers and followers, in which he was seen as a form of Osiris after he was murdered by his brother Set, in the Low Epoch a syncretic god, who was the fusion of the three gods, Ptah-Sokar-Osiris.
Being that among the converts in which they were greatly venerated in which they converted the other gods and heroes, in syncretic it appeared, however, at the time of the Middle Kingdom, as several stelae in Abydos reveal.
When they saw more and more mortals succumbing to pests and diseases as a result of the divine wars, the god opened the doors of the underworld and dwelt in a cave called Imhet, feeding on the hearts of the dead when he made them return in his army in the lands they controlled, in their territories, in which the promises to bring a great kingdom to each pharaoh, in which the god was largely responsible for their transformation.
In the midst of wars, in which the goddesses raised their spears, summoning their followers, in the midst of their quest for domains and power.
The god had a female version, Sokaret, who had the same funerary functions, in which he could also have the goddess Sekhemet as a consort.
By his side, he was fighting and bringing the dead to life, like vampires, in which men were converted by Anubis into lycanthropes, emerging species of beings half man half beast, in which he was a god of religiosity of the ancient Egyptians, representing the dead and mummification, then, over time, a significant change in Egyptian beliefs happened and Anubis was giving these attributes to Osiris who commanded armies, so that became a kind of assistant to him.
While wandering the desert sands in the middle of Egypt, they arrived south between the temples of Luxor and Karnak when the gods descended amidst their armies of monsters who charged against the gods.
In addition, he became the protector of tombs and cemeteries and who guided and protected the dead in the afterlife, and the Egyptians represented him with a human body, but with the face of a jackal, black in color, which had a double meaning in culture. Egyptian.
Even if they were fighting when each one of them, each one of them, fought on each side he had like the flag that had the black one that represented the decomposition of the body, therefore, death and the passage to the beyond, but it also referred to the rebirth of life, as it was the same color as the fertile soil on the banks of the Nile River.
In the midst of having open all the measures that the followers made to try to stop the successive and successive wars, it was terrible, when the dead came back to life, when they were called to create and go towards the armies, with the movement in which they used to command the forces of chaos and darkness, with the idea of subjugating the other gods.
All this to give continuity to their forces, to add to the armies, to increase their forces, their contingents, in the midst of launching them towards the battles that would be eternal so that they can say that the first representations of this god that grew in the midst of .
With the influence of each of the allies, in which they date back to around 3100 BC, and these representations were found through archaeological excavations in Egyptian tombs, which was, however, the cult of Anubis is believed to have established itself. during the Predynastic period, between 6100 BC and 3500 BC
Even using the powers they couldn't keep the peace between the clans, the vampires, even the ones that Anubis and Osiris brought back, where they divided where they started to choose sides in the war.
With that came the rise of Osiris in Egyptian religiosity around 2000 BC, and from then on, Anubis gradually lost ground to this new god, who became the main representative of the dead for the Egyptians, with the contingent of vampires increasing in that this change brought changes even in wars, during battles, in which Anubis was involved.
Since he came to be seen as the son of Nephthys and Osiris, when they began to war by bringing plague, war, famine and a death that was not eternal, armies rose from the world of the dead investing and marching in eternal war , among the gods.
With the popularization of Osiris, in the midst of war, when Anubis was placed as a kind of assistant to him, in the midst of bringing the great soldiers to life, in which they were recruiting the tombs, they were starting to protect the tombs and guide the dead in the afterlife , towards the battles, which had no end, converting them into their ranks.
Even if at the moment they fell to then rise to war, in exchange for promises of glory and to achieve great riches as promised, still, in which he was still one of the gods who participated in the Court of Osiris, who judged the dead by their actions, and also acted in the balance of that court.
With this scale, it was decisive for the fate of the dead: whether they would enjoy life after death or whether they would be devoured by a monster, given that on this scale, the heart of the dead person was weighed with a feather, and, if it was lighter, the dead could enjoy the afterlife. This myth brought the heart as a symbol of a person's actions in life and the feather as a symbol of the concept of justice for the Egyptians.
With the wars and the return of vampires and werewolves, came the popularization of Osiris, which made Anubis come to be seen as his son, when one of these problems occurred, it was the birth that began with a trick by Nephthys, goddess of the night, when she was interested in Osiris, because she thought he was very handsome, so she disguised herself as Isis, the wife of Osiris, and seduced him.
The war started for family reasons, jumped from fence to part, that made them relatives, and the stepson using armies that he converted from the dead, when traveling towards different worlds, between the supernatural worlds.
Then, with the dead in their power, which caused them to hunt and be enemies of the armies of Set who commanded the hours of the living to attack the hordes of the dead, towards the sand realms of Egypt, this caused a successive wave of deaths, which came with the disease, due to the waters being contaminated by the blood of the dead.
Nephthys became pregnant after having a relationship with Osiris, and, to prevent her husband, Set, from discovering her betrayal, she decided to abandon the child. That child was Anubis, who was adopted by Isis when that goddess discovered what had happened, which eventually, Set also discovered what happened and took revenge by murdering Osiris.