
Mortal Kombat: Son of the Dragons

Alexander Valkyrie Darkov was raised Black Dragon and now joins Special Force's Next Generation of fighters to discover his place in the realms ultimately discovering his true origins and legacy. Through effort and trial, and with his love Cassie Cage at his side, he will discover his legacy and prove it's more than blood that makes the warrior. A fair warning, there will be heavy use of Scripts from Mortal Kombat 2011, Mortal Kombat X, and Mortal Kombat 11 as seen fit.

Holly_Putvin · Derivados de juegos
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57 Chs

Kotal Kahn has violated the Reiko Accords

The scene cuts back to the present day, in the Kuatan jungle. Various tents are set up, with Tarkatans running between them. Cassie and D'Vorah sneak into the makeshift campsite. They crouch behind some crates and barrels, while the sounds of battle between two armies are heard close by. D'Vorah leans in close to Cassie, eyeing something in the distance.


She is looking at a large tent a few yards away from their hiding spot. Rain walks out of it, accompanied by a Tarkatan. He says something and the Tarkatan rushes off. D'Vorah sneaks out of cover and Cassie follows. Rain turns to see them both approaching, Cassie drawing her pistols and flanking him from one side, while D'Vorah approaches from the other side. Rain says to D'Vorah

"Here to surrender, traitor?"

"You would speak of treason? This One knows you desire the throne. Why serve Mileena?"

"I advise her. Stealing the amulet was my genius. It kills her a bit each time she uses it."

"As both sides diminish, you fill the void."

"Exactly my plan."

While Rain is speaking, Tanya sneaks up from behind on Cassie and grabs her, and throws her some feet away from the Kytinn and Edenian demigod. Rain charges at D'Vorah with a running knee, catching her on the chin. He grabs her arm, pulls her in, and punches her in the face. She staggers back into a fighting stance. He laments

"A shame you will not see its fruition."

They fight. With his power over water and lightning alike, the Edenian half-god proves to be a difficult fight for D'Vorah. Nonetheless, his arrogance against her own powers and fighting prowess prove to be too much for Rain, and he is soon left unconscious at her feet. She says

"Your schemes end here."

During D'Vorah's and Rain's fight, Cassie drops both of her guns in the sneak attack as Tanya unleashes quick blow after blow. The young Special Forces soldier struggles to parry and block each attack as Tanya's attacks mount. Cassie can't help but think about the whereabouts of Alex. He had been missing for a few hours now. A strong kick to the jaw by Tanya's heeled boots knocked Cassie out of her thoughts and onto the ground. Cassie groaned as she noticed one of her guns within mere feet. Tanya kicks the gun further away and steps on Cassie's hand, leading to her screaming. D'Vorah turns to Tanya, who has now straddled Cassie and is pummeling her in the face. Cassie had been off her game as Alex had been missing. It worried her that he just vanished. As D'Vorah approaches, Tanya stops her attack, much to Cassie's relief. D'Vorah pauses for a moment but turns toward the tent. Tanya stops her by launching a fireball, just missing her by a few inches.

"Leaving without your friend, D'Vorah?"

She stands up and walks toward her.

"Your people believe we avoided your island out of respect for your solitary nature. We just didn't like you."

"The Kytinn do prefer solitude - which I will achieve momentarily."

They fight. Despite being well versed in both magic and kombat, the Edenian soon finds herself being overpowered by D'Vorah, whose control over insects proves to be the decisive factor in the fight. It's not long after that Tanya falls unconscious next to Rain.

"Now two Edenians will die."

She approaches the two of them and extends her spider limbs from her back, but Cassie - now back on her feet, having recovered her weapons - has other ideas.

"I know you said you weren't friends, but you're not killing them. Head's fine, by the way."

D'Vorah is clearly annoyed but retracts her limbs.

"Very well. Let us go."

They enter the tent. Inside is a locked chest. Cassie attempts to open the lock.

"Step aside."

D'Vorah commands Cassie, who does so. D'Vorah puts her hand to the lock. A horde of tiny insects no bigger than ants seemingly spawn from her hand and pour into the lock to devour it from the inside.

"That... is really disturbing."

A shout from outside the tent catches their attention.


Mileena yells from the entrance of the tent. She stalks into the tent readying her sai towards both D'Vorah and Cassie. Cassie draws her pistol, but D'Vorah barks out an attack in the Kytinn language. Her stomach splits open at the same time, pouring out a swarm of flying insects that cloud over Mileena. Growling, she backs out of the tent, trying to fend the swarm off with her hands. D'Vorah silently motions to Cassie to stay and guard the chest, before walking out of the tent to confront Mileena.

"This One knew you would not stray far from the amulet."

"You took my throne. Now you wish to steal my means of reclaiming it?!"

"Neither was meant for you!"

"WHO ARE YOU TO SAY?! I will take something of yours - your LIFE!"

They fight. As vicious and skilled a fighter as Mileena is, even she is not a match for D'Vorah's mastery over all things insect. The battle proves to be long and brutal, but in the end, the Kytinn is victorious.

"This One will enjoy your death."

The scene cuts to sometime later, in another tent complete with Osh-Tekk inspired decorations and a large throne styled in the same manner. Kotal Kahn steps up to the throne and sits in it. D'Vorah stands to the left of the throne, while Mileena is on her knees before them both. The battle was evidently won by Kotal's forces, as Team S-F are also present in the tent behind Mileena. Despite the importance of the surroundings, Cassie's mind wanders through various scenarios, some going to very dark places as she begins to fear that Alex could possibly be dead. But she knows that can not be. Alex is a fighter; sometimes scrappy, but at the least persistent and strong-willed. Whether today or even next week, Alex will come back to her. Cassie's thoughts were cut off when she heard Mileena growl

"Enough of your prattle! Finish me, so that I may join my father."

"You do not deserve death by an emperor's hand. Instead, I give the honor to my worthy First Minister."

He looks over to D'Vorah, who smiles in anticipation. She strolls up to Mileena, grabs her by both cheeks, and - much to Mileena's surprise - kisses her full on the lips. However, the outside of Mileena's mouth -still framed by her Tarkatan features - shows the full story, as insects begin falling out through her enlarged teeth. D'Vorah's minions begin eating Mileena's face from inside her mouth, much to the disgust of Team S-F.

The process only takes a few seconds. By the time D'Vorah lets Mileena go, her face is already a bloody mess. She manages to scream out a last cry of pain and agony, but by then her eyes, hair, and the skin on her head is completely gone, consumed by the insects. She falls to the floor, writhing and gurgling as the insects continue to devour the flesh on her skull, even bursting through her stomach as well. A few seconds later, her body is completely still, with pools of blood rising from her head and abdomen. D'Vorah looks over to Team S-F with an eerie smile on her face before turning back to her position at Kotal's side.

"The rebellion is over."

"Well, thanks for that."

Cassie says to Jacqui

"I know I'll never eat again."

Jacqui says nothing, continuing to look just as disgusted. Cassie looks back to Kotal, Shinnok's Amulet in her hand.

"With your leave, we're gonna head back to Earthrealm. Put the amulet back where it belongs."

Kotal motions with his right hand, which glows with a dark blue light. Team S-F suddenly find themselves restrained at the waist, with their arms pinned to their sides, by the same blue light that has surrounded them each.

"The hell are you doing?!"

Kotal stands up and walks toward her.

"Earthrealm cannot be trusted to protect the amulet. It will remain with me."

He takes the amulet from her. Kung Jin exclaims

"The Reiko Accords require that you—"

"The Accords no longer concern me. But you may prove useful – when Raiden comes for this."

Kotal Kahn stopped as he eyed the whole team, then glaring at Cassie Cage. He remembers Kano's betrayal almost a day before when he assisted Mileena in a feeble attempt to kill him and take Shinnok's amulet. He inhaled deeply before saying

"As for your missing member, Alex...he has abandoned you. He is a Black Dragon, he can not be trusted."

Two of Kotal's soldiers take Team S-F by the shoulders, escorting them out of the tent. Kotal looks at the amulet in his hand, and behind him, D'Vorah also looks at it. A lone guard, the one in golden armor with a blue star on his chest plate, who had been present throughout this event, swiftly leaves the tent and heads to a secure location via the use of blessed fire powers he was given.

A torrent of fire flashes in a faraway war room, to the surprise of Commander Ryker, Alex, and other soldiers under Ryker's command.

"Commander Darkov. Kotal Kahn has violated the Reiko Accords."