
Mortal Kombat: Son of the Dragons

Alexander Valkyrie Darkov was raised Black Dragon and now joins Special Force's Next Generation of fighters to discover his place in the realms ultimately discovering his true origins and legacy. Through effort and trial, and with his love Cassie Cage at his side, he will discover his legacy and prove it's more than blood that makes the warrior. A fair warning, there will be heavy use of Scripts from Mortal Kombat 2011, Mortal Kombat X, and Mortal Kombat 11 as seen fit.

Holly_Putvin · Video Games
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57 Chs

The Elite

Alex was rather enjoying these lessons in Outworld fighting as well as Spartan training from his Uncle, Commander Ryker. Alex had learned a lot. Commander Ryker and this unit of guards, ten in total, were Shao Kahn's elite guards. Each soldier here was trained in combat as well as protecting the Kahn with their lives. The interesting part, and perhaps the genius to it all was that each guard wore their original armaments as all had not been trained as Outworld Guards since their youth. Commander Ryker wore his Spartan armaments with pride as he led this unit.

Then there is Bop. An Outworlder who is rather shorter than the average Outworlder, and physically fit but by no means strong. Despite these shortcomings, Bop possesses strange psychological abilities, able to evoke someone to make the right choice in a situation. He is stronger than he looks and has curious eyes with short and messy hair, one of the few Guardsmen trained as a guard.

There is Hailstorm. A Guardsman who was a Lin Kuei assassin. Alex had found him easy to fight and beat as his style did not defer from Grandmaster Sub-Zero's. Though Alex was not sure he could beat the Lin Kuei Grandmaster, he was able to observe enough to find enough flaws to defeat Hailstorm. Regardless, Hailstorm's combat prowess is nothing to scoff at and has the potential to master Kuai Liang's style. He wondered why that was as this member of the Lin Kuei wore his hood and mask constantly and only took it off to eat and did so alone. He is six foot two, like the Lin Kuei grandmaster. He even wore his Lin Kuei battle armor.

Amun is one of the Maulers, from the far-off realm Espiera. He bore four spider legs from his back which completely retracted into spider leg tattoos on his back. He is an Arachin, one of the feared Mauler Hordes. His fierce stance, his vibrant red coloration on his legs, and his choice to be the least armored was often a wise one as he was targeted first only to cut down his foes. He was careful not to use his poison in his recent fights with Alex, as not to hurt him.

Kynder is one of those silent folk from another realm long conquered by Shao Kahn. Utilizing a pair of daggers, Kynder is the stealth expert often working with Hailstorm on the roofs dispatching any roof-bound assassins quickly and quietly. Part of his silence though was he had been captured in place of the Kahn and he had been tortured ruthlessly for days but held his silence. He had been left physically scarred from the process, a notable scar running from just beneath his left eye, down his cheek, and over his lips and his chin. He only spoke a few words here and there. His armor was leather and light, dark and plain.

Karpse appeared to be another Kytinn on the surface but he had proven otherwise with his ability to shapeshift into whomever or whatever necessary for the mission, often disguising himself as the Kahn himself as a diversion when needed. His armor was his Chitan and a layer of dark blue armor.

Rex was a grizzled survivor of some great conflict and refused to speak of it, though was often heard calling the Cybers of old Clankers. His armor was sand stained with a faded blue strip on it.

Rattle and Ferro were apparently recent additions as they were twin demons who escaped the Netherrealm and served on the guard late into Shao Kahn's reign but only were made elites after Reiko died and Kotal aspired to the throne. Rattle utilizes a double-handed hammer with spikes on one end while Ferro sports dual kamas, in addition to their slight pyrokinetic abilities. They wear light bronze and leather armor with red straps and lines decorating their sides.

Alex now was seated on a stone bench alone when his uncle joined him, for once in all of this, he dropped his professional tone and in a more loving one as he noticed the engagement ring on his nephew's hand

"So, who is the lucky individual?"

"Cassandra Carlton, or as she's more known as Cassie Cage."

Alex answered, a fresh wave of worry hit him like Tremor when he was initiated into the Black Dragons. Ryker asked

"Was she in that group you were with?"

"Yes, the Blonde-haired female with the lack of a filter."

Ryker snorted and said

"You should hear Ferro when he gets going, man for a demon his mouth is fouler than any corrupted Revenant."

"Cassie can get pretty foul herself."

Alex said, still worried. Ryker looked at him and said

"You're worried, aren't you?"

"Yes. It didn't look good when that…I don't know what that was."


Ryker said. Alex looked at him before he explained

"Some sort of symbiotic rider and mount race. They have served Shao Kahn for years. Ferra/Torr is no different."


Ryker put a hand on Alex and said

"Anipsiós, relax I am sure your team is fine. They seem capable. And Kotal is not an unreasonable Kahn."

A torrent of fire in which he returns frightens Alex as it suddenly appears, and reveals the other guard from earlier, the guard bows to Commander Ryker and quickly says

"Commander Darkov. Kotal Kahn has violated the Reiko Accords."

"What? How? Speak Corporal Brand."

Corporal Brand nods before he responds

"The Earthrealm diplomatic team was successful in helping Kotal Kahn recover Shinnok's amulet and capture Mileena. Mileena has been executed. As the Earthrealmers were about to leave peacefully and return the Amulet of Shinnok back to Earthrealm for safekeeping, Kotal took them, prisoner, taking the Amulet himself. They have been taken to a ship on the Sea of Souls. I could not intervene as I would have been outmatched and outmanned. I came here as soon as I could."

"Indeed Corporal. Good work and thank you, You're dismissed."


The corporal said before nodding to Alex and leaving. Alex's heart shattered hearing those words before he said

"Uncle, I am sorry, but I have to go save them."

"I know, anipsiós. Do not worry, I have a plan and we can help."

"You do?"

"Indeed, however, it does involve you cooperating and being restrained again."

"Whatever it takes to ensure my team is safe."

Alex smirks and readies himself as Ryker nods, continuing

"Good. Now, do you mind so much if I rough you up a bit? Make it look convincing?"

"As long as I can get a few hits in too."

"I would expect nothing less from you, anipsiós."

Ryker chuckled and ordered his men to him and Alex. Ryker and his command surrounded Alex in a circle, harkening back to his initiation into the Black Dragon. Alex simply smiled as he readied his combat stance in response to Ryker and his men doing the same. The plan had begun, everyone playing their parts to ensure Alex's friends were safe and freed.

anipsiós means nephew in greek

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