
Mortal Kombat: Son of the Dragons

Alexander Valkyrie Darkov was raised Black Dragon and now joins Special Force's Next Generation of fighters to discover his place in the realms ultimately discovering his true origins and legacy. Through effort and trial, and with his love Cassie Cage at his side, he will discover his legacy and prove it's more than blood that makes the warrior. A fair warning, there will be heavy use of Scripts from Mortal Kombat 2011, Mortal Kombat X, and Mortal Kombat 11 as seen fit.

Holly_Putvin · Derivados de juegos
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57 Chs


Alex having returned from his camping trip with his team, was relaxed and very happy. Karkas looked thrilled to see Alex so calm. Karkas sighed part of it was that Alex now had friends outside of the dragons. The old doctor could relax knowing one of his closest friends had friends of his own. He was though surprised that Alex wanted to hang out with him. Alex was a curious boy and that had not changed. He was able to get through his rounds a bit faster thanks to Alex's help. Karkas smiled at Alex and was happy to have him work with him. By lunch, the two are seated together eating Karkas decided to ask

"How have you been Alex? I know you have been under a lot of stress lately between the Wedding and still recovering."

Alex sighed he knew Karkas was going to ask eventually. He sighed before saying

"I am fine now Karkas thanks for checking in on me."

"Your welcome Alex."

Karkas smiles and hugs him and then says

"So why is it that you wanted to hang with me?"

"Your family."

Karkas smiled warmly at Alex. He gets up and has Alex follow him as they then take the afternoon together. Karkas smiled as he led Alex to the recreation room and the two enjoyed an afternoon of card games, video games, a couple of movies, and a game of billiards. By the end, Alex had passed out rather tired. Karkas carried Alex to his own room and laid him down in bed, tucking the young adult into bed. Karkas decided to stay with Alex to make sure Alex slept well. Karkas reflected on his own life and how far he had come.

Karkas had suffered a lot as had his brother Kabal. Their home life growing up was abusive and strict. Their father was an old military veteran who had no tolerance for any undisciplined activities or things he did not approve of. He didn't approve of Karkas going to medical school or Kabal actively being a criminal. Their father really didn't approve of Kabal then joining the police squad and going to his brother when he had need of his brother's help. Their father had driven them both to Kano. Especially when their father said good riddance when Kabal died, very unaware of the undead monster he had become. So Karkas was rather pleased when he found his revenant brother fleeing the scene of attacking his father. Karkas looked down as his father begged for help and Karkas squatted down saying

"Good riddance to bad blood."

And left him to bleed out. He had not regretted it at the time, so why now was it, was he feeling a sherd of remorse? He didn't understand. He looked up noticing Kabal had joined him looking at Alex before quietly asking

"Thinking about that jerk that called himself our father?"

"Yeah. You may have severely injured him, but I let him bleed out."

Kabal was shocked to hear that out of his brother's mouth.

"What possessed you to do that brother?"

"I have no idea, other than at the time it felt like I was finally in control. To take that jerk out. But I just let him bleed out in agony rather than put him out of his misery."

Kabal nodded. He sighed before saying

"I always thought I was the one who had the darker problems but I see now it was you considering you keep things bottled up inside, which I don't need a degree in Psychology to tell you that's unhealthy."

"You are right about that brother. Yet, I don't want to face this darkness in me. It's horrifying and…"

"Very necessary to live. To deny one's shadow is to deny one's whole healthy self."

Karkas looks at him. They both took high school psychology and Kabal had passed with an A+ while he scraped out a B-. He had forgotten about Shadows and that they were healthy for a fully mentally healthy person. Karkas sighed before he looked back to his brother and said

"What do you suggest I do?"

"There is a person I know whom I think you should talk to. He's a bit eccentric and hard to deal with on the first go. He's an acquired taste but it's still worth a shot to see him about this."

"Alright brother."

Karkas says as the two brothers fall silent as they watch over Alex, who has called them both uncle. They can't understand why that is with the boy, but they love him anyway as a nephew regardless of why they are called that to the boy in the first place. When morning breaks Alex awakens to find the two passed out watching over him and Alex processed to drape blankets over them and head about his business after leaving them a note saying he is fine and just doing his duties. That eased their panicked minds when they noticed he wasn't in bed when they woke up. Alex hung with them once both were done with their duties and the trio went to the Black Dragon-owned nightclub, The Pavilion to relax. Jeremy and Fred were always happy to see Alex stop by and enjoy what they had to offer rather than work there. Alex sat back enjoying himself but being responsible refused to drink too much, unlike Karkas and Kabal. Alex was such a good sport he helped the two get back down into the base and to their rooms to sleep off their hangovers. Alex then went to his room to rest happy to be who he was. Yet he couldn't understand these dreams he had been having. They so far were just him drowning in sand but lately, he started hearing things words, but he could not make out what was being said. It scared him. Yet he recalled similar dreams before he got visions of those he loved in pain and suffering. He knew he had to bide his time until that moment.

I apologize for the absence. I have been sick with Covid, busy, and creatively drained on how to write this chapter. I will attempt to continue at a regular interval as the chapters should be easier to write.

Also to answer a reader question from the Webnovel version of the story: Alex's name wasn't meant to be greek at all. Alexander is Greek meaning defender of men, Valkyrie is Scandinavian meaning chooser of the slain, Darkov is meant to sound Russian though is Greek. Alex's name originally was Alexander Victor Kahn back when I didn't know Kahn was a title. Valkyrie sounded close to victor/victory.

And for the love of the elder gods no he is not meant to be a "Mary Sue" character.

Holly_Putvincreators' thoughts