
Mortal Kombat: Son of the Dragons

Alexander Valkyrie Darkov was raised Black Dragon and now joins Special Force's Next Generation of fighters to discover his place in the realms ultimately discovering his true origins and legacy. Through effort and trial, and with his love Cassie Cage at his side, he will discover his legacy and prove it's more than blood that makes the warrior. A fair warning, there will be heavy use of Scripts from Mortal Kombat 2011, Mortal Kombat X, and Mortal Kombat 11 as seen fit.

Holly_Putvin · Video Games
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57 Chs

The Master

In the countryside of China near a small fishing village away from prying eyes sat a decent-sized home on a beach. It is here that a five-foot eleven-inch-tall Outworlder lives. He is unassuming and plain in most respects to those around him. However today he gets a visit from an old friend from the Outworld guard.

"Ah, Commander Ryker, here for some Outworld rice wine or for some lessons from old Bo' Rai Cho?"

He says with a full, hearty laugh that gets his rotund belly to jiggle like he's Santa Claus. Commander Ryker smiles and laughs as well before he says

"It is not me who needs the lessons. You are aware that my nephew lives, yes?"

"How could I not? Erron talked endlessly about him, saying he needed to find him before Kotal does to protect him."

"Smart man. In a few days' time, Alex will be by to see me again before his wedding to Cassie Cage, and I was wondering if I could bring him here to meet you. Please bear in mind he only knows he is half Outworlder and doesn't know his father is Shao Kahn."

The friendly smile faded as the gravity of the situation hit the old trainer of heroes. While he was good-natured and known to teach Earthrealm heroes their very skills that took down Outworld, Master Bo Rai Cho couldn't deny that training the son of Shao Kahn was in his duties.

"Of course, Commander Ryker. You know it is my duty and I have an obligation to fill."

Ryker shook his head and said

"Forget duty or obligation, Master! Do it because it is right. That boy has proven time and time again that he deserves the same respect as the heroes of Earthrealm."

Master Bo' Rai Cho simply eyed down the commander, only nodding in agreement. They both exchanged bows before Commander Ryker went his way. A few days later, as Bo' Rai Cho was sitting on his porch and enjoying a cup of tea, he found the young prince on his doorstep, weary in more ways than one. Pretending not to know who he was, Bo' Rai Cho grabbed the empty cup next to his own, poured in some tea, and only smiled as he reached out the cup to the young man. The young prince, Alexander Valkyrie Darkov slightly smiled, nodded his head, and took the cup from Master Bo' Rai Cho's hand.

"May I join you, young man?"

"Yes. I am sorry if I am trespassing. My uncle said I'd find a great trainer and master. I don't know why I was expecting a Satyr with an attitude problem and bad math."

Master Bo' Rai Cho guffawed, to Alex's enjoyment, as he understood the reference to that Disney movie that got everything wrong about Heracles' story. Regardless, he pulled one on the boy and said

"I am glad you didn't say you were looking for a great warrior."

Alex smirked and responded

"Wars do not make one great."

Another round of laughter before Bo' Rai Cho begins

"I am Master Bo' Rai Cho. I am an Outworlder who has chosen to live in Earthrealm as it is a beautiful realm of wonderful people. I train her heroes and defenders as I have seen too many realms like this one destroyed by both Onaga and Shao Kahn's rule. That is a fate I do not want to befall Earthrealm."

"I don't either. I suppose it's why I am half human and half Outworlder. To be the balance, the bridge between worlds."

Bo' Rai Cho faltered a moment, his smile lowered slightly. He can sense the inner emotional turmoil within the young man, despite the pride and sentiment of the statement. Oh, how wrong the boy was. Shao Kahn…yes loved his wife Rena Darkov but he'd been manipulated on all fronts. If anything, secretly the boy would have been raised to be a trojan horse to the Earthrealm people and be Earthrealm's downfall. Yet the boy already had in mind what he wanted to be and Bo' Rai Cho would try to help him achieve it. The boy then said

"I am sorry, I didn't introduce myself properly. I am Alexander Valkyrie Darkov, junior grade Black Dragon member and Specialist of Special Forces."

Bo' Rai Cho smiled before he said

"I knew who you were. Your Uncle visited me a few days prior to seek me out in helping you. I will train you but with Black Dragon, and Special Forces under your belt, I don't know what more I can teach. I also assume you also had some training with the Elite guards."

Alex nodded and Bo' Rai Cho nodded and then said

"Let us have a friendly spar so I can assess your skills in Kombat."

Alex is up on his feet in his ready stance. Bo' Rai Cho grunted as he stood from his seat, grabbing hold of his staff, and swiftly used it to sweep Alex off his feet. Bo' Rai Cho laughed before saying

"Despite your training, you still can learn much, Alex. Your stance is very poor. Without balance physically and mentally, one can be knocked down with ease. Without a proper stance, you can not hope to succeed. I am amazed you got this far into life, being a Black Dragon and your numerous combat experiences."

Alex stood up and calmly asked

"Then show me the proper way to stand at the ready, Master."

Bo' Rai Cho walked over and readied himself in his preferred fighting stance, motioning Alex to look down to his feet

"Feel the ground with your feet, connect to it, as if you are an extension of the ground."

Alex nodded. He tried to mirror Bo' Rai Cho's footwork and asked to drill the move again. Bo' Rai Cho smiled as he quickly swung his bo staff and knocked Alex to the floor again, to the master's joy and the young man's annoyance. Alex had fought countless battles before, but here he is now having trouble with basic fundamentals such as a stance and footwork. What kind of master is he? Alex's doubt set in a bit but pushed on. He may be experienced, but Alex can always learn. Having a proper foot stance itself took the rest of the afternoon until Alex finally got it right. By then it was getting late and Alex looked downtrodden by the day's events. Master Bo' Rai Cho let Alex breathe a little, chuckling at Alex's immediate rubbing of his shins after having been smacked over and over again by the staff. Bo' Rai Cho sat beside him, handing him some food and more tea.

"Do not be discouraged by your failure, you will find success eventually, Alexander. Learn from these mistakes. When you become one with your mind, body, and heart, you will achieve greatness."

"It just feels like a failure."

Alex sighs, hanging his head shamefully away from the master's eyesight. Bo' Rai Cho smiles at him saying

"Well, one can't expect to get something right the first time. Not everything comes easy to one. Even masters like me were not so adept at combat on the first day. And what is easy for one is difficult for another."

Alex took that in and thought on it a while, meeting the master's eyes again before Bo' Rai Cho said

"Come, Alexander. I will show you to a guest room. We have much to do tomorrow. There is a fair bit I can give you as far as lessons."

Alex obeyed quietly. Bo' Rai Cho nursed Alex's leg bruises once he got settled into the guest room. They shared another cup of Outworld tea again before the master bid the young man a good night. Alex lied in bed for a while, staring up at the ceiling, wondering what Master Bo' Rai Cho had in store for him the next day if something as simple as a fighting stance was troubling him. Alex brushed those worries out of his head for now and slept. For once, however, he was finally able to sleep soundly for the first time in months.