
Mortal Gods Awakening.

Participating in the Fantasy Carnaval, if you like the book support it with your powerstone.. Destruction, On Earth energy called "mana,, was returning, Magic, Martial Arts, Superpowers became reality. Humanity started to prosper but... this didn't last very long. In the darkness countless eyes were looking at Earth with greed. Earth's dimensional barrier was broken, Gates opened and monsters poured in. Hope was answered by people magic powers called "Hunters" But this was far from the end. Gods, Constellations, Devil's started fighing for this planet, For billions of souls, they spread their power occupying immense land. but they didn't realize who they have awakened by their invasion, A Monster, A True God... The destruction of what HE created just begun. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry for the grammar, i am not english. Novel Photo is not mine, if artist wants taken down contact me.

DreamWr8ER · Fantasía
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125 Chs

F*ck You Were So Powerful?.

Alex turned around and he saw Milo fighting a demon cultivator, he hesitated, while Milo could not be considered his best friend, he still helped him in many things.

"(Fuck this..)"

Alex turned around and said "Golden sun"


Giant sun was created in the sky, it was completely golden, like a gold golden.

There was mysterious white light surrounding tje spell.

It shrinked and finally it was compressed to size of a little golf ball.

Alex simply throwed the ball and left.


Before he left Milo noticed him and yelled.


Alex didn't turn arund,he simply left.

Demon cultivator turned around and was about to say something but..


Demon Cultivator turned around and was about to say something but..

ball reached him..


Explosion happened, it was so big it attracted attention of entire sect, like a bomb it exploded.

But for some reason it didn't hurt anyone than Demon Sect.

This was something that went way beyond anything Golden Core Level 9 Cultivator should be able to do.

How is this possible?? you ask??

Over the years Alex invested more time searching for the mysterious power he felt in the past than cultivating.

Litteraly he did not know how to cultivate, he just sat there meditating, he even fell asleep times to times, but system simply absorbed Qi energy from the air and transformed into his cultivation.

After explosion resided big pit appeared, it was a crater, Disciples pf Thousand Soul Sword Sect simply stood there dumbfounded.

It was more for Milo, he saw how Alex throwed this spell to him.

Outside Of Thousand Soul Sword Sect.

Alex was Already in the little town of "Grould" in the Thousand Soul Sword Sect.

He killed every Demon Cultivator Along the way, he had Lia in the Potato sack.

Alex entered inn and payed the price to use a room for a month, he didn't want to leave Lia unanswered.

He put Lia to the bed and sighed.

Alex looked in the window and sighed again, he didn't believe he would say this but he really missed cars honking, big glass skyscrapers.

3 Days Later.

Lia still hasn't woken up, Effect of [Vampire's Charm] was long lasting, Alex Copied this skill from vampire demon, demon that he exterminated in the past, they were called vampires and acted like vampires, hanging from tje ceiling, couldn't go out in sun, but unlike in the legends they were extremely ugly.

Alex stood there and meditated, he cultivated, he was close, he could feel his spirit awakening.

"Huuh.. where am i"..

In this moment, Lia Awakened.

Alex stood up and said.

"Calm down, you are in the inn of "Grpuld,"" town"

Lia opened her eyes and looked at Alex, then she remembered what Alex did and went extremely mad.

Lia said "YOU!!--" she wanted to get up but then she realized she was still in the potato sack"

Alex laughed and let her out, He did this so Lia would not get mad immediately and destroy everything in this inn.

"Sorry, i had to keep you there".

Once Lia got free, she floated up and took of her sword while yelling.


Suddenly entire inn started shacking.

The inn people below were scared.

Alex immediately spread his aura out and said.

"Calm down Lia, we are in mortal town now"

Lia looked around and calmed her aura down, she sheated his sword.

She turned to Alex and Larted walking towards him.

Alex Smiled and said "Now, let me expl--".

Before he finished his words Lia came in and.


Lia slapped Alex, on his left cheek.

Alex smiled again and said "i deserved that, now if you could let me expl--".

Again, before he could say something, a sound was heared.


Lia slapped him again on his other cheek.

Alex still smiled and said "I deserved that one too, now let me expl--"

before he could finish his words, he saw Lia was going to slap him again, he cought both of her hands and said.

"I am trying to say something here Lia, wait z minute before doing that again!!"

He got ticked off this time a little.

"Let go.."

Lia tried to take her hand, but she was not able to do it.

Alex was about to say something but Lia cut him off..

"What is there to explain.. you are a coward.. you ran away, from the fight you run away!! you lost honor to be a cultivator.. I didn't help, what will sect members think!!, what will happen if sect gets destroyed now,......Wait!!.. Sect.. We need to go back!!! help the sect!!"

Lia was mumbling words.

Alex shook his head and let her hand go.

Lia immediately took her hand back.

Alex smiled and took out mirror.

[Power Sharing].

He cast a technique and screen appeared on the mirror, screen turned into a Thousand Soul Sword Sect, it was like a live video.

This was Alex'es biggest invention, in the passed when he tried to create computer in this world of course this didn't work, Alex wasn't engineer, he worked with many computer cpmpany's in his 'Last Life' but he had really low engineer studies. but he created something like this.

This was a transmitor that cought Sound Waves, And with the help of Little Qi Energy, he transformed that sound waves and translated them into a picture.

Alex looked at the mirror.

Then he looked at Lia Smiled and said.

"Look, Thousand Soul Sword Sect is fine, we won."

On the screen there were multiple disciples taking boulders from the buildings and clearing the roads.

This was aftermatch of the Demon Sect invasion.

And just like in the Alex'es dream, everything happened exactly as he saw it, The Ancestor interfered and subdued entire Demon Sect Army.

But this time random dumbass became Sect Master, Alex didn't even know about this guy.

Lia looked at thwe mirror dumbfounded, she had never seen this kind of construction.

She said "then why are we.."

Alex cut her off and said "Listen Lia, u wanted to leave the sect for a very long time, i can feel i want freedom, i want to explore and feel the mystical places of this world, but if i stayed in the sect i would definitely became Sect Master, Sect Master Ling did many things for me, he thought me how to cultivate and get stronger, but i couldn't tell him that i wanted to leave and travel, so with this i took a chance and you know that happened after that, i know he will be dissappointed but he will forget in a short time, maybe, so i hope you forgive me, i took you out because people that invaded were really strong."

Alex made up bullshit excuses and this speech in 2 and a half days.

Lia looled at Alex and sighed.

"I know ypu had this personallity, i hope you accomplish everything you want, i will tell father about this, yes he will be dissappointed but he has to respect your wishes, goodbye."

Alex'es twitched at first words "did i have this perssonallity?".

But when he heard about Possessed Sect Master he thought about it for a bit and didn't say anything.

"Yes, goodbye"

Lia simply opened windows flew off from them.

Alex looked at disappearing Lia and sighed. he didn't know when would he meet this beautiful and slightly annoying girl again.

He didn't know if he was dick for this but he did what he believed in and this was the most important.

Alex simply sat down and meditated.

He had to break through Nascent Soul Level fast.

This was the time.

Time where real search for way to his world begun.

This was the time where everything woould start.

End Of Chapter.