
Monkey King in Marvel

After being killed by the gods, Sun Wukong, the legendary Monkey King, finds himself transmigrated into a human body... In the world of Marvel? Driven by his thrust for revenge, he must now aim to get stronger in this weak body so that he may not only achieve his goal, but so that he may also survive in this mysterious and unfriendly world. ***---***---***---***---***---***---***---***---***---***--- Authors Note: Front cover isn't mine. [DISCORD] https://discord.gg/f3Ent7KC

_MYSTERY · Cómic
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25 Chs


Ororo walked through the medical ward with a face full of tension and visible stress. Shortly after, she came across Hank.

"How's Peter?"

"Peters fine. Other than his broken arm, he hasn't suffered any other injuries." He explained with a perplexed face.

"What is it?" Asked Ororo, noticing his puzzlement.

"Well, it's his mental state. He hasn't said a word since yesterday." 

"What do you think it is?" Asked Ororo as her anxiety started to increase.

"I think he's in shock. It's hard to believe a titan of a man like Colossus who has fought in countless battles alongside the X-Men, is in a state like this after a fight with a boy."

Ororo peeked through the small glass window on the door, only to be met with Peter lying down with his eyes wide open as if he was in a trance.

"I was, however, able to get something out of him." He said, drawing Ororo's attention back.

"He said he felt as if he was at death's door, powerless as he waited for his inevitable doom. He said he never felt anything like it. The specific word he used, was 'bloodlust'."

Saying this, Ororo couldn't help but wonder about this strange and mysterious boy.


Wukong slowly opened his eyes as he found himself in the very same position as when he passed out yesterday. Sitting up as he felt soreness in every inch of his body, he couldn't help but think about yesterday, the events still fresh in his mind.

The voice. The emotions. They felt new to him, yet he had the sense that he's had them deep inside himself for his whole life. After a few minutes, he started to get a headache. He didn't know where to begin. Whose was that voice, why was it so angry… no that's not the right word, the voice sounded as if it belonged to an unhinged lunatic. What was most terrifying, however, was the fact that the lunatic had some sort of influence on him.

"I'd have killed the tin man if it weren't for…" Saying this he remembered the voice, the soothing and warm voice that was able to bring him back from the brink of insanity.

Just as he thought this, he heard the door open as the absent Bobby walked in on Wukong, sitting on his bed.

After they stared at each other for a few seconds, Bobby entered, leaving the door open behind him.

"Hey, what's up? You hungry?" Saying this, Wukong's eyes darted toward him. As if he had forgotten all his problems, he picked up his staff and with a wide grin and answered.

"Always." Saying this, they both left for the cafeteria.

As they walked through the corridor, countless whispers and stares could be seen being directed toward Wukong.

"What's going on?" Asked Wukong as he noticed the abnormal amount of attention he was getting.

"It's pretty simple, to be honest. You're famous." Answered Bobby.

"Famous? Why?" 

"What do you mean 'why'? After being here for just two weeks, you've beaten the school bullies to a pulp, you injured two teachers in a fight that you started and have gotten away with it both times, you've disrespected nearly every senior and staff member here and I'm pretty sure I heard Ororo saying something about how you've mouthed off to the Professor. I wouldn't be surprised if Tony Stark knew about you." 

Wukong looked at Bobby with a face of bewilderment. Who knew everyone was keeping track of his antics?

As they entered the cafeteria, they made their way to their food. And in doing so, Wukong ran into, what he considered, a good friend.

"Mr Chef! How you been?" Wukong greeted the old ginger man with a large grin.

"Ah, I should be asking you that question. I hear you're quite the troublemaker these days." Said the Chef as he laughed.

Wukong tilted his head. Even the Chef knew about what's been going on.

"I've been meaning to ask. Do you guys have any peaches?" Asked Wukong.

"The fruit? Why of course. We use them for several desserts and dishes. Lemme bring some out for you." 

Wukong was overjoyed. He liked his food and fruit, however, he especially liked peaches. After a few minutes, the chef returned with a basket of peaches, only to be met with Wukong who had already collected 3 trays worth of food.

After much struggle, Wukong could be seen walking side by side with Bobby, carrying a tray with a mountain of food on his head, as well as a basket of peaches being carried between his teeth and two other trays of food in each hand. To say that he was the centre of attention right now would be an understatement. 

Bobby looked for his friends and after seeing them, he noticed Scott's unfriendly expression upon seeing Wukong. This made him perplexed. He didn't want Wukong to think that he was abandoning him, but at the same time, he didn't want to betray his friends.

Wukong noticing this, spoke to the confused boy.

"It's uine, I'll schit somewhere ekhse." Said Wukong, struggling to speak with the basket in his mouth.

With a saddened face, Bobby joined his friends as Wukong sat at an empty table. 

"What are you doing with him?" Asked Scott as if he was accusing him of something.

"What do you mean? He's my roommate." 

"He's an attention seeker and a troublemaker. He has no place in this school. He'll get you in trouble." 

Bobby didn't say anything, as he himself was unsure about the kind of person Wukong was. Perhaps Scott was right.

As Scott was lecturing Bobby, his eyes caught on a familiar green-haired girl who had entered with her friend.

After they fetched their food, Scott waved his hand at the two girls.

"Anna, Lorna." Shortly after, they both made their way to their friends. However, Lorna caught a glimpse of a familiar boy, gobbling a feast with little to no table manners. After staring at him for a few seconds, and staring back at her friends, her friend shook her, snapping her out of her trance.

"Are you ok?" Asked Anna, as she was given a nod. After taking their seats, Scott seemed to notice Lorna's dazed state.

"What are you thinking about?" Scott was one of the few people Lorna considered a friend, and the feeling was mutual. Therefore, Scott had a good grasp of the type of person she was. 

"Nothing. I'm fine." Even with them being good friends, it still didn't change the fact that Lorna wasn't a very talkative person.

Scott chose not to push too hard. He knew Lorna well enough not to push on certain matters.

Meanwhile, Anna had caught Jean staring at the boy with no etiquette while eating.

"What do you think about him?" Asked Anna.


"I mean, it's clear Scott hates him, what's your opinion on him?"

After a few seconds, she answered with a face of indifference. "I have no particular opinion about him. I barely know him." Looking back at the brunette, she asked a question of her own.

"What about you?" 

After a few seconds of what seemed to be her thinking about the question, she answered. "I think he's mischievous and causes too many problems and chaos." Seeing that she acquired a suitable answer she turned away.

"But I must say, he's interesting." Added Anna.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the cafeteria, Wukong had finished his banquet as he started to feast on his peaches.

"Not as good as the peaches in my world, but still good." He thought. 

While he was enjoying his fruit, a young adult, no older than Wukong, joined him at his empty table. He didn't have very many distinctive features, other than his slick black hair and hazel sharp eyes, he seemed pretty average.

"Hello." Said the male with a smile.

"Who are you?" Asked Wukong as he wasn't in the talking mood right now.

"I'm Dave. Nice to meet you."

Without saying anything, Wukong took another bite out of his peach.

"I already know your name." He said.


For the rest of the time Wukong was there, they sat in silence as they stared at each other.


Hank could be seen conversing with Professor Xavier as they strolled through a silver corridor.

"The exact word he used was 'bloodlust'." Said Hank as he gave the Professor the same run-down he gave Ororo.

"I have a few speculations and theories on that boy, and to prove them further I had come up with a sort of plan."

After a few seconds of silence, the Professor replied.

"You want to send him out on a mission?" Said Xavier as he read the mind it the blue ape, to which he was given a nod.

Without answering, they proceeded forward. Soon they came across a silver door with a blue X across it. The door slowly opened to reveal a humongous room with a thin platform protruding forward. Without any hesitation, the two males continued.

Soon they made it to the end of the platform as Hank handed a metallic helmet to the professor, which he in turn placed on his head. Then… nothing. Silence encompassed the area as both gentlemen were still as a rock. 

After a couple of minutes, Xavier removed the helmet from his head as he had a face of frustration and surprise.

"What happened?" Asked Hank as he saw the rare expression on the Professor's face.

"Nothing. Even with Cerebro, I cannot penetrate into that boy's mind. It was the same as when I read his mind during his arrival. I can see his life and thoughts all until he awakens his mutant gene, during the accident at his school." 

Hank didn't know what to say. It was hard enough to believe that someone was able to block the Professor's telepathy in the first place, but even Cerebro seemed to be ineffective.

"Proceed. Proceed with the mission. Take the boy with you."


Author's Note: Hello if you are enjoying the novel so far I would appreciate the powerstones. They really help. Alright, thank you all, Bye. Also, sorry for the late chapter.