
Monkey King in Marvel

After being killed by the gods, Sun Wukong, the legendary Monkey King, finds himself transmigrated into a human body... In the world of Marvel? Driven by his thrust for revenge, he must now aim to get stronger in this weak body so that he may not only achieve his goal, but so that he may also survive in this mysterious and unfriendly world. ***---***---***---***---***---***---***---***---***---***--- Authors Note: Front cover isn't mine. [DISCORD] https://discord.gg/f3Ent7KC

_MYSTERY · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs


Wukong sat silently in a familiar jet as violent muffled winds could be heard whooshing past them. Beside him sat a male with slick black hair and hazel eyes, grinning as if he had been visited by Santa. Opposite him sat Scott and Ororo wearing their iconic yellow and blue costumes.

Wukong detested this outfit he wore. Not only did it look embarrassing, but it also pinched him in some very private places.

Seeing Wukong's constant fidgeting, Ororo started to comfort him.

"My apologies for the suit. We couldn't find one in your size due to such short notice."

"It's fine. So where are we going?" Asked Wukong.

"A facility that's been rumoured to experiment on young mutants." Answered Ororo.

Now that she mentioned it, Wukong remembered that the mutants in this world had a constant problem of discrimination and prejudice against them.

"I think his name is Sublime. The entity responsible for manipulating human hatred toward mutants. His primary goal is to suppress mutant evolution and maintain human dominance by feeding on and amplifying negative emotions and prejudices, blah blah blah. Geez who cares. It's not like I'm gonna do anything about it. This isn't my world to defend or my people to protect. I have one goal and that isn't to play hero. Besides, this world's got plenty of that anyway." Thought Wukong as he found himself thinking about what he considered to be unimportant things.

"You're really quiet. Are you nervous?" Asked Dave who had surprisingly been abnormally quiet ever since they entered the jet.

"Nope." Said Wukong simply. He wasn't a fan of the talkative teen who kept following him around. He ought to…

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. I brought peaches." Without saying anything, Wukong snatched the bag of peaches the teenager had in his hand.

"Hey thanks, man. You're a pretty cool guy." Said Wukong, forgetting everything he thought about this teen.

"You're welcome. So hey, what exactly is your mutant ability? Just so I know what to expect from you on the field." Said Dave with a smile.

"This staff. I can Expand it and retract it at will." He said as he chewed his peaches.

"What about you?" Asked Wukong, as he thought it was only fair that he asked back.

"Mine isn't that interesting. It's just Minor Telepathy. I'm also a pretty decent fighter so they pair well."

"Really?" Said Ororo, as she seemed interested.

"Read his mind." She said, unaware of the result the Professor had when he tried.

After taking a deep look into Wukongs eyes, he answered. Wukong didn't really mind this too much. He knew he wasn't going to be able to do it anyway. 

"Well, he doesn't really want to be here. Also, he's really happy about those peaches. They're his favourite fruit." He said with an innocent smile.

"That's it? I was hoping for something juicier. It seems he can only read surface thoughts." Thought Ororo as she felt a bit disappointed.

"What?! I mean he wasn't wrong, but how can he read my mind? I thought that wasn't possible, so how? I guess I should be happy that it isn't anything important, however, I should be wary of him going forward." Thought Wukong, trying his best not to show his surprise.

Meanwhile, Wukong caught a quick glimpse of Scott staring at his staff… his Ruyi staff, not any other staff. 

Although Scott had his eyes covered, he wasn't very good at being discreet.

"You curious? Here." Said Wukong as he held out his staff. After a slight hesitation, Scott slowly reached out. 

"Illian!" Exclaimed Ororo, as she remembered what happened to Avalanche and Peter. Hearing this, Scott snapped back his hand.

"You're no fun."

Meanwhile, Dave could be seen watching vigilantly, as if he was expecting something.

"We're here." Said Hank as the aircraft slowly descended, camouflaged. After landing, they quickly removed their belts and made their way to the exit.

Jean, Bobby and another short brunette who had been sitting somewhere else joined them as they prepared.

Exiting the jet, they were met with an enormous metal factory in the middle of nowhere.

Orders were given as they slowly and quietly approached the factory, the chilling silence making some of the newbies nervous.

They stepped closer and closer until the chilling hush was broken by the screams of their ally.

"Get down!" Exclaimed Jean as she held her hands out in a protective position. Soon after, muffled gunshots and ricocheted bullets were what followed. Jean used her ability to create a barrier that protected them from their death.

Wukong looked at this and sighed. He would've died if not for this barrier. Despite his past life and achievements, he was in the body of a human. A bullet was still fast than him and he would still die if hit by one.

Countless men with body armour and what looked like SWAT uniforms, flooded from inside the building as they took cover and unleashed a storm of bullets.

"Shadowcat, enter the facility and rescue the mutants. Take Cyclo…" Before Ororo could finish her command, Hank interrupted with one of his own.

"Illian. Take Illian." He said as he gave a nod to Ororo as she was staring at him with sharp eyes.

After she too gave a nod, Shadowcat held onto Wukongs arm, and after pulling him, they phased right through the barrier and even the bullets.

It then dawned on Wukong, this was Kitty Pryde, the mutant with quite the useful ability. Wukong followed her as she phased through the facility, entering it and checking every room they came across. 

They quite quickly cleared the first floor, finding no hostages. Only empty rooms that looked as if they had people living in them. As they proceeded to the second floor, they made sure to stay within the walls to not draw too much attention.

They went through the second floor quite quickly, the same as the first, until there was only one room left.

In the dimly lit room, Kitty and Wukong cautiously entered, her heart pounding with trepidation. As they entered through the wall, their eyes widened in shock at the sight that unfolded before them. Three hospital beds occupied the space, each displaying signs of a gruesome ordeal.

On the first bed, a figure laid motionless, their chest partially exposed. The wound revealed a glimpse of the internal workings of the body causing a shiver to run down the young girl's spine. It was a chilling reminder of the danger they were facing.

Moving their gaze to the second bed, they saw another figure with their skull open, revealing the intricate network of the brain. The person's face was still visible and untouched as its wide eyes and open mouth made the scene all the more heart-wrenching.

Finally, their attention shifted to the third bed, where a person laid with one eye protruding and the other missing. The figure's skin barely held onto its bone as one could see the various missing teeth and nails. Additionally, the figure's hair was partly shaved and his appearance was dishevelled. It was a haunting sight, hinting at a disturbing past and leaving them with a lingering unease.

The room's atmosphere was thick with an eerie silence, broken only by the far gunshots and the sound of the young girl's heart racing. 

"This means there are no more hostages right? We failed in our rescue mission?" Asked Wukong as he didn't show his face to the frightened girl. After a few seconds of the girl trying her best to pull herself together, she answered with a 'yes'.

"Take us to the middle of the first floor." After a few seconds, Kitty held his hand as she walked out of the room with shaking legs, glad she was leaving that room.

They quickly phased through the floor and arrived at their destination.

"When I tell you to let go, you let go." He said as he started to rapidly spin his staff in the air. However, before he could give the command, soldiers, similar to the ones outside, surrounded them as they unleashed a storm of bullets and the two teenagers. 

The bullets tore through the air and made their way to their targets. However, when they reached their prey, they passed right through the two mutants as instead, it struck the other soldiers on the other side.

Seeing this, they paused their fire, fearing for their life and the life of their comrades. Seeing this, Wukong gave the command.

"Now! Let go now and get down!" He shouted as she did what she was told.

"Ruyi, Expand!" As he yelled, all that could be seen was an enormous pillar shooting through both ends of the factory, as it protruded for miles on end, spinning as if it was being controlled by an unknown entity. It tore through the metallic facility, destroying the first floor completely, and making the second-floor crumble and collapse. The whole building was destroyed in a matter of seconds.

The others outside stared at this in Jean's barrier. The other soldiers who had been shooting at them had been caught in the devastation as they were crushed by the collapsed facility. 

The pillar suddenly disappeared as the building laid in ruins.

The others felt their heart sink. Not only were the mutant hostages in there but their allies had also been trapped under the rubble. Before they could move and attempt a rescue, they witnessed the two said allies, phasing through the remains, perfectly fine.

Ororo ran to them, making sure they didn't have any wounds, which they didn't. However, she did notice the shaken Kitty who had unusually rapid breaths.

Before she could ask what was going on, gunshots were heard as they quickly took cover. 

"Where are the hostages?" Asked Ororo through all the commotion. 

"They're dead. It seems they died not too long ago." Answered Wukong.

Ororo felt countless emotions gather inside her, however, she didn't have time to focus on these feelings. She had a job to do and kids to save. She could mourn later.

"Iceman, create an ice barricade to block the bullets. When he does, everyone run to the blackbird." There was no point in staying here if the hostages were already dead. The best they could do was limit the bloodshed and leave.

Bobby followed his orders as he created a giant wall of ice between them and the enemy, and after he did, Storm added to this with an unnatural amount of mist, hiding them from their opponents. As she did, they all bolted to the jet, successfully getting in and taking off.

Everyone strapped themselves in as they were all out of breath, however, they weren't in the clear just yet.

"We got a chopper on our tail." Said Hank, promoting everyone to jump up in their seats.

"I got this." Said, Scott.

"No. You might end up killing them. We need precision and control. Allow me." Said Ororo as the hatch to the jet slowly opened. Violent winds shook the passenger as Ororo's eyes turned white. Dark clouds started to form as one could hear thunder.

All of a sudden, lightning struck Ororo as her body crackled with electricity. She pointed her hand at the chopper, ready to unleash what seemed like a devastating attack.

However, an ear-piercing BANG was heard as Ororo fell to the ground, blood flooding from her stomach.

"STORM!" Yelled Hank as he took his eyes off the blackbird.

Due to the violent winds and the open hatch, Ororo started to quickly slide off the jet, preparing to fall to her doom.

Until a slim hand grabbed onto the unconscious female, grabbing her and pulling her back. 

Wukong placed Ororo under his arm with a calm face as she spat blood and blood drenched her suit as well as his. 

The violent winds ruffled their hair and made it hard to breathe. However, he still noticed the sniper aiming his gun at him.

"Watch out!" Exclaimed Scott who had gotten up from his seat.

"Ruyi, Exapand." 

A nerve-wracking BOOM was heard as the chopper was decimated, reduced to fragments of twisted metal and engulfed in a raging inferno as the wind carried it all away. Ruyi had expanded gaining the width of a truck and length that couldn't be measured by the eye, tearing through the chopper as if it were butter.

Everyone on the blackbird seemingly stopped breathing, silence engulfing the once chaotic area as the hatch closed, until someone spoke.

"You…you killed them."


Author's Note: Hello if you are enjoying the novel so far I would appreciate the powerstones. They really help. Alright, thank you all, Bye.