
Path of the monarch 3

" What do you think you are doing " I looked at her and told her in an irritated manner. I really was irritated.

" You completed your martial arts to muscle memory state, that's good " She said with her voice being low. And like always her voice is too low.

" Well, thanks and also thanks for saving me even though you are one who let all of this happen, I owe you one " I looked at her while scratching my head.

" un " That's all she said.

" and if you are injured, I could heal you "

" I would appreciate that " She said as she sat on the bed. I too moved my hand on her back and cut it a little bit and made the eighth seal on it. I was healing her and I noticed though she has more energy than me, her life force is lower than mine in quality and quantity. It means if we both had same injuries, I have a higher chance of survival.

" Hey I think you have healed her enough " I saw Sia standing on Door with Sam and four other girls.

I became a little flustered. she was right, she was already healed but she didnt say anything and I was also kinda entranced so I didnt realize it either. Both of us looked at one another ( just looked didnt see, he is blind remember) and she give a small chuckle.

" Sis why do you have go fall for this guy " Sia looked at me.

" Oi, have some tact " I looked at her and said with a smile.

" Yeah, just like you right" Sam looked at me scoffed.

' Did this idiot just took her side '

" Oh my, Did just our great sam was being sarcastic " I looked at him with a ridicule on my face.

" You think I cant. but its unnecessary here value even If I do you wouldn't understand it " He looked at me angrily.

' Did he just get angry like that and this Girl sia, on God he had feeling for her and she too had them, it's easy as hell to read it' I looked at them with a amused expression.

" So when are you gonna confess to her " I said nonchalantly.

" I am wait fo-- " and he suddenly stopped and looked at me angrily.

" Hahhhhh, you, I cant believe you actually answered ( This is a my story when I got my second Gf, I am well, the shy type so....)" I looked at him and laughed uncontrollably. And it was even more funny when I sensed their aura. They were extremely nervous both of them.

" Raj, you shouldn't tease them like this " Ava said slowly but she too was smiling.( I am not gonna explain how he can sense emotions every time so its gonna be understable ).

" Its okay, I know both of them a little bit and I am pretty sure it would have taken much time and our energy without an external help so I used the moment" I looked at her with a smile. There aren't much time when i really smile. I am what you guys call yeah ' a two face guy ' but I genuinely was right now feeling happy.

" oh, can you tell me what strength did I have " I looked at Sam and said while smiling. Actually other peoples when they could shoot energy out of their body when they reach king relam, combined it with your flesh on monarch relam to increase your power exponentially but not completely cause if your body cant handle it then it's not point and you make your external body perfect .In saint relam, your internal organs combined with your external organs is ready to take any type of energy. And in demigod or above, laws resign atleast at ancient god stage. Nobody knows above that. ( honestly me neither, but it gonna take time so I will think so something good 😁😁 ).

" Well you are almost in the king relam " He looked at me and said seriously.

" Ninth peak huh" I was still thinking if I could fight somebody or not.

" Raj, can you realease your full LF for a bit " Sam looked at me and said awkwardly.

" No thanks " I immediately said. This is the power which I have been trying to hide. and this guy is brazenly demanding to see it.

" Raj, can you show it to me " Ava looked at me and said seriously.

" As I sa--" I was cutting her off but she said in middle.

" Its necessary, please " She looked at me and said slowly. Honestly I again wanted to refuse her but feeling her emotions I couldn't say it. She was scared and nervous.

" Then just you and I will need you to do something too " I said as I move closer to her and put my fingers on her forehead and injected my True LF.

" As expected " As she said, her Mood got chaotic.

" What happened"

" listen to me, If those gods find you. They will make you a power supplier or even worse, they will kill you and form potion. Your life force is too pure. even gods will heal if they ar hurt " She was scared but for me.

" Got it "

" No, you said you owe me a favour right " She said to me hurriedly.

" well, my first request is I want you to be alive"

" that's goes without saying, believe it or not. I care about my life more than you think of " I said while chucking.

" I want to help me form "Nine step divine alliance" "

" Wait what is that " I was kinda confused so I asked her.

" I will tell you that in the Next festa which is in sultanate county principality of kiveRas empire ( sorry if I miss spelled it, I will correct it later ). and yeah, most importantly dont get hurt ok " She said as took off fast.

" Wow, captain really like you. she never loses her cool like this " She said as she said while being super excited while her fingers interlocked with Sam.

" oi, forget me, you guys are going fast " I said as I said while smiling.