
Becoming a Personal guard

Finally we reached this state. It was worth it . Me and Sam has already been separated in different ways. He had gone to kidnap Princess and take her places and I was on the way of one of the personal guards ' Clien Morgan ' , I have already made an investigation about him. A man with just a wife with no parents and kids. The reason was that ,I want someone who wasnt known by much peoples. He was a introvert and also just had a wife. He was just twenty two year old, an honest upright man. This was the basic information on him which I got from shadow cats. From ten days I investigated him, stalked him when he was at home or at work.Honestly I am sure even her wife knows less than me. I know what he eat, what he hate, fuck i even all of his sex position.

" eight years old kicking and sc..." He was singing softly. I sneaked upon him and slit his throat and absorbed while he was still standing. In a min, he became a dry corpse. I put my mask on, I exchanged it for a "space sealing" tailsman for hoverboard, mask and for some other things. The tournament in day after tomorrow and I didnt want to take any chances.

I knew when he goes home, he would buy some pastries from her wife ' Anna Morgan ', she was quite a sweet tooth. Honestly I cant see her but her voice made her sound like a kid.

" Oh, Morgan you are here " A middle aged slightly plump lady called him the moment he entered.

" Aunty Salma, could you finish it fast. I have to get home fast, I am already late " I told her with a silly smile. ( guys I would like if you can comment. what do you think of translation of after this part, it my first time ever. )

" I knew, it's been just a year after all. ofcourse you have a lot to do " She said with a mischievous smile.

" hehhh" I gave her a smile which means ' busted ' and took the pastries after I paid the money.

I was already in front of his house. It was two stories building. And my house was on the second floor. Its impossible for someone to have their own land these days, only if you have a noble backing then it's possible but considering other people of this principality. Most of people here live in slums with straw hurts, while some live in mud house which is a good standard. As for Morgan family, they live on the private property of Lord Miguel who is common lord under the Gray ( the target ) by paying rent which could be considered in upper class.

I was already in front of Morgan house.

" Honey I am back " I shouted as I got inside.

" Just a min, I am coming " I heard a distant voice. I knew she was in kitchen making food for Clien.

" You, how you many times I have to tell you not to put pastries on the floor " She said in a helpless tone as she got down to pick up the pastries. But before he could pick it up, I kissed her, she first struggled a little bit then gave herself. This was their usual routine. According to scientists, this is called honey period where they are madly in love with each other.

" You are always like this " She looked away for a bit and then gave gave me a deep kiss again. Honestly I was loving a but here, my first kiss, my first sex all of that by a random girl but then again, it was necessary not to give her any chance. ( sorry, don't have word stock up for echhi novel ).

Moving on to the next part the plan was successful.

1 AM Night

" Baby, it's been a year now, I wonder when we would have our baby " She said in a light voice (😑😑😑 ok, don't look at me like that, I am not married so I didnt what husband wife talk about, I am just considering the situation here. )

" Dont worry, we are gonna have a cute baby " I looked at her full of love and strokes her hair gently.

" I know, I just want a baby fast " she said as she got up and started giving me fella ( you guys know what it means right😋😋😋, for those who don't, just forget it 😐😐😐 ).

" By the way hubby, did something something Intresting happed at the Lords castle." She said while still sucking.

The lord she mean was Gray marquis. I looked at her coldly while remembering her past. Clare weinman, who is currently the third concubine of the earl has a daughter who had died when she had born. Now for this girls introduction, Cureent name :-Anna Morgan, Real name:- Donna weinman. Job :- To get information from the Clien about Gray. Every one know who he is but now that he had lost the support of the marquis family, they dont fear him. Although they dont attack him but they are not be merciful If attacks him too. On surface, they have nothing, but he was Earl's son in law but since he is also subordinate, he tries to keep reign of him. Its a three layered plan by the earl.

As for why not just make this guy a spy. There are two possibilities, either he is gonna revolt and will become useless or he complies and will end up doing something idiotic. This guy is clearly not smart, a little dull if you ask me and besides cause of this, nobody will suspect him. I made a remark of how smartly this guy thinks.

" Ofcouse day after tomorrow, there a competition for personal guards to become the best and remain beside the lord for energy time, maybe I will became one too" I looked at her and told her with a foolish smile.

" Ofcouse you will, you are strong after all " she said as she excitedly but I can feel her scorn, his loathes, her lying, everything was just according to her training. Maybe she can fool her cause I can see right through her heart.

Hehh, that was pretty hard and intense. Don't worry, I am not particularly making it dark, there are two reasons first you need a lot of experience for that or its just forced. good one like Regenade immortal, and reverend insanity or bad one like absolute choice etc.

I don't want to side characters to become idiots and only the mc is genius crap. most of us are general peoples so we cant relate to geniuses. so this . And I an free to suggestion as always

lordblanckcreators' thoughts