
Let's do that

' Wait, why am I do angry, no no I cant control my anger. it's not pity which I am feeling. i am genuinely angry ' I thought about it and realised that from very beginning my emotions easily got affected in her presence.

" Who was it " I calmed myself down but still when I said this I could feel wrath in my voice.

" oi, Ava you okay " I called out for her over and over again. I even sprinkle water over her face but to no avail. she was completely unconscious.

' Shit man, it's bad. I cant leave her here but I have to go Today ' Today was the day of assassination and I cant leave her here. So I decided to heal her first.

I removed her clothes which were already in tatters. Just removing Her jeans, And Tshirt was okay since the only this which is beneficial is make the seventh Seal inject.

" What a smooth skin " I murmured in daze but suddenly lift up my hands as I gulped my saliva. Although I couldn't her I still remember her look when the last time I saw her. She wasnt too beautiful but had a different charm in her face like she was made according to my interests, her skin colour a little yellow and brown eyes along with her white hair ( platinum blonde for those who dont understand). But after what lady time I tried to forget it.

'Could it be some sort of bewitching technique ' At one point I even thought of that and so I was beware of her.

' But what now, she is at end of her rope and cant use anything since even her LF is barely left but I still felt pain whenever I looked at her ' I thought I stroked her short hair. And then again started forming seals. I may not be a veteran in relationships but I have a fare share of friends who are more beautiful than her. Even celebrities dont make me feel like she does.I knew she was special to me atleast on surface no matter how much I deny.

' Since, you made me feel like this. I admit you are first crush and so I will do everything I can to help you ' As I thought I started making Ninth seals on right palm. And with a basic command all was fine just that I need to wait and keep transferring My LF.

' Raj, where the fuck are you ' I suddenly heard a enraged voice in my mind.

' what, Sam. there still time ' I subconsciously replied.

' no there isnt you idiot, I am in front of this fucker and we are all waiting for you '

' I am gonna be there in sometime and one more thing I think Sia is in danger '

' What ' Seddenly I heard a shout

' Miss, something happened 'I heard grays from other side. I knew he panicked and shouted in front of them so I quickly said

' Dont, calm down and that is if you dont want to die ' I said sternly.

' Yes, you are right ' Honestly I thought he would give me more resistance but I guess I underestimated him. There a reason he is known one of the greatest talents in this world. Yes, we are pretty famous in this world. We have once defeated several king class fighters on the way and Cause of that Currently Sam's rank is 2nd in this world talent list produced by transcendencers while I am Rank 9th and Ava canine as Rank one.

' Got it ' I didnt something like ' she is gonna be fine or we will save her ' Cause I dont want to give him unnecessary consoling which would later bite me.

' Now an inn would be the best choice for now 'I thought as I used one of "True space " tailsman which helps me move through the void which has saved my life several times even from saints like Icequeen. I didn't want to take any risk from her.

I first moved in her a room and then booked the room afterwards with my original appearance. And moves quickly for the castle

The reason I was anxious was cause I don't know for how long he can hold on.

' Don't blow up ' I keep murmuring these things and moved swiftly leaving after images.

' you know what fuck it ' The city is clearly too big and so I decided to go fastest I could.

' Itto Rakshya ' As I said in my mind I removed all the constraints I have on my body and my LF releasing at a tremendous rate and my speed increases more twenty fold if somebody else would have been watching me he would have just seen getting disappeared from one place to another followed a huge storm. This move was extremely dangerous since I could only use it once a day and more importantly my body cant contain such energy so it would just realease itself without any contrain which is truly dangerous. And the worst part is even if I release it my body parts will not hold down like last time, both of my eardrum got torned and some of my leg muscles got torn too so I only use it in extreme cases.

' huhhh, since I am doing this let's add something and I will go fastest ' I thought as I made fifth seal of Nature on my chest with the blood.

Current LF nature:- Wind. this was one of the benefits of being a mediocre in elements, you are equally talented in every element. As I did this my speed twice than before. Honestly I was already pushing it but I still wasnt satisfied. Generally I would already reached the office but I am still running in the entire city and I still don't know the reason.

' I am late, someone's life is in danger. what the hell am I doing ' This was all started as to increase my speed to get there fast and it suddenly became a Time to test my limits.

' Propulsion, like jets why the hell did I never thought of that . I clearly need to read books properly. it's gonna be my way for future development ' As I thought and used the sixth seal to marterlise in a Wing form structure. Although it wasnt the best I could have think of. it wasn't bad either. Either way all of this is gonna end in next Thirty seconds.

As I thought a snow white wings with features like structure was made but if someone saw it at close, he would realise that feathers are stiff like rock. Actually the reason it was white was because my LF is extremely pure.

' Its good, this design will help me release my LF from every part of wing and it could gave some other uses ' As I did and....

BOOOM. Straight to the building destroying the entire building.


I am tired am I am sleepy. so as I told before I am not dropping this. It's just gonna become better since I am in learning phase I guess.

And again. feel free to comment if you would like to give me some advice

lordblanckcreators' thoughts