
Banquet is tonight

' oh, God what the fuck is this ' This was something that came involuntarily to my Mind. Cause I have ended up crashing in main manor of Gray. Though this is not something I predicted but what I am most stunned about is the fact that Sam is in grays arms with tears in his face. But then I remembered that he had told me that he had already changed his appearance.

I was looking in their direction to be exact at ten Sam with a clear contempt in my eyes. It's not like I despise doing such tricks ,the thing I despise is the fact that he doesn't need to do THIS but he changed his plan on his and is now lying in a guys embrace with tears in his eyes. Well, this goes on for a kin before Gray realized what happened.

" Clien what the hell have you done " He asked me with a shaky and low voice but he was clearly angry.

' Raj, listen carefully tell him that you were trying to find the clues in the forest about the attack on me ' Before in could answer I heard Sam's voice in my head. Although I confused I realized the blunder which I am in so I decided to do what he saying.

" My lord , I was in forest trying to about the clues of attack which happen on her majesty " I said while my bowing my head and on my right knees. He was practically shaking in anger but when I said that he suddenly calmed down completely like all if that was a facade. And then I saw Sam's crying again.

' Wow, this guy should be pro actor ' I thought I smiled in contempt. While he still comforting sam, sam started talking again.

' Listen properly, According to my story, I got attacked in midway and well I am devastated and this will make closer to him ' He said as if he had told me a great plan.

' And you think a person like Gray will pity and let you get close to him ' I asked back without a second thought.

' Ofcouse not, but a bastard like him will use every moment he has to comfort a girl who is emotionally unstable to get a deep impression in her heart ' He told as he continued.

' That's why this phrase works in reality pretty well. * saving a person in dismal is easiest way to get her/his heart *. well it's the way for everyone but you know these are mostly guys who do that so....' In the end of sentence he started sighing. ( Yeah, you guys I strive to treat everyone equally. can't do it right now just trying though )

' ok, don't be hard on yourself pal and yeah you are right he will do that ' Honestly the plan was brilliant but it all falls down to him .

' And about Sia, don't w-- ' I thought of telling him about her but before I could say anything he shut me off.

' Not right now '

' got it '

" Clien, so did you find anything " After a while Gray calmly asked me.

" Reporting to lord, I suspect the peoples were assassins " I answer respectfully while speaking slowly. On my answer he pondered for sometime and then asked some questions.

In the end, the conclusion was pretty simple. I just told him that there were assassins after his life and to force him they have attacked her majesty. Well, whether he believed it or not doesnt matter now.

" My lord, what about today's banquet " I asked slowly. Gray was still engrossed while trymg to comfort her since after last explanation Sam teared up again.

" What , are you an idiot can't you see princess condition " He snapped while looking at me. ( yes, I have forgotten the princess name and there are some problems with my net so buf dont worry, if I find it necessary I.will read last chapter )

" My lord, this is exactly why such a thing happened that we need to comfort her " I told him calmly. All the others looked at me bewilderment that since when did he have such a glib tongue. Clien generally don't speak in these situation and that's the reason his standing in Personal guard army was low despite being the 5th strongest.

' fuck, I said too much ' Although i said i wasn't regretting it. With the sudden changes of events and low information, I wasn't able to think of a better plan than this and so.

' say something you idiot ' I told Sam again.

" I really appreciate your kindness sir clien, I will go to the banquet tonight " He said while looking at me with a smile and honestly that was pretty disgusting.

" Its my duty to suggest you your majesty " But I replied with utmost respect.

" Hahhh, Clien go take fifty silver from the accountant for your investigation will depend on you to save Miss "

" Thank you my lord " the second ranked Brian was completely left out who was supposed to be Sam's guard for today.

Late at night

2nd floor imperial castle of city, it's specially made for important foreign envoys. In a room two peoples were slightly discussing something.

" I hope it is as you said, cause earl is gonna be in tonight's party which is pretty bad for us. " I was pretty exhausted too. Sia is probably missing, Ava is hurt though I have dealt with the injuries she is still not awake.

" Since we have sometimes, it's time to watch something "

" what is it "

" Look at this video "

There was a video of guy in a black armor with two huge swords who was fighting a ogres and I mean hundreds of them. The fight starts with the guy looking at ogres without moving but the moment they got closer to him he started moving and restlessly swinging swords in all directions. And then Sam paused the video.

" what do you think "

" Well, the person clearly has some strength but he doesn't know how to use swords properly. His shoulders were giving his sword direction, his foot work was easy to read. He is not bad but yeah he is okay " I said as I evaluated him.

" hehe, you have just seen the tip. This guy is close combat fire warrior and he has a innate ability to produce the most corrosive fire which i have ever seen. And he is ranked ninth in world talent list. Ah, just so you know this current list also shows your strength. " He looked at me nonchalantly.

" so he is amazing then "

" well, not for eight others like us but others yes. "

" And who was the top eight again "

" you finally asked. Rank ten :- Sia Lucas, she is known for her illusion arts and water attributed body. Rank nine :- Haruto, as I said before this guy is well dual fire swordsman. Rank eighth:- Alfie, the strongest assassin is his title. he was first when he got attacked by 7th tier king known cause her Gf has some kind of Weird dagger and yeah that guy got killed by him after some says and the assassin Alfie was 6th tier human at that time "

" what, you sure he was sixth tier. "

" Yup, he is a loner just like you with a extremely high attiributic for Space and darkness which makes him the deadliest assassin "

" Has he joined Shadow cats "

" Nope, even the God came to teach him and he refused " . After listening to his words, I gasped a cold air.

" How did you know all of this "

" You don't have your fucking wristband and that's how we contact in earth " He looked at me like an idiot.

" Forget it, what's next " I said as i decided not to think over it.