
Mom is mine

If you were told to choose between the child you watched grow up under your tutelage and your biological child whom you just met, who would you choose? ********** Mi Du: "Third Young Master Mo, Your older brother (Mo Lingtian) is about to propose to the love of your life" Mo Ting jolted and screamed: "Impossible!! my older brother cannot do that to me!!" *********** Mo Lingtian: "She was betrothed to me even before she was born. What are you to come in between us? you have stayed too long at home, pack your things and get ready to join the Army" ******* Lu Yan: "Sister, I have liked Mo Lang for four years, but he doesn't like me, he likes you" Wei Yang: "What is that? is it a new robot?" ******** "They are here!!!" "What is here?" "They are attacking the economy of the country! call Mo Lingtian, now!!!!" Mo Lingtian: "I don't know how to salvage the situation, Call Wei Yang and her team, she should have a solution" Wei Yang: "Sorry, I can't do it, it's above my league" How would they save themselves from the Michets who came to seek revenge for a wrong done centuries ago? How would Wei Yang who is known to be the best computer expert deal with people and Michets who could be called the computers themselves? How would the giant of the business world; Mo Lingtian save the world's economy from crumbling under the feet of Innocent Yang who wouldn't blink before turning a country to ruins? ****** "Hehehehehe... It's so funny seeing them; punny humans run around like headless chickens to try to salvage the problems we bombard them with" "You are a human too or has the system gotten into your head?" "Get lost. I stopped considering myself a human since the day those greedy humans abandoned me here just to gain power and fame. If they won't let us rule over them, we destroy them and make slaves of the survivors. Master would be happy. Hahahahahahaha...!!" "Not the 'greedy humans' but your greedy parents who sent you here to gain fame and power." **********

Hassy_101 · Ciudad
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266 Chs

Discovery (2)

Sixteen years ago, Madam Lu and Madam Xu gave birth on the same day, in the same hospital. Coincidentally, their daughters were born prematurely, and as a result of this, they had to be left in the incubator.

At that time, the XUs were still a wealthy family which could afford the best hospital belonging to the LUs.

The LUs are from the Elite class and many look up to them and wish to befriend them.

The XUs on the other hand, were no different, they also wanted to have a relationship with the elite Lu family whose background was a mystery.

Unfortunately for the XUs, their company was crushed by their rival company before they could bring their dream to life.

Although they still maintained the company, it was only a shell on the verge of declaring bankruptcy.

They had lost all hopes until fate brought them together with the LUs sixteen years later through an accident.

The discovery which changed their lives forever, happened on Thursday afternoon.

It rained cats and dogs resulting in a slippery road. Lu Yan's chauffeur who was taking her home from school didn't see Mr. Xu crossing over to the other side of the road, because he was crossing from a blind bend. When he realized it, it was already too late. When he pulled the brakes, the slippery road did its job and let the tires slide forward and go out of the chauffeur's control.

The car lurched forward and threw Mr. Xu off the road, sending him flying.

Mr. Xu was rushed to the nearest hospital by Lu Yan who was frightened from the thought of almost killing someone. Even though she wasn't the one behind the steering wheel, she knew she had to take responsibility, otherwise, if the victim died, society wouldn't let her off.

On getting to the nearest hospital, Mr. Xu had lost too much blood and needed a blood transfusion. Unfortunately, his blood type was too rare and the local hospital did not have it in their blood bank. Lu Yan, who was of the same blood type as Mr. Xu, gave her blood without thinking and the incompetent nurse overdrew her blood which resulted in her failing unconscious.


Lu Yan woke up to find herself in a familiar hospital room. White wall, white ceiling, white and blue curtains, and a pot of fresh flowers on the bedside table. She didn't need to think much to know she was in their Lu family's hospital in the VIP ward.

She pressed the button attached to the side of the bed and a few seconds later, a team of doctors came rushing in.

Her parents rushed in after them. She saw the panic in Madam Lu's eyes and a...complicated? emotions on her father's face.

Now, that's the wrong kind of expression he was supposed to be having on as a father who almost lost his beloved daughter. Lu Yan didn't think much of it, she just concluded he was having problems at the company.

Madam Lu rushed to her daughter on the bed "Yan'er, are you okay? How are you feeling? Does it hurt anywhere else?" She held her daughter's hand, checking her from head to toe." You scared Mummy to death," Mrs. Lu sighed in relief when she saw her daughter was fine.

"I am fine Mum. Just a little weak," she said, lowering her head in guilt. She didn't know why she did that for a stranger.

"Doctor, how is she?" CEO Lu asked the doctor when he saw he was done with his examination.

"She is fine, she just needs a lot of rest. Make her eat more fruits and vegetables to replenish her blood."

"Ok, thank you doctor," CEO Lu thanked the doctors before they left.

CEO Lu just stood there, gazing at his loving daughter with complicated emotions. His daughter wasn't the type to sacrifice herself for anyone, let alone give her rear blood to a stranger. He had known since she was little that her blood type was different from theirs. She was of blood type AB negative. He didn't think too much about it until yesterday when he saw Mrs. Xu at the local hospital. He saw a not-so-striking resemblance in the woman and his daughter.

Just to be sure, he immediately transferred Mr. Xu to the Lu hospital and discreetly did a DNA test. Unfortunately, what he didn't want to believe happened. Yan'er was not his daughter, she was Mr. Xu's daughter.


The first few chapters are super short. I didn't know how many words a standard Webnovel chapter was supposed to have, until I became accustomed to writing and got familiar with other authors.

I couldn't do changes to the short chapters because it would affect the rest, so I left them that way. Please bear with me. I made long chapters with enough content in the preceding chapters. Enjoy your reading and don't forget to support this book and my other books too.

Thank you so much for taking out time to comment and point out the mistakes I ignored. Your comment means a lot to me.

To my silent readers, I appreciate you for choosing my book. What is an author without readers?

To those who voted and are still voting for me, I thank you.

I will be editing the updated chapters at dawn. I might not be able to update new chapters, please bear with me.

This is my first book, I want to try as much as possible to limit the errors.

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