
Mogul of Culture

Hikaru got reincarnated to another world and awakened the system that tells him to spread the culture from his past life? Is it that interesting? ------ this book is made for fun and if the feedback is good I might continue writing this. this is not purely my own work and I received some help from a friend. this will have smuts and a harem but rare

AvoidingFailure · Cómic
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10 Chs

Chapter 7- Where is the Promised?

She is very beautiful with the ponytail and she also has long legs that made the boys drool after her. Well, Hikaru is not one of those, but he admired the beauty of Komi.

The fitness test started, first is grip strength, followed by body flexibility, side stepping, sit ups, long jump, shotput handball.

Even though Hikaru just recovered from fever, he easily aced all of this showing his strength to his whole class then next is 50 meters sprint, the first one to go were the girls.

Komi is against a student named Yadano Makeru, she seems very competitive, the race started and Yadano ran as fast as she could that her face went to a weird look, she didn't care about her appearance anymore, well, unfortunately, Komi is much faster than her and easily surpassed her making Komi in 6.89 seconds.

After the girls, it was the boys' turn, Hikaru was against Tadano, Hikaru didn't run at full speed and only leisurely but he easily left Tadano behind, his final time was 6.69 seconds while Tadano got 8.39 seconds.

After the others had finished, the examinations ended.


In the blink of an eye, a week has passed and Hikaru's books were finally released in the bookstores, it was also sunday this time so Hikaru decided to go to the nearest bookstore to see how his book is selling.

But he is not going along, he was actually invited by Najimi and the others to come with them to buy it, and also get an autograph from him? Well , Hikaru didn't mind, so they all met at the cafe Hikaru is working at.

They didn't know Hikaru was working there so they all thought that it was just a random place Hikaru chose and it was actually a convenient place since it was close to a bookstore.

Arriving 30 minutes early, Hikaru was surprised to see Komi is already waiting there, she was wearing a very cute dress that made her more beautiful.

"Hey beautiful, why are you so early?"

Hikaru called out with a smile as he approached Komi who was surprised to hear him, she blushed when he called her a beauty, she is really weak with praises.

[Good morning Hikaru]

"Yes, good morning to you too Shouko, it seems like the others won't arrive until later, why don't we go inside and have a drink while we wait for them"

Hikaru smiled and opened the door of the cafe, Komi nodded and they both entered the cafe.


A voice immediately greeted them.

'Oh Hikaru-san, why have you come early?"

A middle aged man wearing sunglasses greeted them, this is Saya's father the owner of Endo cafe, Aki Endo, he smiled the moment he saw Hikaru then he looked at another one who entered with him.

"Oho? Is this your girlfriend Hikaru? She is pretty, nice to meet you little girl"

"Haha, she is my classmate Uncle"

Hikaru laughed out while Komi blushed when she was mistaken as Hikaru's girlfriend.

"Anyway, we will stay here for a while uncle, we are waiting for the others"

"That is good, while you wait, can you take over for a bit, I'm going to get something, I was waiting for Saya but she still hasn't arrived"

"Oh, sure, leave it to me"

"Okay, thanks"

Aki then left while Hikaru went towards the backroom to wear an apron, while on work, he also tied his hair into a ponytail.

Arriving in front of Komi who was staring at him with cat ears, Hikaru acted like a professional.

"What is your order madam? Also I won't serve anything unless you say it"

Komi jolted when she heard that, she then looked at the menu and saw many drinks, then she looked at Hikaru once again before turning her head away, if she continue staring at him she may not be able to look away anymore.

"C-c-c-could y-you please r-recommend a g-good drink"

Komi stuttered a few times but she was able to say it.

"I see, then for a beautiful girl like you, I will recommend Espresso, but if you don't like coffee I also recommend hot chocolate"

"H-hot chocolate please"

"Then please wait a minute"

Hikaru smiled then skillfully prepared the hot chocolate. It was quite easy to make for Hikaru as he had done it a lot of times and it took only a few minutes to be finished.

"Here is your hot chocolate, please enjoy"

Hikaru gave it to Komi who was staring at him the whole time before she snapped out of it and blushingly drank the hot chocolate, her cat ears came out as she took a sip, it was very delicious.

"How is it?"

Hikaru asked with a smile.

"I-its very delicious"

"Thank you for your praise"

Hikaru then suddenly looked out and saw the others had already arrived, Najimi and Tadano came together, and it seemed they hadn't noticed they were inside so Hikaru immediately went out and invited them in.

Now, they only have to wait for Agari, Hori wasn't able to join because she is busy.

"Whoa, are you working here Hikaru-kun?"

Tanadano asked.

"My uncle owns the shop"

Hikaru replied vaguely, not telling them that he works here, so hearing that it was the shop of his uncle, they thought that he was just helping out.

"Hey, Najimi, don't go somewhere without permission"

"Boo! I also want to try being a coffee master, maybe I can work here?"

"I don't know about that, you can ask uncle later"

"Okay, also give me a black coffee"

"Ho? That's unexpected choice of drink"

"Heh, I'm already an adult and black coffee is a drink for an adult"

Najimi made a jojo-like pose as she/he said that everyone looked at him.

"Well, how about your Tadano?"

"I'll get cappuccino, I haven't tasted that in a while"

"Okay, one black coffee and cappuccino coming right up"

Hikaru then prepared their drinks and it didn't take long for him to give it to them, it didn't take long for Agari to also arrive, Hikaru didn't want her to be left out so he gave her a take out,

Aki also arrived a few moments later and the group then made their way towards the bookstore, the name of the bookstore is Katsugi Bookstore, it was already opened there are not a lot of people inside so the group was able to go inside easily.

Tons of books immediately greeted them as they entered inside, Hikaru curiously looked around to see if there are some books that he knew of, but looking around, he didn't see anything that was familiar/

"Hikaru, let's go to your light novel already, I want to read it"

Najimi immediately pulled him, Hikaru nodded and they went towards the new categories, it was in the middle of the bookstore. There were a lot of new books. Hikaru also saw the place where his book is organized and a few had already taken it.

It was quite good since they didn't promote the book at all and just published it, and this bookstore is also not that popular. Najimi and the others immediately picked his book and went to the counter to buy it; they weren't interested in other books.

Hikaru stayed for a bit and skimmed over the books, and he found the stories kind of lacking? Maybe it was quite good in this world but if you compare it to the ones from his past life, they were like shit, they can't even be called a cliche.

Hikaru sighed, it's not that he is insulting the other writers but it wasn't really up to par of what he had expected, no wonder Ayame and the Chief editor accepted his book, Hikaru sighed and took two of his books, one is for his brother Kashima and one is for his uncle Aki.

While he was at it too, he also bought a book of Izumi Masamune sensei to see his works.

They immediately bought the books and the group decided to read it later, for now, they will stroll around the place and maybe enjoy a little of their gathering, so they went to parks, and to the zoo.

The sun was already setting when they decided to go home, the group split up once again to go their homes but Hikaru stayed with Komi to bring her home safely.

"Did you enjoy today?"

[Today is very enjoyable, thank you Hikaru]

"That is good, we will go more places in the future so don't think this is the last"

Hikaru smiled, Komi nodded then there was silence, Komi glanced at Hikaru's face and a blush could be seen on her face.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at Komi's house, after saying goodbye to each other.

Komi entered her home and directly went to her room, she then jumped towards her bed and couldn't help but remember how much fun she had today, she then took out the light novel from her bag and looked at it carefully.

Meanwhile, Hikaru went back to the cafe to work, But while walking, Hikaru opened his system and looked at his mission.

[Mission 1: Earn 5,000/5,000 Yen from recreating anything from your past life, -Rewards: Gacha System Opens, Gacha Ticket x1(Mission completed, rewards can now be claimed)]

[Mission 2: Earn 259/300 Fame Points from the things you recreated, -Rewards: Gacha Ticket x1]

Hikaru sighed in relief as he saw his mission was finally finished, he thought that it wouldn't go up until he received the money, but it was already done.

"Claim rewards"


[Rewards has been claimed]

[You have now unlocked Gacha System]

[You have received Gacha Ticket 1x]

"Good, open gacha System"

The moment Hikaru said that, he suddenly found his surroundings darkened, then out of nowhere, a huge roulette appeared in front of him, there were words written on the roulette.

Consumables, Skills, Special Items, and finally a Jackpot which is nothing but question marks.

Hikaru couldn't see the prizes other than the words written on the roulette, but looking at the words, they have different categories, consumables must be for consumable items, yes, he knows its commonsense, as for skills, its vague, there are many types of skills so Hikaru can't predict what it was,as for special items, Hikaru also doesn't know, and no need to say about the jackpot.

Taking a deep breath, Hikaru raised his hand.

"Use Gacha ticket"

[Gacha Ticket is used, please spin the roulette.]

Hikaru then approached the roulette and grabbed the end of the roulette, then with a powerful pull.


The roulette then started spinning at a very fast speed that only after images could be seen from it, Hikaru didn't know how long had passed but he was very nervous and excited as the roulette finally slowed down and landed on a category.



Chapter 3-

The arrow landed in the skill category.


[You have received Cooking Skill]

"A cooking skill…"

Hikaru stared at the skill that he received. It was quite different from his expectation, isn't this a system? Wouldn't he get something like a Sharingan or flying skill? Is his system a bronze age edition?

[Cooking Skill]

[Proficiency Level 0(0/100)]

*Proficiency will increase as you cook.


'I think I have been scammed'

Where is the promised sharingan? Super strength? Character summon? Is the system not keeping its promises!?

[There is no such promise!]


Hikaru left the roulette space and looked at the sky. His system is actually a street version, but he can't do anything about it anymore, he already started spreading culture, it's too late to back out now.

Sighing, Hikaru went back home, and he also thought that, it was good to start cooking, he was making Kashima do everything, that kid might not be saying anything but he was already taking care of Kotarou and also taking care of him, so he might as well take the cooking.