
Mogul of Culture

Hikaru got reincarnated to another world and awakened the system that tells him to spread the culture from his past life? Is it that interesting? ------ this book is made for fun and if the feedback is good I might continue writing this. this is not purely my own work and I received some help from a friend. this will have smuts and a harem but rare

AvoidingFailure · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 6- Dense Jerk

He didn't feel that much and he still felt energetic this morning.

Just as he was thinking about these things, someone suddenly lifted the notebook from his head, and a soft hand touched his forehead.

"Hikaru-san! Your boiling hot, you have a fever!"

He heard a voice when he looked up, he saw Hori-san looking at him, her voice was a little loud that everyone who is on the classroom heard it, Komi who was playing with Najimi and the others immediately stopped playing and ran towards Hikaru to see his condition.

Tadano also looked over.

"Let's bring Hikaru to the infirmary"

Tadano immediately said.

"I will help you carry him"

Hori said.

They then carried the sick Hikaru to the infirmary and laid him on the bed.

"You guys may now return to your classroom, I will take care of this"

The nurse said before everyone left, Komi looked at Hikaru with worry before also leaving.

"Here drink this"

"Mam, my fever is not that much, I can still-"

"Shut up and lay down there before I beat you up, patients should listen to the nurse"

She said before shoving a thermometer to his mouth and also giving Hikaru medicine, Hikaru can only sigh helplessly and do what he was told to do.


Meanwhile, Komi feels very worried that she couldn't focus in the class anymore, as her friend, first friend, Komi had already noticed Hikaru seemed different earlier but she failed to notice that he was actually sick, she is thinking that it was her fault that Hikaru became sick.

Now she felt anxious and restless, Tadano who was not too far away noticed this also feeled worried, he was genuinely worried for Hikaru as he was also his friend, Tadano is such a good kid.

After the class ended, Hori approached Komi and patted her on the shoulder.

"He will be okay, it's just a fever"

Hori consoled who still look worried, Komi nodded, to console her more, Hori hugged Komi which relaxed Komi for a little bit.

"We can visit him later"


Surprisingly Komi replied Hori smiled and patted Komi before they want to their seats as the next class started.


Hikaru slowly opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling on top of him. He somewhat feels better now, Hikaru stood up from the bed and felt his clothes drenched with sweat, he looked around and saw no one was there.

He took off his sweat drenched clothes, Hikaru felt better, he looked out the window and saw it was already noon, he looked towards the bathroom before leaving his shirt and going towards the bathroom to wash his face.

Washing his face with cold water, Hikaru felt very refreshed, he felt so much better, he took a deep breath before going out of the bathroom, but just as he got out of the bathroom, the door of the infirmary suddenly slid open.

There were 5 people who were staring at him, respectively, Komi, Hori, Tadano, Najimi and Agari. Hikaru also stared back at them, there was nothing but silence.

"Close the door! A teacher might come!?"

Hikaru immediately said.

The group immediately panicked and Najimi pushed them inside then closed the door, then they finally reacted to what happened and they all became shocked once again, they stared at Hikaru's body that has a tattoo that covers almost all of his body, and even though he is not muscled, it was still a body of a healthy young man.

"How long are you going to stare?"

Hikaru suddenly teased.

The girls immediately blushed before covering their eyes with their hands but they still left a small hole for them to see, while Tadano and Najimi seemed to be amazed.

"Amazing Hikaru-kun! You actually have tattoos!"

Najimi immediately jumped to Hikaru and inspected his tattoos, Tadano also looked around admiring Hikaru's tattoo.

"Wait! Stop that! Hikaru-san, why do you have a tattoo!? That is against the school rules!"

Hori finally reacted and immediately reprimanded Hikaru.

"I actually already have this before I enrolled to this school, the principal also noticed it but didn't say anything"

Hikaru replied as he took his uniform again and wore it.

"No! That is against the rules, you must immediately remove it"

"Well, I can't, removing tattoo costs a lot of money, I don't have money to do that, I still have to support my family"

Hikaru replied with a wry smile, he was helpless, if his parents were still here they would happily pay to remove it for him but they were already gone so Hikaru can't do anything, and removing this much tattoo will definitely hurt a lot.

Hori wants to say something but is helpless, she can only keep it a secret from the others, meanwhile, Komi is still staring at Hikaru with her notebook covering the half of her face while Agari was already swallowing her saliva as she looked at him.

"Well, anyway, I hope you guys keep this a secret, I don't really let anyone know about this"

"Its okay Hikaru-san we won't say anything"

Tadano immediately replied.

"Hey Najimi! I know you are curious but please refrain from licking me"



Hikaru sighed he was really careless this time, he made a mistake, he thought, everyone already went home, sighing, he can't do anything about it, thankfully, it was his friends who discovered him except for Hori? Well, since she knows his secret she must join the group.

"Let's go home"

Hikaru smiled, he had somewhat recovered from his fever, everyone nodded and made their way home, Hori, Agari and Najimi's house were at a different direction so they already separated at the gate while Tadano walked with them for a while before going to a different street.

Now only Hikaru and Komi were the ones left, Hikaru's house were closer than Komi but he decided to walk Komi back to her house, surprisingly her house is close to the cafe that he is working at.

"Sorry for worrying you Komi, wait actually, I'll call you Shouko now, since you already call me Hikaru which is my first name"


Komi was shocked from the sudden surprise of calling her by her first name, and she never thought that Hikaru was actually his first name.

"Haha, that is easy to mistake, I don't really like people calling me by my last name, since you already got used to it, I will call you by your first name. Is that okay? Shouko"


Shouko blushed as she heard him call her by her first name again, it didn't take long for Komi to reach her house, Hikaru then left to go towards the cafe to continue his work.

Looking at his disappearing figure, Komi returned back to her home and went directly to her room and jumped to her bed, she hugged her pillow and dug her face to it, then she remembered Hikaru calling her first name, she blushed again before kicking her bed furiously.

"Onee-chan you are noisy!"


Hikaru was sent home by the boss after hearing he had a fever, he even got reprimanded for not taking care of his health, he was then instructed to rest for the day and come back tomorrow, Hikaru sighed and followed.

He reached his home and his two brothers are not home yet. He went directly to his room and changed his clothes before going to sleep.

Just as he was about to go to sleep, the door suddenly opened and his brother Kashima rushed towards him.

"Nii-san, I heard that you have a fever"

Kashima looked at him worriedly.

'Really, they don't really have to worry that much'

Hikaru thought as he looked at his brother's worried face, he patted Kashima on the head.

"I'm okay, I'm just going to rest for a little bit, you should take care of your health okay, so you won't be like me"

Kashima looked like he was about to cry before wiping it off and nodding.



Hikaru woke up early the next morning. He felt better now, but he decided to do exercises today. He had ignored his health because of how busy he was for the past few days but now, he will take care of it.

He wore a sweater and a mask before going for a run, Hikaru didn't run leisurely and ran at a fast speed, he doesn't have a lot of time so he plans to use all up of his energy in one go.

He ran for about 20 minutes without stopping before he was out of breath, he stopped in a park and did some exercises there such as push ups and some other more.

He spent about 2 hours before going back home, arriving back at his house. Kashima was already up and was making breakfast.

The moment he saw Hikaru coming from outside Kashima was shocked.

"Nii!? Where did you go?"

"I went to exercise"

"Exercise? You just had a fever yesterday! How can you be so reckless brother?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I feel stiff laying down all day, go continue cooking, I'll take a quick bath then i'll wake Kotarou up"

Kashima didn't say anything but stared at Hikaru before sighing and continued making breakfast.

Hikaru took a quick shower before changing back to his uniform and waking Kotarou up, waking up this cute little guy was very easy for Hikaru, he just had to touched Kotarou's nose with his finger then he wakes up, Kotarou slowly opened his eyes and when he saw Hikaru he immediately hugged him.

"Oh? Did you miss your nii-nii?"

Hikaru chuckled as he felt that Kotarou hugged him tightly, Hikaru didn't mind and hugged his little brother back before making their way back to the kitchen.

Kashima already finished preparing and when he saw Kotarou hugging Hikaru he could not help but smile.

"Now, let's eat"

They ate their breakfast.

"Oh, by the way, I think my light novel is going to be distributed in next week"

Hikaru received a text just last night from Ayame telling him they have already printed 10,000 copies of his book and will be distributed around, and that is a lot, if the book didn't sell well then the company will surely lose a lot, but this shows their confidence with the novel.

"Really? Congratulations Nii-san"

Kashima already knew about Hikaru's novel and was the first one to hear it was going to be published, he was certainly happy for Hikaru.

After breakfast, Hikaru dropped the two to their school before going towards his, arriving at his classroom, Komi was already there, always early as usual.

Hikaru greeted her and told her he was already fine, Komi looked all over him to see if he was really fine then looked at his body then Komi suddenly remembered yesterday and blushed.

"Hmm? You are red, did you get a fever too?"

Hikaru innocently touched Komi's forehead and felt it was burning hot.

"It's hot, Let's go to the infirmary!"

Hikaru immediately said but just as he was about to pull Komi, Hori came and Hikaru said what happened, Hori talked with Komi in a low voice and they talked to each other, then Hori looked at him and sighed.

"She is okay"


"Yeah, you dense jerk"


It didn't take long for the others to arrive and the class started, but today is Physical examination, and they have to do some tests.

Girls and Boys are separated, the first test is vision test, Hikaru is nearsighted so he scored low, next is the body height, Hikaru is fairly tall 177.7 cm, Weight is 76, then sitting height… After doing a few more examinations next is the fitness test.

Students are tasked to change to their P.E uniforms. Hikaru was quite happy that their P.E uniforms had jackets so he happily wore one, the one that caught attention the most is Komi.

(I'll stick calling her Komi and only Hikaru calling her Shouko to not confuse you guys)